All FFXIV Expansions in Order: Which Ones to Play First

Final Fantasy XIV is arguably one of the most popular MMORPGs in the world, if not the most popular. The game has a decade’s worth of expansions, and we have six of them in total, which includes the most recent Dawntrail. Each expac opens up new areas, content, and items and progresses the overall story with each campaign. If you want to play FFXIV expansions in chronological order, then here is the progression for the whole game.
Do You Have to Play All Expansions in Order?
Yes and no. In gameplay terms, you only need to play A Realm Reborn and the most recent expansion to catch up with the rest of the community. Youβll be able to sufficiently level with just these two expacs, and the gear you get from the recent updates will have you caught up on the current meta. In addition, your progression will be much more efficient if you focus on the first and last expansions from the get-go. If you want to collect certain cosmetics from specific campaigns, we advise you to follow this route first to be sufficiently leveled for most fights.
However, following the chronological order of the expansions can help you appreciate the game’s lore. Eorzea’s storyline has one of the most exciting and compelling plots in any MMO, and each character you meet and place you visit leaves a mark on you. Here are all the expansions if you want to do them in chronological order:
- A Realm Reborn (2013)
- Heavensward (2015)
- Stormblood (2017)
- Shadowbringers (2019)
- Endwalker (2021)
- Dawntrail (2024)
Before A Realm Reborn, FFXIV existed in a previous version of the world, but the game was deemed a failure and received negative feedback from most MMO gamers. Fortunately, Square Enix, under Yoshi P’s directive, was able to revive the game to its current state by remaking the whole of Final Fantasy XIV with the start of A Realm Reborn.
This version of FFXIV was released back in 2010 and is no longer playable. This one covered the Sixth Astral Era of Eorzea, which focused on the conflict between the Garlean Empire and the entire continent. The whole story culminated in the Battle of Carteneau, which ended in the event known as the Catalyst. The Garlean Empire tried to drop the moon Dalamud out of the sky. Upon Dalamud breaking in half during this process, it released the Primal Bahamut. This event caused thousands of deaths but was resolved by the sacrifice made by the sage Louisoix and his disciples. After this event, the Seventh Umbral Era started, which initiated A Realm Reborn.
A Realm Reborn
π‘ Quick Info:
- Release Date: August 27, 2013
- New Classes: Paladin, Warrior, Dragoon, Monk, Bard, Black Mage, Summoner, Scholar, White Mage, and Ninja
- New Raids: The Binding Coil of Bahamut, The Second Coil of Bahamut, and The Final Coil of Bahamut
ARR is considered the weakest in terms of storyline because the base game’s main task was to revive FFXIV, which it successfully did. It focuses on setting up many of the foundations of the current world, so it was bloated with information. It introduced many much-needed changes while also providing us with an exciting storyline.
Lore (Spoiler Alert)
ARR starts five years after the events of Carteneau, and it marks the first appearance of the Warrior Light, who is the chosen of Mother Crystal Hydaelyn. Players can start in the city-states of Gridania, Ul’dah, or Limsa Lominsa. This whole arc revolves around conflicts between the Scions and the Primals and some incursions against the Garlean Empire. The Ascians have revealed themselves again and are shown to be the masterminds behind the Garlean’s plan to use the Ultima Weapon. While the Scions defeated the Ascians and destroyed the Ultima Weapon, they were shortly forced into exile following the fight as the group was accused of poisoning the Sultana of Ul’dah.
π‘ Quick Info:
- Release Date: June 23, 2015
- New Content: Ishgard
- New Classes: Dark Knight, Astrologian, and Machinist
- New Raids: Alexander β The Fist of the Father, Alexander β The Cuff of the Father, Alexander β The Arm of the Father, Alexander β The Burden of the Father, Alexander β The Fist of the Son, Alexander β The Cuff of the Son, Alexander β The Arm of the Son, Alexander β The Burden of the Son, Alexander β The Eyes of the Creator, Alexander β The Breath of the Creator, Alexander β The Heart of the Creator, Alexander β The Soul of the Creator
Heavensward quickly ramps up the liveliness of FFXIV’s world-building by providing us with more dramatic flair and fantasy. It’s action-packed and full of engaging storylines, which set the bar for all subsequent expacs. There are so many things to explore and enjoy in Heavensward that many describe FFXIV as really starting from this expansion.
