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AFK Journey King Croaker guide: Best team comps to use

AFK Journey King Croaker

King Croaker is one of the more challenging bosses in the AFK Journey’s Dream Realm. He has powerful tankbuster skills that can focus down the most durable characters in your team, leaving your whole company vulnerable to his melee attacks. He also features considerable AoE abilities that will force you to constantly heal your team or risk getting wiped if left unchecked. This guide will help players form the best comps for AFK Journey’s Dream Realm King Croaker.

Who is King Croaker?

King Croaker is a frog-like boss in the Dream Realm known for his instakill attacks. While he does moderate damage with his melee attacks, you mainly need to worry about his backline attacks because they can cause trouble for your carries. Otherwise, the Magic Bubble is what you should look out for the most. Here are the skills in his kit:

  • Magic Bubble is an instakill attack that will eliminate anyone who gets hit. He casts this at the fight’s 15, 35, and 55-second marks. 
  • Magic Barrier is his ultimate ability, wherein he conjures an energy shield around himself, forcing him to stop regaining energy. This barrier increases in intensity depending on the level. With his Level 5 and 6 Shields, he can block up to 90% DPS.
  • Water Bomb is an AoE attack focusing on an enormous unit clump.
  • Knockback is a melee swipe attack that knocks back all units one tile in front of him and stuns them for 2.5 seconds. 

King Croaker tends to focus on tanks, so you want to put one tank in the melee range and one at long range. Ensure these tanks are away from most of your units because of the boss’ AoE attacks. Melee attacks and ranged attacks happen twice within cycles. Water Bomb happens nine times during the fight, while Knockback occurs six times. 

Best Units per Role

Before we discuss the best compositions, we’ll delve into the best units per role so you can try creating your teams first. Due to the one-hit KO attacks, we have minimal tank position options, so your teams should revolve around them. Here are the best units for King Croaker:


  • Thoran
  • Smokey
  • Hewynn


  • Smokey
  • Rowan
  • Koko
  • Hewynn
  • Damian

DPS Carry

  • Odie
  • Marilee
  • Korin
  • Cecia
  • Phys
  • Vala
  • Bryon
  • Walker
  • Cassadee


  • Reiner
  • Thoran
  • Kruger
  • Lyca
  • Koko
  • Cassadee


  • Smokey
  • Lyca
  • Rowan
  • Cassadee
  • Damian
  • Koko
  • Hewynn

You’ll want to prioritize getting Thoran since he’s the only one with a natural talent for bypassing the Magic Bubbles. You should use him over the other tanks if you have him available. 

King Croaker’s Best Compositions

We have several recommendations for the best team compositions for King Croaker. Units that can fill various roles suit your team, especially those that can heal, tank, and either buff or debuff. Here are the best comps for this Dream Realm Comp:

Team 1 

  • Thoran (main tank)
  • Smokey (sub tank)
  • Kruger
  • Odie
  • Marilee

Team 2

  • Smokey (main tank)
  • Thoran (sub tank)
  • Kruger 
  • Odie
  • Marilee

Team 3

  • Smokey
  • Koko
  • Cecia
  • Odie
  • Marilee

Team 4

  • Smokey
  • Reinier
  • Thoran
  • Odie
  • Marilee

Team 5

  • Smokey
  • Lyca
  • Cecia
  • Odie
  • Koko

Team 6

  • Thoran
  • Smokey
  • Reinier
  • Marilee
  • Korin

Team 7 

  • Thoran
  • Reinier
  • Kruger
  • Odie
  • Marilee

Team 8

  • Teinier
  • Kruger
  • Shakir
  • Odie
  • Marilee

Team 9

  • Thoran
  • Heywyn
  • Kruger
  • Marilee
  • Odie

These are some of the best comps that would work well against King Croaker. However, it would help if you were mindful of whether you have these characters fully upgraded before you field them. Try combining some of them to find more effective combinations. But since these are already optimized setups, only do so if you feel you’re min-maxing.

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