Supervive: Best Oath Build

Supervive is a MOBA Battle Royale where you play as different hunters. One of the characters, Oath, has probably caught your attention for his bulky size and adorable expressions. He may look cute, but he’s a force to be reckoned with in matches. If you want to start using Oath as your main or try him out, here’s a complete build for you to play with.
Table of Contents
Build Overview
The Build focuses on Oath’s survivability and shield duration. It’ll provide Oath with a concrete sustain and crowd control utility. The Build can switch from Tank to Damage, creating a hybrid build for team support and adaptability.
Core Items
Here are the Core Items for Oath’s Build:
Guardian’s Respite
- Max Health: +124
- Ability Haste: +17
Gain a 15% Max HP Shield. After a delay, the shield will regenerate from combat.
Bubble Blade
- Ability Power: +170
- Max Mana: +100
The player’s heal applies a shield that equals 25% of the heal.
Soul Drain
- Movespeed: +17
Stomping or performing wisps will heal the player for 150 per second.
Here are the abilities to use for the Oath Build:
- Abyssalbreaker: Creates a fissure that travels forward that stun-struck targets, dealing 85+ Damage. The fissure will grow, creating a cascading eruption that deals 265+ Damage and apply a slow on the target.
- Brightshield: Creates a shield that blocks damage from the front.
- Spin Dash/Shield Bash: Dash in the travel direction while spinning the hammer, dealing 135+ Damage. Press the ability while right-clicking to Shield Dash.
- Regen Shield: Creates a healing area at Oath’s hammer location. The area bursts to boost healing after a short duration. Any attacks hit with the burst will be absorbed.
Here are the powers to use to accompany Oath’s Build:
- Hover Wings: Hovers toward the dash direction for 1.5 seconds.
- Glider Boost: The power is used while gliding to fire up a speed boost for the glider and deal 100 Damage.
- Guardian Angel: Touch any allied wisp to apply a 60% bonus revive effect.
- Sand Wall: Create a wall of sand that blocks projectiles for 5 seconds. Enemies hit by the wall will be slowed by 35% for 0.9 seconds.
- Health Packs: Any hunter who picks up the thrown pack will heal for 140 health per second for 5 seconds.
Here’s the step-by-step guide on how to use Oath’s Build.
Early Game
- Focus on farming and using Guardian’s Respite for survivability
- Use Regen Shield to sustain allies during battles and recover post-trades.
- Use Brightshield to absorb damage and support the team.
Mid Game
- The Bubble Blade applies healing to the shield, making it harder for your team to kill.
- Use Spin Dash/Shield Bash to reposition in fights.
- Abyssalbreaker should be used in narrow areas to maximize its stun and slow effect.
End Game
- Maintain your presence by constantly shielding and healing your team.
- Time the Abyssalbreaker to fully utilize its stunning effects.
Additional Strategies
- To initiate, use Spin Dash/Shield Bash to dash into enemy frontlines, and then deploy Brightshield for shielding.
- Use Regen Shield to heal your team’s durability during fights to support the team.
- Use Hover Wings or Glider Boost to escape if you’re stuck or surrounded.