Lore (Spoiler Alert)
Heavensward continues the storyline from ARR as the Warrior of Light and the Scions take refuge in Ishgard. We get embroiled in the conflict between the city and the Dravanian dragons, called the Dragonsong War. Initially, the Scions were tasked with repelling the dragons, but it was quickly revealed that the humans in the area were the first ones to betray the draconic race.
Even with this revelation, as the Warrior of Light, you still need to defeat the giant Wyrm Nidhogg. After defeating the Archbishop of Ishgard to maintain peace, Nidhogg possesses one of the Scions, and youβre forced to battle him again to free Estinien. At the end of the story, itβs revealed that Sultana is still alive, and the murder accusations against the Scions is cleared.
π‘ Quick Info:
- Release Date: June 20, 2017
- New Content: Ala Mhigo and Doma
- New Classes: Red Mage, Samurai, and Blue Mage
- New Raids: Deltascape V1.0, Deltascape V2.0, Deltascape V3.0, Deltascape V4.0, Sigmascape V1.0, Sigmascape V2.0, Sigmascape V3.0, Sigmascape V4.0, Alphascape V1.0, Alphascape V2.0, Alphascape V3.0, and Alphascape V4.0
Stormblood is one of the franchise’s less popular expansions, primarily due to how excruciatingly long it was. However, itβs not a weak expac. It provided players with a strong narrative about oppression and rebellion, which touched the hearts of many players. Many of the new zones in this expac were more tranquil, which is ironic considering the setting. It still provided us with one of the most significant character developments in the game and showed us how the political landscape in one region can affect someone.
Lore (Spoiler Alert)
Stormblood revolves around the conflict between the Scions and the Garlean Empire, which has occupied the Ala Mhigo city-state. The Warrior of Light and local resistance were initially defeated by the Garlean Emperor’s son, Zenos. However, the Scions could regroup in Doma and overthrow the Empire’s garrison there. This event inspired other occupied regions, which ended up in the liberation of Ala Mhigo.
After Zenos seemingly slit his own throat in defeat, the Scions succumbed to a severe headache that forced them into a comatose state, with their minds transported to another dimension. Meanwhile, Ascians make a comeback and reveal that they have three leaders β one of which is Elidibus, who has now possessed Zenos’ body. We also come to find out that Zenos is actually still alive and is looking to reclaim his body.
π‘ Quick Info:
- Release Date: July 2, 2019
- New Content: the First
- New Classes: Dancer and Gunbreaker
- New Raids: Eden’s Gate: Resurrection, Eden’s Gate: Descent, Eden’s Gate: Inundation, Eden’s Gate: Sepulture, Eden’s Verse: Fulmination, Eden’s Verse: Furor, Eden’s Verse: Iconoclasm, Eden’s Verse: Refulgence, Eden’s Verse: Umbra, Eden’s Verse: Litany, Eden’s Verse: Anamorphosis, and Eden’s Verse: Eternity
Shadowbringers is a masterpiece, and many agree that itβs the best expansion of the franchise. Aside from gameplay, the story in this expac explored themes such as the stages of grief and acceptance. The world-building, storytelling, and character development in this version are top-notch, and it’s one of the few stories out there where we can fully sympathize with the villain. The superb lore and heavy theme made Shadowbringers shine as one of the best expansions ever.
Lore (Spoiler Alert)
The Shadowbringer’s story focuses on the Warrior of Light helping out the First in another dimension. The Crystal Exarch summoned them to help save this world from being consumed by the Light, turning the Warrior of Light into a Warrior of Darkness for the time being to fight the Lightwardens.
During these events, the third leader of the Ascians finally revealed himself, Emet-Selch. He explains the history of his group and how they came to be after the conflict between Hydaelyn and Zodiark caused the sundering. Emet aims to revive his civilization by sacrificing everyone in the current era. The Scions were able to defeat Emet-Selch and even save the First. Meanwhile, Zenos reclaimed his body and killed his father to become the new emperor of the Garlean Empire to prepare for his next fight with the Warrior of Light.
