Complete Civilization 7 Policy Card List

In Civilization 7, implementing the right policies for your Civilization can make or break matches for you, since these can drastically affect your economy, military, science, and cultural hegemony, especially once a Crisis starts. At the start of every game, you get to select two policies to use for your Civilization. This list of policies will provide all the benefits they provide, as well as the Civilization-specific cards called Traditions to help you plan ahead.
Table of Contents
All Tradition Cards
As mentioned earlier, these cards are exclusive to specific Civilizations and are permanent buffs to your nation. Unlike the regular Policy cards, these will remain regardless whenever a new Age passes. You can obtain one by researching the Civic tree.
- City of Peace
- All Buildings receive a +1 Science adjacency with the Town Hall and Palace.
- Sales and Trade
- +3 Gold and Science for each Resource assigned to Cities with at least 8 Urban Population.
- Compendious Book
- +4 Science in Towns.
- Port of Nations
- +2 Culture and Gold for every active Trade Route
- Throne of My Fathers
- +2 Culture on Resources Adjacent to Coast.
- May This Please the People
- +15% Gold in Cities Adjacent to Coast.
- Gold Rush
- +5 Gold in Settlements for every Resource assigned to them.
- Robber Baron
- +2 Influence in Settlements for every Resource assigned to them.
- Lend-Lease
- +25 Gold and +5 Influence for every Trade Route.
- Clan Society
- +3 Happiness in Settlements for every other nearby Settlement within 6 tiles.
- Ng’oma
- +5 Combat Strength when Units are adjacent to a Lake.
- Interlacustrine
- All Buildings gain an adjacency from Lakes.
- Devakoshta
- +3 Culture on Gold Buildings.
- Marakkalam
- -1 Gold Maintenance for Naval Units.
- Angadi
- +4 Gold in Settlements other than your Capital if they have a Water Building.
- Akhet
- +1 Food on Navigable Rivers.
- Riches of the Duat
- +15% Production towards constructing Wonders.
- Kemet
- +1 Culture on Navigable Rivers.
French Empire
- Style Empire
- Constructing a Building grants Culture equal to 25% of its Production cost.
- Cocorico
- When you defeat an enemy Unit, gain Culture equal to 25% of its Combat Strength.
- Bataillon-Carré
- Infantry Units gain the Swift keyword, allowing them to ignore Zone of Control.
- Xenia
- +50% Influence towards the initiating and progressing the Befriend Independent Project.
- Strategoi
- +25% Army Commander experience.
- Delian League
- +30% Influence towards initiating Endeavors.
- Peloponnesian League
- +30% Influence towards initiating Sanctions.
Han China
- Guanxi
- +1 Influence on Science Buildings.
- Jiu Qing
- +1 Influence on Happiness Buildings.
- Tianxia
- +1 Science from Specialists.
- Kapa
- +50 Production towards constructing Culture Buildings.
- Ahupuaʻa
- +4 Culture on Food Buildings.
- Ho’okupu
- +2 Culture on Marine Terrain.
- Tirakuna
- +15 Food in Settlements with their City Center adjacent to a Mountain or with 3 worked Mountain tiles.
- Qullqa
- Receive 25% of the Gold from Trade Income as Food.
- Quipu
- Settlements receive +0.5 Gold based on Urban Population and increased Production based on Rural Population.
- Pithi Chrat
- +4 Combat Strength for Units on Floodplains
- Varna
- +1 Gold from Specialists.
- Kambu-Mera
- +100% Food and Happiness Towards maintaining Specialists.
- Panji
- +1 Culture from Specialists not in your Capital.
- Negarakertagama
- +33% Food towards maintaining Specialists.
- Subak
- +1 Culture and Production on Marine Terrain.
Maurya India
- Charvaka
- +3 Happiness on Science Buildings.
- Kshatriya
- +4 Happiness on Military Buildings
- Shreni
- 1 Gold for every 5 surplus Happiness in Cities.
- Arthashastra
- +1 Science for every 5 surplus Happiness in Cities.
- Pet Kot
- +1 Science on Vegetated Terrain in Cities.
- Miracles of the Twins
- All units gain the Poison ability, +3 Combat Strength against wounded Units.
- Tzolk’in
- +2 Science on Happiness buildings.
- Haab’
- +2 Culture on Happiness buildings.
Meiji Japan
- Fukoku Kyōhei
- When you train a Naval or Aircraft Unit, receive Science equal to 25% of its Production cost.
- O-yatoi Gaikokujin
- +1 Production and Science from Specialists.
