Best Mirana Dota 2 Build – Optimal Support Play

By | September 18th, 2022 | Categories: Others

With over 120 heroes in Dota 2, there is no shortage of heroes for players to master. However, if you are curious to try out Mirana due to her recent resurgence in the meta, we have prepared the perfect carry build guide that will help you dominate your games regardless of what role you are playing: 

Mirana, The Princess Of The Moon

Mirana is a ranged agility hero with a well-rounded kit of spells and stats that allows her to fulfill any role her team wants, including playing as a carry. Since Mirana has multiple abilities, such as her ultimate and “Sacred Arrow”, that are geared towards ganking, she is one of the best heroes in the game to infiltrate enemy territory and take map control from them. 

Due to her ganking prowess, Mirana is mainly built around being a Support/Roamer and Ganker, buying items like Urn of Shadows, Glimmer Cape, Smokes, and Force Staff, to name a few, to assist her in setting up kills for her team. 

Strengths Of Mirana Dota 2

  • A long-range stun which is ideal for ganking
  • A good escape mechanism to run from any sticky situation 
  • Good wave clear to accelerate your farm
  • Team invisibility to help catch the enemy off guard
  • A Long attack range that allows you to harass the enemy in the laning phase

Weaknesses Of Mirana

  • Vulnerable to stuns, silence and roots that prevent her from using her mobility
  • Unreliable stun as it requires precise aim
  • Mediocre base stats 
  • Mana intensive while having a low mana pool and mana regeneration
  • Poor strength gain makes her very squishy in the late game

Build For Playing Mirana Support/Roamer

Due to her ability to make plays around the map and set up kills in other lanes, Mirana is one of the go-to Support/Roamer heroes in the whole game. Throughout the game, your main job is to assist your team while gradually transforming into a more damage-oriented hero in the game’s later stages. 

Laning Phase (0 – 10 minutes) 

The Laning phase is the time of the game when all of the heroes spend most of their time in their lanes trading gold and experience(XP). The main aim of the laning phase is to maximize the gold and XP you and your teammates while limiting your enemies’. When starting off the laning phase, you should purchase the following items:

1 x Tango2 x Iron Branches1 x Faerie Fire
1x Sage’s Mask1 x Circlet

As you trade blows with the enemy heroes in your lane, the Tangos, Branches, and Faerie Fire will provide you with enough sustain to maintain your health(HP). You can ship out more regeneration items such as Mangos, Clarity, or even a Salve to help you in the lane.

On the other hand, the circlet and sage’s mask will give you decent stats and mana regeneration while later building into an “Urn of Shadows”.

By the end of the laning phase, you should have “Boots of Speed” and a “Magic Stick” in your inventory.

Early Game (10 – 20 minutes)

By the 10-minute mark, you should start to move across the map looking to gank or to set up kills. Early on in this stage, you should build the following items:

Early Game Items
ItemPassive StatsActive Stats
Urn of ShadowsArcane BootsMagic Wand
Wind Lace

“Urn of Shadows” is a great item that can be used both defensively (to heal yourself) or aggressively (to deal damage to the enemy), making it an excellent item for roaming heroes like Mirana. Plus, this item also provides decent stats to boost your health and mana regeneration.

Since Mirana has a low mana pool and mana regeneration rate, items like Arcane Boots and Magic Wand are a must-have to ensure you do not run out of mana early on in a team fight. 

On the other hand, Wind Lace is a great cost-effective item that provides you with a decent amount of movement speed to help you move around the map and in fights more swiftly.

Core Items

Once you pass the 20-25 minute mark, all the heroes will be moving around the map looking to farm, fight or push down towers. At this point of the game, as a Mirana, you will have some freedom to decide which item to get that will benefit your team the most. With that said, here are some standard items you should always go for: 

Core Items
Spirit VesselForce StaffGuardian Greaves

In the mid game upgrading your Urn of Shadows to Spirit Vessel can be a wise choice as this item is excellent for dealing damage, especially to tanky enemy heroes. Spirit Vessel deals damage according to the enemy’s health, making it ideal for tanky, hard-to-kill heroes. 

Force Staff is an excellent utility item to help you and your allies escape since it can be used on your teammates. Whereas, guardian greaves is a team item that not only dispels any negative status, such as silence or a root, from you and your allies but also provides a chunk of health and mana to you and your teammates. 

Situational Items

Following are some situational items that you can choose to pick up according to the situation of your game:

Situational Items
Eull ScepterAghanim ScepterVladmir Offering
Glimmer CapeSolar CrestRod of Atos
Aeon DiskGleipnir

Items like Eull Scepter, Aeon Disk, and Glimmer Cape offer additional escape potential if the enemies are jumping to kill you first. If your team is looking to push towers, you get items like Vladimir’s Offering as it enables your team to group up and push more effectively. 

Solar Crest is another great item you can cast on your Hard Carry to buff them up, giving them additional armor, attack speed, and movement speed. 

Rod of Atos is a valuable item that can help lock down hard-to-catch heroes such as Storm Spirit or Riki. You can later upgrade it to Gleipnir in the late game to help you deal more damage to the enemy. If your team is doing great, you can consider picking up an Aghanim Scepter to boost your magic damage and nuke enemies. 

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