Fallout 76: Stable Flux crafting guide

Crimson, cobalt, fluorescent, yellowcake, and violet stable flux are rare materials needed to craft fusion cores, serums, ultracite ammo, and jetpacks, all of which are highly valuable and can make life in the Wasteland easier. However, stable flux is difficult to come by, requiring a specific event to occur before even obtaining the raw materials needed to make them. This guide will discuss how you can craft stable flux and create one of the best items in Fallout 76.
Table of Contents
Nuclear Blast Zones
Blast zones are made by players who have access to a nuclear keycard. If you want to create a blast zone for yourself to farm for stable flux materials, ensure that you have these two requirements met: Finish the Enclave questline and obtain a nuclear keycard from a cargobot. Once you have access to a nuclear silo, make sure you head to the website NukaCrypt and check the launch code for the silo you’re currently in.
Once you can launch a nuke, select a zone to bomb. For the easiest and highest yield for flux crafting, nuke the southern portion of the Cranberry Bog since it has a lot of vegetation and will also spawn a Scorchbeast Queen event that rewards stable flux.
The bomb site will be heavily irradiated, which is why you should wear a hazmat suit, power armor, Chinese stealth armor, or any other apparel that has rad resist and a healthy supply of Rad-X and RadAway to minimize health drain.
Raw Flux Locations
Of course, you need the raw flux materials to stabilize them. These can only be found in areas blasted by a nuke. Raw flux materials are found inside nuclear blast zones as plant life. If you’re looking for a specific flux color, check the list here to see which mutated plant gives the flux you need.
- Raw cobalt flux
- Quantum leaf
- Gloam sap
- Bomb Berry
- Neutron pod
- Kiloton creeper
- Aftershock stalk
- Wild fission fruit
- Raw crimson flux
- Red hot bloom
- Bright blight
- Enlightened fungus
- Blast berry
- Blast cap
- Inonized cackleberry
- Boom bloom
- Raw fluorescent flux
- Glowing mutshoot fungus
- Raydodendron
- Irradiated thistle
- Raw violet flux
- Irradiated pitcher plants
- Nuka root
- Flash fern
- Crackletail
- Glow pod
- Gigagrain
- Half-life hips
- Afterwind vine
- Raw yellowcake flux
- Rad rose
- Radberry
- Gamma dogwood
- Irradiroot
- Geiger blossom
- Megaton melon blossom
Different regions in Appalachia are weighted towards specific types of raw flux. The Cranberry Bog will be weighted toward crimson flux, The Savage Divide for cobalt flux, The Forest for fluorescent flux, The Mire for violet flux, and the Southern Savage Divide for yellowcake flux.
To craft stable flux, you will need 10 of the raw flux color you need, so make sure you gather as much mutated flora as you can while you’re inside to make the most of your scavenging run. Bring some Buffouts or other Strength-enhancing consumables so you can the return trip with a massive haul of materials.
Glowing Mass, Hardened Mass, and High-Radiation Fluids Location
All three of these materials are found by creatures and monsters within the nuclear zone, as they all have the chance to drop these on death. You will need one of each material to craft one stable flux of any color. These enemies must be a Glowing variant inside the zone to yield these materials. Only these specific enemies will drop the different mass and fluids needed for crafting:
- Assaultron
- Eyebot
- Feral ghoul
- Glowing one
- Mr. Gutsy
- Protectron
- Radtoad
- Robobrain
- Scorched
- Sentry bot
- Super mutant
- Glowing angler
- Glowing ant
- Glowing bloatfly
- Glowing bloodbug
- Glowing cave cricket
- Glowing deathclaw
- Glowing fog Crawler
- Glowing gulper
- Glowing hermit crab
- Glowing honey beast
- Liberator Mk V
- Glowing megasloth
- Glowing mirelurk
- Glowing mirelurk hunter
- Glowing mirelurk king
- Glowing mirelurk queen
- Glowing mirelurk spawn
- Mr. Handy
- Glowing mole miner
- Glowing mole rat
- Glowing mongrel
- Glowing Mothman
- Glowing mutant hound
- Glowing plagued radrat
- Glowing radroach
- Glowing radscorpion
- Glowing radstag
- Glowing snallygaster
- Glowing stingwing
- Glowing tick
- Glowing wendigo
- Glowing wolf
- Glowing yao guai
Tips on Flux Farming
- Note that raw flux will decay over time, and once its condition expires, it will become inert flux, which cannot be used to convert into stable flux. Make sure you take full advantage of the blast zone whenever possible and gather as much glowing mass, hardened mass, and high radiation fluids.
- Stable flux can be bought and sold by players. If you ever require one extra flux of a specific color, you can try server-hopping and find a player camp that sells the stable flux you need. You can also sell any extra stable flux you have for a profit of caps.
- The best use for stable flux is for jetpacks, either for your regular armor or your power armor. The extra verticality will make mission and map traversal far more manageable once you own a jetpack. You can also use stable flux to craft mutation serums, which can be sold for a hefty profit.
- Conversely, do not use stable flux to craft fusion cores since those can be easily farmed by combing through power armor spawns or claiming a power plant workshop.
- If you need Ultracite ammo, only craft the requisite ammo with flux ONCE. Once you have the ammo, go to a Daily Ops mission with a teammate and have them kill enemies for you. Enemies in Daily Ops will always drop ammo for the weapon you’re currently holding, and if you’re holding a weapon with a Prime Receiver, they will drop Ultracite ammo for your weapon.
- Before going into a nuclear blast zone, put on the Green Thumb perk, as it will double the yield of harvested flora and all raw flux types will always be found by zon-specific flora. It only costs 1 Perception perk point, which is all the more reason to use it so that your harvesting runs are efficient.
- Specific fissure sites will spawn once a blast zone is created. These sites will be surrounded by Ultracite veins, which can be harvested to obtain Ultracite ore. They also serve as spawn points for Scorchbeasts, which can yield more monster material for crafting stable flux.