Complete Civilization 7 Leaders List: Abilities and Attributes

Civilization 7 introduces many new changes regarding leaders. These figures are no longer tied to single civilizations; meaning you can use them if you unlock their prerequisites. If you’re excited to mix up your factions with all the different leaders, you can check out this list to see all the available heads to lead your armies.
Table of Contents
All Civilization 7 Leaders
- Attributes: Economic and Militaristic
- Skills: Warrior-Queen of Zazzau
- +1 to Resource Capacity for cities
- +1 Gold per Age for each resource assigned to a city
- +5 Combat Strength to every unit on plains or desert tiles
Ashoka (World Conqueror)
- Attributes: Diplomatic and Militaristic
- Skills: Devaraja
- +1 Production for every five excess Happiness in cities
- +10 Production in Settlements not founded by you
- +10 combat strength against districts for all units during a Celebration
- Declaring formal war grants a Celebration
Ashoka (World Renouncer)
- Attributes: Diplomatic and Expansionist
- Skills: Dhammaraja
- +1 Food in cities for every five excess Happiness
- +10 Food in Settlements during a Celebration
- +1 Happiness Adjacency for all buildings during all Improvements
- Attributes: Cultural and Expansionist
- Skills: Imperium Maius
- +2 Production in the Capital for every town
- Can purchase Culture buildings in towns
- +50 percent Gold towards building purchases in towns
Benjamin Franklin
- Attributes: Diplomatic and Scientific
- Skills: The First American
- +1 Science per Age on Production buildings in cities
- +1 Science per Age from active endeavors that you started or supported, with the ability to have two endeavors of the same type active at any time
- +50 percent Production towards building Production buildings
Catherine the Great
- Attributes: Cultural and Scientific
- Skills: Star of the North
- +2 Culture per Age on displayed Great Works, with buildings that have Great Work slots already getting another slot
- Cities settled in tundra tiles gain Science equal to 25 percent of their Culture per turn
- Attributes: Militaristic and Scientific
- Skills: Father of Europe
- Military and Science buildings get a Happiness Adjacency for Quarters
- Once cavalry units are unlocked, starting a Celebration will give you two cavalry units for free
- +5 Combat Strength for cavalry units during a Celebration
- Attributes: Expansionist and Scientific
- Skills: Keju
- 25 percent growth rate for cities
- +2 Science gained from Specialists
Friedrich (Baroque)
- Attributes: Cultural and Militaristic
- Skills: Hohenfriedberger Marsch
- Get Great Work when a Settlement is captured for the first time
- Get an infantry unit when a Culture building is built
Friedrich (Oblique)
- Attributes: Militaristic and Scientific
- Skills: Berlin Academy
- Army Commanders get the Merit Commendation immediately, giving +1 to their command radius
- Each time a Science building is constructed, you get an infantry unit
Harriet Tubman
- Attributes: Diplomatic and Militaristic
- Skills: Combahee Raid
- +100 Influence towards espionage actions in the diplomacy tab
- +5 War Support on all wars declared against you
- Units ignore movement penalties via vegetation tiles
- Attributes: Cultural and Economic
- Skills: God’s Wife of Amun
- +1 Culture for every imported resource
- +15 percent Production towards buildings and Wonders in cities that are adjacent to navigable rivers
Himiko (High Shaman)
- Attributes: Cultural and Diplomatic
- Skills: Miko of Amaterasu
- +2 Happiness per Age on Happiness buildings
- +50 percent Production towards Happiness buildings
- +20 percent Culture but -10 percent Science, doubled in Celebration
Himiko (Queen of Wa)
- Attributes: Diplomatic and Scientific
- Skills: Friend of Wei
- Gets an endeavor called Friend of Wei that can be performed in an alliance, giving you and an ally 25 percent Science
- Can also support endeavors for free
- +4 Science for every other Leader you are friendly or helpful with
Ibn Battuta
- Attributes: Expansionist and Wildcard
- Skills: The Marvels of Traveling
- +2 Wildcard attribute points after the first Civic in every Age
- +1 sight for all units
- Gets a unique endeavor called trade maps, which allows you to see other Leaders’ explored areas over time
- Attributes: Economic and Expansionist
- Skills: Seven Cities of Gold
- Provides 300 Gold each time a Natural Wonder is discovered, doubling if it is found in Distant Lands
- +100 percent tile yields from Natural Wonders
- +50 percent Gold towards naval units
- -1 Gold maintenance for naval units
José Rizal
- Attributes: Cultural and Diplomatic
- Skills: Pambansang Bayani
- +50 percent Celebration duration
- +50 percent Happiness towards Celebrations
- When rewards are received via narrative events, get an extra 20 Culture and Gold per Age
- Has additional narrative events
- Attributes: Cultural and Diplomatic
- Skills: Hero of Two Worlds
- Gets a unique endeavor called Reform, granting an extra Social Policy slot. Supporting it also gives the other Leader an additional slot.
- +1 combat strength for every Tradition, not Policy, slotted into government
- +2 Culture and Happiness per Age in Settlements doubled in Distant Lands
- Attributes: Diplomatic and Economic
- Skills: Il Principe
- +3 Influence per Age
- 50 Gold per Age when diplomatic actions are accepted, but 100 Gold when they are rejected
- Bypasses relationship requirements for formal wars
- Can levy troops from City-States without being suzerain
Napoleon (Emperor)
- Attributes: Economic and Diplomatic
- Skills: Empereur des Français
- A unique Sanction called a Continental System that reduces the trade route limit of the targeted Leader to all other Leaders by 1
- +8 Gold per Age for every Leader you are unfriendly or hostile with
- Can reject endeavors for free
Napoleon (Revolutionary)
- Attributes: Militaristic and Cultural
- Skills: La Grande Armée
- +1 movement for all land units
- Defeating an enemy unit provides a Culture equal to 50 percent of its combat strength
- Attributes: Economic and Expansionist
- Skills: Earth Shaker
- All buildings get +1 Food Adjacency for mountains
- Specialists adjacent to mountains have no Happiness maintenance
- Attributes: Diplomatic and Militaristic
- Skills: Nicaakiyakoolaakwe
- +1 Food and Production per Age in Settlements for every City-State you are suzerain of
- +1 combat strength for all units for every City-State you are suzerain of
Trưng Trắc
- Attributes: Militaristic and Scientific
- Skills: Hai Bà Trưng
- Get three free levels on your first Army Commander
- +20 percent Commander experience
- +10 percent of Science in tropical cities doubled while in a formal war
Xerxes (King of Kings)
- Attributes: Economic and Militaristic
- Skills: Crusher of Rebellions
- +2 combat strength for units that are attacking in neutral or enemy territory
- Get 100 Culture and Gold per Age for capturing a Settlement for the first time
- +10 percent Gold in all Settlements, doubled in ones that you didn’t found
- +1 Settlement limit per age
Xerxes (The Achaemenid)
- Attributes: Cultural and Economic
- Skills: Silk Road
- +1 trade route limit with all other Leaders
- Get 50 Culture and 100 Gold per Age when a trade route or road is created
- +1 Culture and Gold per Age on Unique Buildings and improvements
Note: Ada Lovelace and Simón Bolívar will be added later, along with several new wonders.