Why Black Ops 6 Zombies’ Manglers Are Driving Players Crazy

Black Ops 6 players believe that Zombies’ Manglers may need several major changes for game balance. This is a no-brainer as Manglers are one of the most complained about enemy types in Black Ops 6 Zombies. For those unaware, Manglers are a special enemy type that appears shortly after Round 10 in the game’s Zombies maps. Those who play lots of high Zombies rounds have most likely noticed a few major issues with Manglers in Black Ops 6.
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Black Ops 6 Zombies’ Manglers Could Use Some Tuning Up
Since the release of Black Ops 6 Zombies, players have noticed a lot of major issues with the Manglers in the game. The following are some of the commonly noticed issues with Manglers.
Cannon Tracking
Manglers are known to have powerful arm cannons which identify as their greatest weapon, and their most obvious weak points. While the cannon blasts from Manglers don’t initially deal too much damage, they can get overwhelming in later rounds. And that still wouldn’t have been much of an issue if the blast didn’t also track the player after being fired.
Cannon Blast Affects Other Zombies
In Black Ops 6 Zombies, a Mangler cannon not only affects the players — but also other zombies as well. This can be used to the player’s advantage, but also prove to be frustrating at times. Sure, you can use the cannon blasts as a quick getaway when trapped by a horde of zombies. But for those who love to get large hordes of zombies following them around in order to get Critical Kills or multi-kills on them are frustrated when a Mangler blasts right through them instead.
Spawn Rate
Initially, Manglers are seen in limited amounts, with waves in earlier rounds featuring just one or two. But these special enemies become far too common in later rounds. Treyarch needs to take quick action to make changes to the Manglers’ spawn rates soon, or risk having Black Ops 6 Zombies being remembered as an unbalanced Mangler-filled hell.
Bullet Sponges
One of the most frustrating issues with Manglers in Black Ops 6 is that, at later rounds, they end up soaking up tons of damage before going down — even when using a Pack-a-Punch Tier 3 weapon. With that said, players should rely on the Napalm Burst Ammo Mod to target the Mangler’s weakness. Aiming for the head or the Mangler’s arm cannon are excellent weak spots to exploit.
To sum everything up, Black Ops 6 Zombies’ Manglers have many major issues with only a few mentioned here. The last thing players would want in a high round in Black Ops 6 Zombies, is having to face a particularly high number of special zombies that not only shoot cannons that track players but also absorb a ton of damage before getting knocked out.