π‘ Quick Info:
- Release Date: December 3, 2021
- New Content: Old Sharlayan
- New Classes: Reaper and Sage
- New Raids: Asphodelos: The First Circle, Asphodelos: The Second Circle, Asphodelos: The Third Circle, Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle, Abyssos: The Fifth Circle, Abyssos: The Sixth Circle, Abyssos: The Seventh Circle, Abyssos: The Eight Circle, Anabaseios: The Ninth Circle, Anabaseios: The Tenth Circle, Anabaseios: The Eleventh, and Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle
Endwalker serves as the climax to the ongoing story, which spanned five updates. Its release during the pandemic made many worry about its reception, but it quickly became a fan favorite, and as we see it, has become FFXIV’s most emotional expansion. The stakes were high in the campaign as the story greatly emphasized the values of friendship, hope, sacrifice, and perseverance. This expac gave one of the most satisfying ends to a long-standing arc that not many MMOs dare to do.
Lore (Spoiler Alert)
Endwalker is the culmination of FFXIV’s overarching story, the conflict between Hydaelyn and Zodiark. The campaign is centered around Old Sharlayan, Garlemald, and Ultima Thule, the edge of the universe. While initially there to investigate anti-tempering technology developed by alchemists, the Scions go to the Garlean Empire to confront Zenos and try to stop his plans of releasing Zodiark from this prison.
Zenos succeeds in releasing the Ascian god but is betrayed by his companion, Fandaniel, who merges with Zodiark. The Warrior of Light defeats this celestial being, but his death triggers the Final Days. This sets off a worldwide apocalyptic event, which forces the Scions to find answers by going back in time, wherein they learn the origins of Meteion and the Endsinger.
Hydaelyn fought the Scions and WoL to test their readiness against the Endsinger, which they succeeded. The Goddess imbues some of her power to the group and gives them a crystal pointing toward the location of Meteion before she fades from existence. The group then boards a vessel called Ragnarok to travel towards Endsinger’s nest. The journey was fraught with sacrifices, and only the Warrior of Light reaches Meteion intact. Fortunately, a last-ditch effort made by a revived Emet-Selch and Hythlodaeus was able to restore the deceased Scions. In the end, the Endsinger was defeated with the help of Zenos, which prevented the Final Days. Zenos and the WoL had a final duel where the Warrior of Light narrowly secured victory before returning home.
π‘ Quick Info:
- Release Date: July 2, 2024
- New Content: Tural
- New Classes: Viper, Pictomancer, and Beastmaster
- New Raids: AAC Light-heavyweight M1, AAC Light-heavyweight M2, AAC Light-heavyweight M3, and AAC Light-heavyweight M4
Many find Dawntrail a rehashed Stormblood campaign, but it has merits. It’s more lighthearted and less gloomy than most franchise expansions. The space’s theme was also centered on Latin American roots, which gave the region more color and vibrancy. Its fresh take on the morality that FFXIV teaches us gives Dawntrail a chance to stand independently.
Lore (Spoiler Alert)
As the previous overall arc wrapped up in Endwalker, Dawntrail now features a new storyline independent of the last sequence but only partially disconnected. In this region, we help Wuk Lamat try to become the new Dawnservant. She undergoes a series of trials to prove her mettle with the help of some of the former Scions. The campaign has yet to conclude, but features many twists that change our view of the story. Fortunately, this lore is lighter and more laid back than previous expansions’ gloomy and apocalyptic vibes.
Which Ones Should You Play First
We advise players to play A Realm Reborn first because it helps newbies learn the ropes as they start in Eorzea. Afterward, they should continue to the latest expansion they can access, Stormblood or Dawntrail. This decision will depend on whether you have the free trial or subscription versions of the game. If you want to experience the best expansion first, many will affirm that Shadowbringers was FFXIV’s strongest entry, which Endwalker follows. ARR has the weakest story, but many people are okay with it because itβs the starting campaign for newer players.