No Rest for the Wicked Bear Paw Farm Guide

Bear Paws are among the rarest but most essential resources in No Rest for the Wicked. They are the main ingredient for improving your weapons, so if you want to enhance your combat prowess, you must actively look for this specific resource. Unfortunately, these things are complicated, and you can go for several hours without finding one. This guide will help players optimize their chances of getting Bear Paws.
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What Are No Rest for the Wicked Bear Paws
Bears are mainly used for upgrading items. You use them whenever you try to enhance any armament, so every class uses them to increase their combat powers. When used on weapons, they increase their power by augmenting their damage or attack speed. For armor sets, they provide a large boost to their defense. You can use them on critical items to gain unique abilities and buffs.
Unfortunately, players have difficulty farming this specific item because it is so rare, and there isn’t a precise farming method. Unlike wolves, Bears do not exist in the game, so we can’t target farm it. However, there are several ways to optimize our chances of getting them.
No Rest for the Wicked Bear Paw Farming
In general, there are only two ways of obtaining Bear Paws. You can get it from the General Vendor in Sacrament, who sells junk, or you can get it randomly from chests. Due to the limited availability, players should rotate between the different farming methods to increase their supply of Bear Paws. Here is how you can optimize your grind for this item:
Sacrament General Vendor
Most people ignore this specific NPC because he usually sells junk. However, he can offer one Bear Paw every time his shop resets. While it isn’t a consistent way to get this resource, it’s one of the easiest ways to acquire one. You must check with this NPC daily to see if he has a Bear Paw on sale. If not, you wait for the next cycle and check again.
Nameless Pass Chests
The Nameless Pass is a notoriously tricky zone to navigate. There are many enemies here and many chests to loot. While it may be luck, many players have claimed they get most of their Bear Paws drop from this area. However, you might end up with nothing even if you frequently grind it, but you should still grind it.
The best way to farm the Nameless Pass is to leave it for several days after clearing the area. Chests should be refilled after you have been away from that zone for a specific period. Once mobs have respawned, clear the area again and loot all containers. The key is not to unopen chests because Bear Paws can drop from any loot box. Rinse and repeat these steps until you find one.
The Crucible
You are expected to get many great rewards from this challenging content, but you might need to remember that you can farm Bear Paws at a higher frequency. You can usually loot tons of chests while doing The Crucible, and there are always big prizes upon finishing the last boss. While the drop rates for Bear Paws in this challenge don’t change, the speed of how many chests you can open increases your chances of finding one.
Players should farm The Crucible for many reasons besides getting Bear Paws. You can obtain most of the Unique weapons from this content, so you can skip enhancing your current items. However, the Crucible is challenging content to run, so make sure your character is well-prepared to face its stages.
General Tip for Farming Bear Paws
- Don’t Leave a Chest Unopened – This is the most crucial rule when finding Bear Paws. These items can spawn in any chest, so you should not leave an area until you are sure every container has been opened.