list Black Ops 6 Zombie DLC Leaks and Other Nerfs - PlayerAuctions Blog

Black Ops 6 Zombie DLC Leaks and Other Nerfs

By | November 12th, 2024 | Categories: Call of Duty

A lot of news surrounding Black Ops 6’s Zombies mode has surfaced thanks to some dataminers uploading leaks of all new upcoming DLC content. Not only that, Treyarch has nerfed some of the Zombies camo challenges and weapon performance. Here, we’ll list down everything you need to know for BO6.

New Zombies Leaks

A few leakers have managed to compile information on some upcoming Zombies content. First, some classic Perk-a-Colas will be returning to BO6, including the classic Double Tap, Vulture Aid, Death Perception, and Mule Kick drinks. Another datamined leak for BO6 is the files for the reprised Ray Gun Mark 2 from BO2’s TranZit map, likely to arrive in the middle of December.

These returning perks might be tied to the Season 1 launch of the game, with Treyarch teasing out more content to come after the launch. Players are expecting one new map for Zombies around mid-December, based on Treyarch’s tweet.

Treyarch has also announced the return of limited-time events for Zombies, promising that Black Ops 6 will have the most limited-time events out of all the CoD games with Zombies.

Zombies Game Balancing and Bug Fixes

BO6 Zombies came out with many game-breaking issues that give players infinite revives and mixed-up Gobblegum names. Some guns have also been given balance updates with a few buffs and nerfs to their damage output.

Initially, players could bypass the downed state with the Dying Wish perk, giving a period of invulnerability. This perk can only be used three times per game, but there is an exploit where players can simply save and quit the match, then come back to reset the perk’s limit. This has since been fixed.

The Gobblegum UI previously had an issue where switching tabs in the Gobblegum menu would switch up the labels, causing players to accidentally equip the wrong Gobblegums in their pack. Now, the proper names will be displayed whenever tabs are switched.

Lastly, many weapons have been nerfed due to their overperformance in Zombies mode. These are the:

  • ASG-89
  • Marine SP
  • XM4
  • Model L
  • Goblin Mk2
  • AK-74
  • Ames 85
  • GPR-91
  • AS VAL.

To compensate, the following weapons have been buffed:

  • C9
  • KSV
  • Tanto .22
  • Kompact 92
  • PP-919
  • Jackal PDW

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