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Best Diablo 4 Barbarian Build and Guide

Best Diablo 4 Barbarian Build and Guide
By | August 8th, 2024 | Categories: Diablo

Barbarians are the premiere martial class in Diablo 4, forgoing magic and dexterity in favor of raw strength. In this article, we’ll focus on Hammer of the Ancients, as this is the central damage skill for many Barbarian builds, and for good reason.

This build comprises the following skills in your hotbar:

  • Lunging Strike
  • Hammer of the Ancients
  • War Cry
  • Rallying Cry
  • Charge
  • Wrath of the Berserker

This build’s rotation is extremely simple. You use Charge to close in the distance, followed by a couple of Lunging Strikes to build Rage. Then, once you’ve built up enough Rage, cast War Cry and Rallying Cry for a damage boost through the Berserking state and end with as many HotA casts as your resources allow for maximum damage.

Skill Allocation

When leveling a Barbarian with this build, allocate your points in these skills:

  • Lunging Strike
  • Enhanced Lunging Strike
  • Hammer of the Ancients
  • Enhanced Hammer of the Ancients
  • Furious Hammer of the Ancients
  • Combat Lunging Strike
  • Rallying Cry
  • Enhanced Rallying Cry
  • Tactical Rallying Cry
  • 2 points of Hammer of the Ancients
  • Charge
  • Enhanced Charge
  • Power Charge
  • War Cry
  • Enhanced War Cry
  • Mighty War Cry
  • 2 points in Hammer of the Ancients
  • 3 points in Endless Fury
  • Swiftness
  • Wrath of the Berserker
  • Prime Wrath of the Berserker
  • Supreme Wrath of the Berserker
  • 2 points in Swiftness
  • Aggressive Resistance
  • 3 points in Battle Fervor
  • 3 points in Prolific Fury
  • Unconstrained
  • 4 points in Charge
  • 3 points in Pit Fighter
  • 3 points in Imposing Presence
  • Thick Skin
  • 3 points in Counteroffensive
  • 3 points in Heavy Handed
  • 3 points in Wallop
  • 2 points in Booming Voice

Hammer of the Ancients Gear Affixes

Starting with your Legendary Aspects, take the following:

  • Aspect of Might
  • Aspect of Disobedience
  • Aspect of Ancestral Force
  • Iron Blood Aspect
  • Ghostwalker Aspect
  • Edgemaster’s Aspect
  • Aspect of Vocalized Empowerment
  • Aspect of Unrelenting Fury
  • Aspect of the Expectant

For your gems, slot Rubies in your weapons and armor for more Overpower damage and max life. As for your jewelry, slot in Diamonds for the extra Resistances.

Lastly, you’ll need these affixes in your gear. If your current armor doesn’t have these, re-roll or look for another gear piece:

  • Helmet
    • Strength
    • Cooldown Reduction
    •  Maximum Life
  • Chest
    • Strength
    • Maximum Life
    • Any Resistance
  • Gloves
    • Attack Speed
    • Critical Strike Chance
    • Ranks to Hammer of the Ancients
  • Pants
    • Ranks to Charge
    • Strength
    • Max Life
  • Boots
    • Movement Speed
    • Strength
    • Fury Per Second
  • Amulet
    • Movement Speed
    • Cooldown Reduction
    • Critical Strike Chance
  • 2-Handed Weapons
    • Damage
    • Strength
    • Maximum Life
    • Attack Speed
    • Fury on Kill
  • 1-Handed Weapons
    • Strength
    • Maximum Life
    • Attack Speed
    • Fury on Kill

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