- Shusei Kokubō
- Military Buildings receive a Production adjacency bonus from Coast.
- Kōkūtai
- +6 Combat Strength for Aircraft Units attacking an enemy Unit engaged by a Naval Unit.
- Corridos
- +2 Happiness in Settlements for every Tradition slotted into the Government.
- Cry of Dolores
- +1 Combat Strength for the Land and Naval Units in friendly Territory for every Tradition slotted into the Government.
- La Reforma
- +1 Culture in Towns for every Tradition slotted into the Government.
- Order and Progress
- +1 Science in Cities for every Tradition slotted in the Government.
Ming China
- Divine Engine Division
- +2 Science for Settlements with a Garrisoned Combat Unit.
- Baojia
- +2 Science for each Resource assigned to a City. This becomes +2 in Cities other than your Capital.
- Grand Secretariat
- +2 Science on Gold Buildings and +2 Gold on Science buildings.
- Shell-Tempered Pottery
- All buildings receive a +1 Gold Adjacency for Resources.
- Gift Economy
- +1 Gold and Happiness for every imported Resource.
- Atassa
- +4 Combat Strength for Ranged Units when defending.
- Gerege
- +4 Happiness Settlements not founded by you for each Resource assigned to them.
- Baghatur
- +5 Combat Strength for Cavalry Units.
- Jarlig
- +25% Production Cities not founded by you.
- Jins-i Kamil
- +1 Food and Gold on Farms for each adjacent Plantation, and on Plantations for each adjacent Farm.
- Qilachas
- +2 Gold on Quarters and Walls.
- Gunpower Empire
- +3 Combat Strength for all Units.
- Mayurasana
- +25% Gold towards purchasing anything.
- Palisading
- +50% Production towards constructing Fortification Buildings.
- Juré
- +4 Culture from the Palace and +2 Happiness from City Hall.
- Servitium Debitum
- -2 Gold Maintenance for Cavalry Units.
- Familia Regis
- +2 Culture for every Tradition slotted into the Government.
- Bayeux Tapestry
- +4 Culture in Settlements not founded by you.
- Kara
- +50% Production towards Infantry Units.
- Angarium
- +3 Gold for every Town.
- Shahanshah
- +3 Combat Strength for Units in enemy territory.
- Iron Cross
- +3 Combat Strength for Units within the Command Radius of a Commander with a Commendation.
- Realpolitik
- +10% Production in all Cities while at war.
- Mediatization
- +10% Culture in Cities not founded by you.
- Coking
- +1 Production in Cities for every Resource assigned to them.
Qing China
- Chuang Guandong
- +25% Growth Rate in Towns with a Resource assigned to them.
- Cohong
- +50% Trade Income.
- Farmland Assessment
- +5% Production towards training Land Units.
- Banner Army
- +3% Combat Strength against Land Units.
- Auxilia
- 5% Production towards Military Units in the Captial for every Town.
- Cursus Honorum
- Training an Infantry Unit grants Culture equal to 25% of its Production cost.
- Latinitas
- +10% Food, Gold, and Culture in Towns with a Specialization.
- Princeps Civitatis
- +1 Production on Urban Districts in your Capital.
- Emancipation Reform
- +15% Production and -15% Growth in Cities.
- Westernization
- +15% Science and -15% Culture in Cities.
- General Moroz
- +15% Combat Strength for Units in Tundra.
- Bread Dance
- +4 Culture to all Farming Towns and ‘+4 Food to all Fishing Towns.
- Kakawfe Pafkotaweta
- Every time a Storm, Flood, or Volcanic Eruption has provided Fertility, this Age receives +1 Culture and +2 Gold. Improvements, Buildings, and Urban Districts do not get Pillaged by Storms.
- Helikhilenawewipe
- +50% Influence Efficiency towards the initiating Befriend Independent Project.
- Takesiyake Yepepoki
- Cities receive ‘+2 Production on Tundra, Desert, and Plains tiles.
- State Railway
- +2 Influence per Gold Buildings.
- Sakdina
- +2 Happiness in Cities for each City State you are Suzerain of.
- Prathetsarat
- +20% Influence towards initiating Diplomatic Actions with City-States.
- Mueang
- +5 Gold for each allied City-State.
- Timbuktu
- +2 Gold on Mines if there is 1 Gold Building in that City.
- Mud Brick
- +50% Production towards constructing Gold Buildings.
- Isa
- +2 Movement to all Units on Navigable Rivers.
- Conquista
- +4 Combat Strength for all Units Distant Lands.
