Easy Hello Kitty Island Adventure Flower Color Guide

Gardening is generally enjoyable, but it can be pretty frustrating if you’re trying to breed several color variants. Hello Kitty Island Adventure has almost 16 different types of flowers, which can all possess different colors and patterns. If you’re trying to complete an achievement or a quest, this guide can help you create specific hues for these floras.
Table of Contents
All Hello Kitty Island Adventure Flowers
Each Hello Kitty Island Adventure Flower starts with its default colors and patterns. However, you can create more variants if you breed them with other species. Here are all the Flowers in the game:
- Anemone
- Bellbutton
- Dandelilly
- Dreampuff
- Ghostgleam
- Heavy Nettle
- Hibiscus
- Penstemum
- Thistle
- Tulias
- Bowblossom
- Eggwort
- Glowbal
- Marigold
- Petunia
- Poinsettia
How to Combine Colors for Hello Kitty Island Adventure Flowers
Combining colors can be confusing if you haven’t figured out how Flowers work in the game. You first need to plant two floras of different colors right next to each other with one blank/slot surrounding them. You gain a chance to breed new variants as these flowers mature, but the possibility of getting new colors increases depending on how often you water and fertilize them. Aside from this, you can also get the new flower to inherit the hue of a parent flora of a different breed.
All Color Combinations
Now that you’ve learned how to breed new color variants, you must know what combinations produce specific hues. You’ll need to remember six base colors; the rest are combined tones. Here are all the Hello Kitty Island Adventure Color Combinations:
Base Colors
- Hot Pink
- Sky
- Yellow
- Red
- Blue
- White
Color Combinations
- Coral = Red + Orange
- Orange = Red + Yellow
- Lime = Yellow + Green
- Green = Yellow + Blue
- Teal = Green + Sky
- Indigo = Blue + Violet
- Violet = Red + Blue
- Magenta = Violet + Hot Pink
- Warm Pink = Red + White
- Blush = Coral + White
- Peach = Orange + White
- Cream = Yellow + White
- Pistachio = Lime + White
- Mint = Green + White
- Seafoam = Teal + White
- Cloud = Sky + White
- Ice = Blue + White
- Periwinkle = Indigo + White
- Lilac = Violet + White
- Cool Pink = Magenta + White
- Pink = Hot Pink + White