Complete Supervive Items List

In Supervive, players can buy and equip a number of different items, which is standard for any MOBA. However, the game takes a unique approach to the different types of equipment and how to upgrade them. The game is still in its early days, so devs are sure to add more gear in future updates. In the meantime, here is a list of all the available Supervive Items.
Table of Contents
All Supervive Items
Supervive Items are divided into weapons, active, and passive. These things also come in different rarities and can be upgraded if you get their upgrade shards. There are also several consumables that gamers can use.
Tech Blade (Green)
- +128 AP
- +10% Ability Amp
- +16% Ability Haste
Timeshearing Blade (Blue)
- +136 AP
- +10% Ability Amp
- +16% Ability Haste
- LMB reduces the cooldown of primary abilities. (Triggers once every 3s)
Thunderbolt (Blue)
- +136 AP
- +20% Ult Amp
- -5% Ability Amp
- +16% Ability Haste
- Knocks reduces Ult CD by 20%. Your Ult also deals 25% more damage.
Blade of the Third Eye
- +136 AP
- +10% Ability Amp
- +16% Ability Haste
- Get a Free Scan Grenade every 45s.
Bladed Helmet (Green)
- +75 AP
- +55 Max Health
- +30 MS
Helm of Gigantism (Blue)
- +80 AP
- +58 Max HP
- +32 MS
- Gain AP equal to 7.5% of your bonus HP.
Greed (Blue)
- +80 AP
- +58 Max HP
- +32 MS
- Consume 5000 to gain secondary stats the first time. Hoard 10000 Gold to do it again.
Berserk Helm (Blue)
- +80 AP
- +58 Max Hp
- +32 MS
- Knocks increase max HP and increase your size for a short period
Mana Blade (Green)
- +128 AP
- +10% Ability Amp
- +90 Max Mana
- +1.5 Mana Regen/s
Mindblade (Blue)
- +136 AP
- +10% Ability Amp
- +95 Max Mana
- +1.6 Mana Regen/s
- Non-LMB abilities that hit grant +5 Max mana and restore double that amount. After activating this item 10 times, transform it into Apotheosis, which provides AP based on 33% of your bonus max mana.
Interweaver (Blue)
- +136 Ap
- +10% Ability Amp
- +95 Max Mana
- +1.6 Mana Regen/s
- Your abilities cause LMB to launch seeker rockets that deal bonus damage.
Bubble Blade (Blue)
- +136 AP
- +10% Ability Amp
- +95 Max Mana
- +1.6 Mana Regen/s
- Your heals apply a shield based on 20% of the heal.
Multitool (Red)
- +160 AP
- +32 MS
- +9% Omnivamp
- +95 Max Mana
- +1.6 Mana Regen/s
- +16% Ability Haste
- Picking up basecamps and repairing beacons is fast and free.
Masamune (Red)
- +200 AP
- +40 MS
- +10% Omnivamp
- +100 Max Mana
- +20% Ability Haste
- Drops upon death.
The Soulstealer (Red)
- +180 AP
- +10% Omnivamp
- Grant Soulstealer stacks of AP on unique kills and assists. The stacks are lost upon death.
Vampiric Blade (Green)
- +128 AP
- +10% LMB Amp
- +8% Omnivamp
Swiftblade (Blue)
- +136 AP
- +10% LMB Amp
- 8% Omnivamp
- Moving and attacking build charges. Your next attack grants a speed boost, heals, and deals 80 bonus damage on reaching 100 charges.
Harvester (Blue)
- +136 AP
- +10% LMB Amp
- +8% Omnivamp
- Knocks and assists spawn HP pickups at the knock location.
Focus (Blue)
- +136 AP
- +10% LMB Amp
- +8% Omnivamp
- Sneaking with full HP will let you see moving enemies within the fog of war.
Quickblade (Green)
- +128 AP
- +10% LMB Amp
- +30 MS
Grace (Blue)
- +136 AP
- +10% LMB Amp
- +32 MS
- Grant +50 MS while you have full HP.
Gun Knife (Blue)
- +136 AP
- +10% LMB Amp
- +32 MS
- Dodging shots gives a short-duration MS buff, and taking damage removes it.
Reaper’s Scythe (Blue)
- +136 AP
- +10% LMB Amp
- +32 MS
- Kills grant +5 AP (Max: 50). Gain a massive bonus ability haste at max charges. Lose two stacks on death.
Tech Helmet (Green)
- +110 Max HP
- +15% Ability Haste
Guardian’s Respite (Blue)
- +117 Max HP
- +16% Ability Haste
- Gain a shield that blocks damage that regenerates while out of combat.
Vive Infusor (Blue)
- +117 Max HP
- +16% Ability Haste
- Grants fast out-of-combat HP regen that pulses while dashing
Soulbound (Blue)
- +117 Max HP
- +1% Ability Haste
- Tether to your closest ally and take 20% of their damage for them
Mana Helmet (Weapon)
- +110 Max HP
- +90 Max Mana
- +1.5 Mana Regen/s
Glacial Comet (Blue)
- +117 Max HP
- +95 Max Mana
- +1.6 Mana Regen/s
- Throw a projectile at enemies with any ability to hit and deal AoE additional damage and slow down enemies. (10 sec CD)
Intensity (Blue)
- +117 Max HP
- +95 Max Mana
- +1.6 Mana Regen/s
- Increase the healing effects on you by 20% while Vive Beans and Brews apply additional healing and mana regen over time.
Ambush (Blue)
- +117 Max HP
- +95 Max Maa
- +1.6 Mana Regen/s
- Spawn brush every 20 seconds out of combat. Gain 4x armor shredding while attacking from brush and remains for 1s after leaving.
