Top 10 Marvel Rivals Hero Hot List

The official list of hero pick rates and win rates for Marvel Rivals has finally been released, and with it, an analysis of why each character has their respective rates. We’ll list the top 10 heroes for both quickplay and ranked lobbies so you can be informed about the current meta.
Table of Contents
All Heroes from Lowest Win Rate to Highest
In a team meta where divers can easily harass supports, Namor is one of the few heroes who can reinforce the backline. His Monstro turrets normally track the nearest target to them, but with Namor’s trident ability, he can designate certain enemies as priority targets while giving them a fire rate boost. This means that Namor can target a diver in his backline and either secure a kill with his turrets or force them to retreat, both of which are extremely favorable for his support.
His Ultimate can also shut down a diver by disabling their movement abilities, essentially hamstringing them for him and his team for the kill. Namor’s the perfect counter pick against high ELO dive players and a support’s best friend.
Rocket Raccoon
Rocket Raccoon occupies the same role as Mantis, skewing towards utility rather than pure healing. His B.R.B (Battle Rebirth Beacon) is an underrated life-saver, resurrecting the first person killed after he puts it down. Not only that but, when paired with the Punisher or Winter Solider, he’s one of the best supports since he can give both of them infinite ammo for a duration.
Paired with his Ultimate, he can break even fights by providing his team with a substantial damage boost. If he ever gets caught by an enemy diver, his rocket dash skill ensures that he can get away from dangerous situations easily.
Hulk is considered one of the hardest tanks to play since his movement ability requires more thought. Hulk can easily be bursted down by a focused team, especially if they consider him a threat. However, despite all these hang-ups, Hulk excels when he’s played as an off-tank.
Like Thor and Captain America, Hulk is best played as a diver near the proximity of his own team. His abilities are suited for causing mayhem in team fights and harassing the enemy backline, as he can secure kills against isolated supports. It’s extremely important to know where and when to fight and back out when playing him since he can be punished hard for playing alone. However, if you do know how to manage Hulk’s resources, he can be an oppressive force on the team.
It’s no surprise that Hela sits on one of the highest win rates out of all the other DPS heroes. Her primary fire alone contributes to many picks since it’s a hitscan weapon. She has enough mobility to escape from dangerous situations and is a reliable DPS choice, especially for players who can consistently land their shots. Despite having such a simple kit, players with just good aiming fundamentals can carry just as hard as a mechanically difficult diver.
Her Ultimate is just as lethal as her primary fire, but far easier to make kills with since it’s an explosive AoE projectile with little damage fall-off. She’s so dominant as a Duelist, in fact, that she’s a consistent ban choice in Diamond lobbies and higher, which is a testament to how dangerous Hela can be in the right hands.
Magik has everything that a dive player could ever want: mobility, damage mitigation, and sustain. Her passive, which gives her bonus health whenever she deals damage, makes her a huge annoyance for support players since she can simply sustain herself just by doing her job as a diver.
While the other divers have a weakness to exploit, Magik easily mitigates them. Iron Fist has good mobility and sustains with his parry, but that would require actually taking a hit with his parry to survive. Spider-Man has one of the best mobility tools in the game but has no health sustain, meaning he can be punished if caught out of position. Black Panther requires landing all his abilities to survive and can also be punished if he fails to land his abilities.
If played in the right hands, Magik becomes a genuine menace for the backline as she’s difficult to peel for ranged DPS and tank players.
Thor thrives on diving the backline while having just enough mobility and tankiness to survive being focused on. He’s great at harassing DPS and support players that are even slightly out of position through his charge ability and can dish out enough damage to secure picks, all while gaining just enough bonus health to be tough to kill.
His Ultimate isn’t as lethal as a Duelist’s, but it can contribute enough damage to sway teamfights in his favor. Thor can be quite annoying for enemies to deal with and can force them to use up their resources just to peel them off the squishier teammates.
If played right, Thor can secure surprise kills by isolating targets away from their team, which can snowball into an easy team wipe.
Loki, among all other Strategists, has the highest skill ceiling and skill floor. He has a lot of unconventional skills like his clones that can heal multiple teammates and deal damage simultaneously, which aim in the same direction that he does. He also has a healing skill that’s on par with Luna Snow’s and Mantis’ ultimates.
However, not only does he require mastery over his own skill set, but also almost all other heroes in the game since his Ultimate copies the skills of a targeted hero. Loki can copy team-wiping Ultimates like Invincible Pulse Cannon, Dance of the Butterfly and It’s Jeff or chain the support UItimates of Luna Snow and Mantis.
Her win rate for quickplay lobbies is at a staggering 56%, making her one of the best support heroes in the game. What makes her so popular in matches is not only the healing she can provide with her Ultimate, but the team utility she provides with her on-demand damage boost skill.
Mantis can help her Duelist teammates perform even better, especially when both the ally and enemy Duelists try to 1v1 with each other. She provides a direct numerical advantage to her team since the damage buff she doles out can also be applied to herself. Not only is she a great support, but she can be a pseudo-DPS pick with her primary fire dealing a surprising amount of damage by itself.
Overall, Mantis covers a lot of roles by herself and easily enhances any team composition, even without a Team-Up ability, making her the hero most likely to win in any game mode.
Peni Parker
Despite being a defense-oriented tank, Peni Parker can excel in offensive teams, especially when trying to lock down an objective site. Currently, many teams run a dive DPS hero like Spider-Man, Iron Fist, Magik, and Black Panther in their composition in order to secure picks on supports. This is where Peni Parker comes in.
Her specialty is area denial, whether through her mines, Spider Nest, or her web snares. While she can zone out an enemy push, she can also passively protect her backline by setting up mine clusters and a nest in the right spot. If she can land her web snares on a diver, she can secure a pick on them easily and prevent her team from collapsing.
Adam Warlock
Much like Mantis, Adam Warlock is a hybrid support and DPS hero with an Ultimate that can win games if used right. His utility comes in the form of the Soul Bond skill, which spreads out the damage taken from one character to everyone else on the team, making everyone harder to kill. His healing output is decent but can be caught lacking if he uses up all his skill charges.
What makes him popular is his primary and secondary fire, which both deal a tremendous amount of damage if he lands his shots. He can be on par with Hela in damage, especially when he lands the full burst of his secondary fire. However, his game-winning utility is his Ultimate, which can save the team from a lethal hexakill.