Complete Civilization 7 Victory Types and How to Get Them

There are plenty of ways to win in Civilization 7. And achieving the fastest way to win against opponents is crucial. If you’re looking to secure victory, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the different Victory Conditions and Types. Don’t worry, this guide is here to help you out.
Table of Contents
What are Victory Conditions and Victory Types
Matches in Civ 7 are won when a player meets a Victory Condition. There are three ways to get Victory Conditions: Legacy, Domination, and Points. Legacy focuses on winning through the 4 Victory Types. Domination focuses on winning through defeating the opponent’s civilization. Points focus on winning by getting the most Legacy Points.
The fastest way to win in a match is through the Legacy Victory Condition. The Legacy Path has four Victory Types: Military, Science, Culture, and Economic. Each one has a milestone to achieve to win. Sticking to one Legacy Path provides players with rewards and path progress.
All Victory Types
Here are all the Victory Types in Civilization 7 and how to get them.
Military Victory
A Military Victory is achieved by having a strong military in your civilization. By conquering other settlements, you can expand your empire and create an army on land, sea, and air.
How to Get
Here’s how to get a Military Victory in the game.
Antiquity Age
- Study the Discipline Civic.
- Train 4 Military Units.
- Build an entire army.
- Train a Siege Unit.
- Capture enemy settlements.
- Earn 15 Pax Imperatoria Legacy Points
- Earn 12 Pax Imperatoria Legacy Points to Get a Golden Age Milestone.
Exploration Age
- Research Astronomy and Cartography.
- Create Settlements in the Distant Lands.
- Earn 12 Non Sufficit Orbis Points from conquering in the Distant Lands.
- Earn 12 more Non Suffivit Orbis Points from conquering in the Distant Lands and get a Golden Age Milestone.
Modern Age
- Study Political Theory Civic.
- Study any other Ideology Civic.
- Research about Combustion.
- Research about Flight.
- Earn 45 Ideology Points.
- Build the Manhattan Project to complete Operation Ivy to get a Victory Condition.
Science Victory
A Science Victory is achieved by studying and researching technology and completing projects.
How to Get
Here’s how to get a Science Victory in the game.
Antiquity Age
- Research Writing.
- Build a Library.
- Research Writing II.
- Research Mathematics.
- Build an Academy.
- Collect and Display 9 Codices.
- Collect and Display 10 Codices to get a Golden Age Milestone.
Exploration Age
- Research Education.
- Place 4 Specialists
- Get 20 yields in a non-city center tile.
- Assign 2 Specialists to a non-city center tile.
- Get 40 yields in a single tile.
- Get 20 yields on 3 non-city center tiles each.
- Get 40 yields from 5 non-city center tiles.
Modern Age
- Research Flight.
- Build an Aerodrome
- Complete the Trans-Oceanic Flight Project.
- Research Aerodynamics.
- Complete the Break the Sound Barrier Project.
- Research Rocketry.
- Build a Launch Pad.
- Complete the Launch Satellite Project.
- Complete the First Staffed Space Flight Project to get a Victory Condition.
Culture Victory
Culture Victories are achieved through art and religion. To achieve this type of victory, you’ll need to build wonders and have a high Cultural output.
How to Get
Here’s how to get a Culture Victory in the game.
Antiquity Age
- Build a Wonder.
- Build 2 Wonders.
- Build 4 Wonders.
- Build 7 Wonders to get a Golden Age Milestone.
Exploration Age
- Study the Piety Civic.
- Build a Temple.
- Form a Religion.
- Train Missionaries and convert other settlements.
- Study Theology Civic.
- Collect and display 15 Relics.
- Collect and display 12 more Relics to get a Golden Age Milestone.
Modern Age
- Study the Natural History Civic
- Train an Explorer and make them study in a Museum or University to research Artifacts.
- Discover and Display an Artifact.
- Study the Hegemony Civic.
- Display 15 Artifacts.
- Build the World’s Fair Project to get a Victory Condition.
Economic Victory
Economic Victory is achieved through having multiple resources in your empire. Control over trade routes is an essential part of achieving economic victory.
How to Get
Here’s how to get an Economic Victory in the game.
Antiquity Age
- Study the Code of Laws Civic.
- Move Merchants to foreign land.
- Start a Trade Route.
- Establish trade relations with a Civilization.
- Slot 21 Resources.
- Slot 20 Resources to get a Golden Age Milestone.
Exploration Age
- Research Cartography and Astronomy.
- Create a settlement in the Distant Lands.
- Build a Fishing Quay in the settlement.
- Fix 5 Treasure Resources.
- Research Shipbuilding.
- Create a Treasure Fleet.
- Get 30 Treasure Fleet Points.
- Get 30 more Treasure Fleet Points to get a Golden Age Milestone.
Modern Age
- Research Industrialization.
- Build a Rail Station.
- Research Mass Production.
- Connect 3 settlements with the Rail Station.
- Build a Factory.
- Earn 970 Railroad Tycoon Points.
- Get the Great Banker to every Capital and pay their Leader to get a Victory Condition.