Emergency Boots (Red)
- +30 MS
- Instantly deploy emergency platforms when you touch hazards.
Feytech Chainsaw (Red)
- +180 AP
- +38 MS
- Your hits instantly cut down trees and turn them into placeable walls.
Juggernaut Dash (Red)
- Hold, then release to dash forward and damage enemies.
Replicate (Red)
- Duplicate all items in the area, including inventory items.
Team Frog Jump (Red)
- Launch yourself and nearby allies upwards.
Airblast (Purple)
- Blast away all enemy characters and projectiles in front of you.
Blood Stone (Purple)
- Take damage to receive a temporary shield and omnivamp.
Bungee Shot (Purple)
- Fire up to two shots of a stick projectile, and if hit, pull two targets together or create a bouncy wall between terrains.
Chonker Cannon (Active)
- Place a chonker cannon that periodically fires cat boulders.
Creep Cloner
- Hold the charge ball and release it to throw to capture a creep. Pressing it again deploys an allied version of the creep.
Emergency Platform (Green)
- Create a temporary platform over the Abyss or another Hazard.
Ghillie Suit (Green)
- Become a slow-moving bush.
Glider Boost (Blue)
- Fire a booster that propels you forward and damages enemies behind you while gliding.
Grappling Hook (Blue)
- Fire a hook that roots and pulls you to any target hit.
Green Thumb (Green)
- Instantly grows brush around you.
Health Packs (Purple)
- Throw down a health pack. Picking it up heals the target 140 health per second until damage is taken.
Hover Wings (Purple)
- Hover and gain additional movement speed with reduced directional control.
Iron Fist (Blue)
- Wind up and punch everything in front of you. Punching an enemy into a wall will stun them.
Little Cook (Blue)
- Summon Little Cook, who creates consumables for you.
Mana Cloud (Green)
- Create a moving cloud that restores mana.
Money Tree Grenade (Green)
- Throw a seed that instantly becomes a money tree.
Mortar (Purple)
- Hold to fire a mortar.
Remote Laser (Blue)
- Deploy a laser that you can pick up and carry.
Robber Raccoon (Purple)
- Conspire with raccoons to steal items in the area.
Sand Wall (Purple)
- Create a wall that blocks projectiles and slows and knocks back enemies.
Stealth Cloak (Blue)
- Toggle to become Stealthed. Costs Mana when active.
Tactical Nuke (Purple)
- Call down a nuke, dealing massive damage in an area and leaving behind a fire zone. (Has Friendly Fire)
The Chonker (Blue)
- Fire a destructible cat boulder that damages and stuns enemies.
Tree Costume (Green)
- Become a slow-moving tree.
Tree Prison (Blue)
- Create a ring of trees that pulls players in.
Two-Way Teleporter (Blue)
- Create a portal at the target location and your feet. Reactivate to swap everything within each portal.
Water Bottle (Green)
- Create Vive Brew and Hypervive. More effective if used in water.
Be Kind Rewind (Red)
- Rewinds your location and health to where you were 5s ago.
Blink (Active)
- Teleport to the target location cannot be used if you’ve taken damage recently.
Radioactive Rounds (Red)
- Your damage is 5x more effective at destroying armor
Ability Haste Rune (Gray)
- Grants Ability Haste
Abyss Specialist (Blue)
- Reset the CD of your first movement ability used while over the abyss (not including Ultimate skills)
Berry Eater (Purple)
- Enter brush to eat it and heal yourself.
Brushwhacker (Purple)
- Leaving brush when out of combat grants temporary MS and stealth.
Delicate Barrier (Purple)
- Take reduced damage while at full HP.
Delicate Mana Battery (Blue)
- Gain mana regen at full HP.
Guardian Angel (Purple)
- Apply a persistent revive effect after touching an allied wisp.
Mana Rune (Gray)
- Grants Mana and Mana Regen.
Movement Rune (Gray)
- Gain Movement Speed.
Omnivamp Rune (Gray)
- Grants Omnivamp
Scuba Gear (Green)
- Move at full speed while in water and become invisible while out of combat.
Regenerative Armor (Purple)
- Regen armor is durable if you haven’t taken damage recently.
Touch of Life (Purple)
- Touching an ally heals both of you.
Touch of Mana (Blue)
- Touching an ally recovers mana for both of you.
Touch of Speed (Purple)
- Touching an ally speeds up the both of you.
Delicate Fissure (Red)
- Gain invisibility at full HP.
Guardian Archangel (Red)
- Touch an ally’s wisp or most recent death box to apply a persistent revive effect. Enemies touching the wisp or death box remove the effect.
Respawn Beacon (Gold)
- Place a respawn beacon.
Anywhere But Here (Blue)
- Relocate to a random location inside the next circle.
Ethereal Smoke (Green)
- Grant you and nearby allies stealth and increased speed. Stealth on entering combat or being near enemy hunters.
Hypervive (Green)
- Drink to restore HP and Mana fully. You are vulnerable while drinking.
Jump Pad (Green)
- Place a jump pad after a delay. Launches anything that walks onto it.
Prophet’s Potion (Green)
- Your team temporarily gains knowledge of future storm locations.
Scan Grenade (Green)
- Throw a grenade that provides temporary vision and reveals Stealth enemies.
Spike Wall (Gray)
- Root yourself for 3s to build a spike wall.
Storm Grenade (Green)
- Throw a grenade that creates a storm zone.
Vive Bean (Gray)
- Restore HP and Mana, which can be upgraded to Vive Brew at a Basecamp. You are Vulnerable while drinking.
Note: More items will be added in future updates.