Supervive Character Tier List

Supervive’s take on the MOBA/battle royale genre is very unique with its top-down WASD control action gameplay. Like many other hero-based games, Supervive has its roster of Hunters, each with a set of unique abilities that play a role in team fights. Some have managed to stand out in power, which is why we’ve made a character tier list based on their mechanical complexity, ease of use, and overall team utility.
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- Elluna: One of the best supports in the game with an instant revive skill, root skill, and AoE heal that greatly aids the squad in a team The sheer utility she brings to the squad is absolutely unmatched.
- Shrike: Currently the most powerful ranged DPS character in the game, as her long-range pokes only enhance her extreme burst damage potential. Players who love twin-stick shooters will find her playstyle very familiar.
- Felix: Very easy to pick up with his simple skills, requiring less mechanical skill and allowing more macro playmaking. His Ignite DoTs can pressure enemies hard while having some good mobility and easy skill shots.
- Celeste: She’s easy to learn and master and can cover the roles of DPS and support very well. Her primary attack essentially tracks targets while her skills give her and the squad a lot of space to play with while leaving the enemy none to work with.
- Ghost: He has an extremely basic kit reminiscent of FPS games like a 30-round rifle, slide, grenade, and the occasional airstrike. Good for new players, but falls off at higher ELOs.
- Myth: A solid ranged zoner character, but requires some mastery over her skill shots to be effective in fights. Good for players who can lead their shots, but she needs some practicing to land shots consistently.
- Zeph: A good support character for players who want to provide pure healing and hard crowd control. Though he provides good support, he struggles to win fights by himself.
- Kingpin: The archetypal “hook” character who can pull enemy players towards his team to isolate them and secure an easy kill. Although a sturdy tank, he can be easily kited against good, ranged players.
- Hudson: He has a simple playstyle of holding LMB for massive burst damage at the cost of movement speed and team utility. Against higher-skill players, he can be countered easily, especially with characters who have a lot of mobility.
- Bishop: Her kit may seem confusing as she has both ranged and melee skills that can easily put new players out of position in a fight, costing them their lives. She’s versatile for players who can master her but will be difficult to pick up initially.
- Shiv: A high-skill ceiling character that rewards players who can consistently land their shots and close the distance on enemies, but she doesn’t bring much else for the team aside from pure DPS.
- Joule: Like Shiv, she’s a high-mobility ranged DPS that demands perfect accuracy to be good in a team fight. For newer players who miss her skill shots, they’ll be penalized with a cut to mobility.
- Oath: One of the tanks in the game but also one of the hardest characters to handle for new players. Figuring out Oath requires players to familiarize themselves with all the other characters as well. While he’s a solid team anchor, he requires a lot of macro and micro knowledge.
- Brall: A balanced fighter with a diverse set of skills. He’s a mechanically complex character that’s easy to mess up, especially in an intense team His damage comes from chaining skills as a combo, which can be hard to land against agile characters.
- Void: Extremely difficult ranged move set that is not recommended for new players. His skills require a lot of setup and preparation to deal damage, but with the frantic pace of the game, this can make it extremely difficult.
- Jin: A high-risk and high-reward melee assassin. He has tons of mobility options, but to compensate for that is very squishy and will die if caught in the wrong place. If played right, he can become a hyper-lethal DPS.