- Great and Most Fortunate Navy
- Increased Production training Naval Units and Naval Units cost less Maintenance.
- Cerro Rico
- +2 Gold for each Resource.
All Neutral Policy Cards
These cards can be used by any Civilization you choose, but these will be removed once the game transitions to a new Age.
- Ambassadors: +6 Influence per turn.
- Bourgeoisie: +4 Culture and Gold in Cities in your Homelands.
- Castes: +25% Food in Towns.
- Charismatic Leader: +2 Culture on the Palace
- Charters: +1 Gold on Each Gold adjacency.
- Chivalry: +40% Production towards training Cavalry Units.
- City Guard: +3 Combat Strength for Fortified Districts
- Civil Engineering: +30% Production towards Overbuilding.
- Clan Networks: +2 Food in all Settlements
- Coinage: +1 Gold for each imported Resource.
- Colonial Surplus: +1 Production on Each Production adjacency.
- Commissioned Officers: +30% Commander Experience. +1 movement for Fleets and Armies.
- Commodities: +1 Resource Capacity in Cities.
- Commune: +20% Production towards Overbuilding, +3 Combat Strength for Fortified Districts
- Conscription: -1 Maintenance for Units
- Constitution: +50% Food and Happiness towards maintaining Specialists.
- Cultural Imperialism: +6 Culture and Gold for every City-State you are Suzerain of.
- De Facto: +3 Combat Strength for all Units in Distant Lands. Units heal +5 HP.
- De Jure: +3 Combat Strength for all Units in Homelands.
- Demagogy: Gain Happiness on the Palace equal to your Cultural Attribute.
- Divine Right: +10 Happiness and +4 Influence on the Palace.
- Draft: +25% Gold towards purchasing Units and -1 Gold Maintenance Units.
- Drama and Poetry: +50% Production towards constructing Culture Buildings.
- Drills: +30% Production towards training Infantry and Ranged Units
- Enlightenment: +1 Science on Each Science adjacency.
- Ethics: +1 Culture from Specialists
- Free Speech: +100% Food and Happiness Towards maintaining Specialists.
- Heqin: +5 Culture per Alliance.
- Honor: +3 Combat Strength against Independent Powers.
- Hospitality: +3 Culture for every City-State you are Suzerian of.
- Humanism: +2 Culture from Specialists, but +50% Specialist Happiness Maintenance.
- Indenture: +1 Food on Each Food adjacency.
- Laissez-Faire: +2 Gold and +1 Happiness for every imported Resource.
- Land Heritage: +2 Happiness on Mountains. +6 Culture on Natural Wonders.
- Levies: +25% Gold towards purchasing Military Units. -1 Gold Maintenance for Units.
- Literature: +50% Production towards constructing Science Buildings.
- Living Standards: +25% Gold and Happiness towards maintaining Buildings.
- Maritime Law: +30% Production towards training Naval Units.
- Materiel: Units heal +10% HP. +1 Movement for Armies and Fleets.
- Medicine: Units Heal +5 HP.
- Metropole: +1 Resource Capacity in all Cities in Homelands. +10 range for all Trade Routes.
- Monopolies: +3 Gold in every Settlement with a Factory. +1 Resource stat.
- Oratory: +2 Influence per turn.
- Patronage: +1 Culture on Each Culture adjacency.
- People’s Army: +25% Production towards Land Military Units, but +1 Gold Maintenance for those units.
- Preservation Societies: +3 Science from Great Works.
- Priesthood: +2 Gold in all Settlements
- Projection of Force: +50% Production towards training Naval Units. but +1 Gold Maintenance for those units.
- Regulars: +40% Production towards training Infantry and Ranged Units.
- Renaissance: +10% Production constructing Wonders. +2 Culture Displayed on Great Works.
- Rites and Rituals: +2 Happiness in all Settlements.
- Scholars: +1 Science from Specialists.
- Social Science: +2 Science from Specialists, but +50% to Specialist Food Maintenance.
- Sphere of Influence: Gain Culture equal to your Diplomatic Attribute for every alliance you have.
- Survey: +1 Scout movement and sight.
- Tariffs: +50% Trade Income, but -3 Happiness in Cities.
- Tool Making: +1 Production and Science on the Palace
- Trade Winds: +1 Gold and Happiness for every imported Resource.
- Trenchworks: +3 Combat Strength for Fortified Units and Districts.
- Uposatha: +1 Happiness on Each Happiness adjacency.
- Vassalage: +3 Culture and Gold for every City-State you are Suzerain off.
- Yeomanry: +4 Food and Production in Towns in Distant Lands.