list TFT Set 12 in a 2-cost Reroll Meta State - PlayerAuctions Blog

TFT Set 12 in a 2-cost Reroll Meta State

TFT Set 12 Eldritch Vanguard Syndra Build
By | August 5th, 2024 | Categories: Others

It’s been less than two weeks since Teamfight Tactics Set 12 was released, and, for the most part, people are enjoying most of the new mechanics, except we’re in a 2-Cost Reroll meta. While compositions with 4-Cost and 5-Cost Units are intense, those with green rarity champions usually top the lobby. Reroll Meta is the way to go if you want to climb the rank ladder quickly.

What are 2-Cost Rerolls? 

2-Cost Rerolls are compositions wherein your core or most important units are the ones that cost two gold. Reroll refers to refreshing your shop and hoping that the desired units will appear. Players only need to go and stay at level 6 to hit these characters to get the highest percentage of them showing up in the reroll. 2-Cost Rerolls focuses on trying their 3-Star units around Stage 3 or early Stage 4, which is easy if you have bad luck.

The 2-Cost Reroll Meta

2-Cost reroll units currently dominate Magic n’ Mayhem, meaning players don’t need to level up too much to hit their core carries. You can stabilize your board as early as Stage 2 if you hit your 2 Stars, and that is not hard unless you are low rolling badly. At this point, hitting 3-Star 2-cost units is more important than hitting 2-Star Epic and Legendary champions.

You would lose playing 2-cost Rerolls because you need to hit your units and get your 3-Star carries. This usually happens when you run a highly contested composition, are low rolling (bad luck), or need to manage your economy correctly. With the game’s current state, it’s usually because most 2-cost Rerolls are highly contested, so you’ll be fighting at least one or two people for the units you need. Here are the best compositions to run right now in Set 12:

  • Vanguard Syndra
  • Honeymancy Kog’Maw
  • Shapeshifter Cassiopeia
  • Hunter Kog’Maw
  • Multistriker Kassadin
  • Sweet Tooth Nunu
  • Deja Vu Galio
  • Pyro Nilah

Currently, Syndra is at the top of most lobbies as she is the strongest 2-star unit. In addition, her Eldritch gives her team an edge by summoning an additional unit to fight for them, which ensures that the comp is stable as early as level 6. Cassiopeia follows her as the next best 2-cost carry because she can dish out single-target attacks quickly. If you hit her 2-star version, you can stabilize your build and save enough gold to continue rolling for the 3-star version. 

Kog’maw is awkward because you need him in two different compositions. He’s one of the most contested 2-costs in the game, but he’s solid if you hit his 3-cost version. Pyro Nilah sits at the bottom of the Reroll Meta due to not being as strong as the others in a standard format, but she can scale better if you hit her 3-stars quickly and add more units for trait activation. 

Galio and Nunu are great carriers if you get their unit-specific augments. However, Sweet Tooth Nunu might be risky because he’s used in many comps as a tank, making him highly contested. Galio is not contested, but other compositions still use him in the early stages until they can transition to more robust Vanguard tanks. 

If you want to climb the ranks, we recommend focusing on Syndra or Cassiopeia. These two are the strongest ones right now, especially if you hit their 3-star versions immediately. Kassadin should be your next option over Kog’maw because you’re more likely to hit him than the latter. Only play Nilah if you can activate Multistriker early and keep getting her and Akali, your other DPS, in this composition.

How Do You Play 2-Cost Reroll

2-Cost Rerolls are more accessible than Standard Leveling or Fast nine compositions. It’s mainly because you only need to hit level 6 with enough resources to stabilize. The idea with this comp is to stay at level 6 and refresh your shop to get the required units. You want to reroll the store above 50 gold to maximize your economy, and you don’t want to drop below this threshold. We call this strategy slow rolling at 50 gold. 

2-Cost Reroll relies heavily on building up your economy early, so you have enough gold to reach level 6 quickly. Ideally, you get this around Stage 3, Round 2, while retaining 50 gold in your bank. You must play your most vital board during the first stage and maintain a 5-win or Lose streak to maximize your interest.

The key to 2-cost Rerolls is knowing which champs you need to stabilize your board, which mainly involves your core units. For example, for the Syndra composition, you need three Eldritch and two Vanguards to become strong enough to survive from early to mid-stages. It would help if you found Syndra, Mordekaiser, Galio, and another lower-cost Eldritch unit, which you replace later. 

How Long Will The 2-Cost Reroll Meta Last?

Riot actively releases patches to balance the power scaling between traits and units. TFT adjustments will likely happen after Patch 14.16, which will occur on August 14. This meta will likely continue until this date, and then, we expect a complete shift in the tier lists.

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