list Ultimate Civilization 7 Buildings Table Guide (Unlock, Cost, and Functions) - PlayerAuctions Blog

Ultimate Civilization 7 Buildings Table Guide (Unlock, Cost, and Functions)

By | February 11th, 2025 | Categories: Others

CIV 7 retains or adopted many features from previous games, but they did get some enormous adjustments for this entry. Buildings are changing to accommodate the significant rework in Civ 7’s gameplay. If you don’t want to get caught off guard, this guide will help you understand how each building works in Civilization 7.

All Civilization VII Building Type

Civ 7 features seven building types, each providing various bonuses to your civilization. You’ll need to know which types you need within your cities and how to group them up to maximize their effectiveness.

  • Culture Buildings
    • Function: Provides various bonuses
    • Best Placement: +1 from placing adjacent to mountains, Wonders, and Natural Wonders
    • Best Quarter: Same Quarter as Happiness Buildings
  • Food Building
    • Function: Generate food and help with Growth Rate and Happiness
    • Best Placement: +1 from placing adjacent to Coast, Navigable Rivers, and Wonders
    • Best Quarter: Same Quarter as Gold Buildings
  • Gold Buildings
    • Function: Builds economy and helps with Resource slots. Bridges allow crossing rivers
    • Best Placement: +1 from placing adjacent to Coast, Navigable Rivers, and Wonders
    • Best Quarter: Same Quarter as Food Buildings
  • Happiness Buildings
    • Function: Triggers Celebrations and helps avoid Unrest
    • Best Placement: +1 from placing adjacent to mountains, Wonders, and Natural Wonders
    • Best Quarter: Same Quarter as Cultural Buildings
  • Military and Production Buildings
    • Function: Provide various bonuses
    • Best Placement: +1 from placing adjacent to Resources and Wonders
    • Best Quarter: Same Quarter as Science Buildings
  • Science Buildings
    • Function: Provide various bonuses
    • Best Placement: +1 from placing adjacent to Resources and Wonders
    • Best Quarter: Same Quarter as Military and Productions Buildings
  • Warehouse Buildings
    • Function: +1 of the corresponding yield to improvements in the settlement and provides permanent bonuses that stack
    • Best Placement: None
    • Best Quarter: None

All Civilization 7 Buildings Guide

Culture Buildings

BuildingsAgeProduction CostMaintenance CostUnlocks WithBase YieldExtra
MonumentAntiquity90 Production2 Happiness and 2 Gold3 Tech Tree Depth on Masonry2+1 Influence
AmphitheatreAntiquity195 Production2 Happiness and 2 Gold5 Tech Tree Depth on Engineering410% Production to Wonders and keeps yield with the Golden Age Amphitheatre legacy path
KilnExploration200 Production3 Happiness and 3 Gold2 Tech Tree Depth on Guilds410% Production to Wonders
PavillionExploration250 Production3 Happiness and 3 Gold4 Tech Tree Depth on Architecture5
MuseumModern550 Production4 Happiness and 4 Gold1 Civic Tree Depth on Natural History53 Artifact Slots
Opera HouseModern600 Production4 Happiness and 4 Gold2 Tech Tree Depth on Urbanization6+3 Influence

Food Building

BuildingsAgeProduction CostMaintenance CostUnlocks WithBase YieldExtra
GardenAntiquity90 Production2 Gold3 Tech Tree Depth on Irrigation3+1 Influence
BathAntiquity130 Production2 Happiness and 2 Gold4 Tech Tree Depth on Currency410% Growth Rate when built on River
WharfExploration175 Production3 Happiness and 3 Gold1 Tech Tree Depth on Cartography415% Growth Rate
InnExploration200 Production3 Gold2 Tech Tree Depth on Feudalism3+2 Happiness
HospitalExploration250 Production3 Happiness and 3 Gold5 Tech Tree Depth on Uban Planning52 Resource Slots
Mass ProductionModern600 Production4 Happiness and 4 Gold3 Tech Tree Depth on Mass Production510% Growth Rate
TenementModern650 Production4 Happiness and 4 Gold3 Tech Tree Depth on Radio6+1 for Adjacency

Gold Buildings

BuildingsAgeProduction CostMaintenance CostUnlocks WithBase YieldExtra
MarketAntiquity90 Production2 Happiness4 Tech Tree Depth on Currency51 Resource Slot
LighthouseAntiquity130 Production3 Happiness5 Tech Tree Depth on Navigation52 Resource Slots
Ancient BridgeAntiquity100 Production2 Happiness5 Tech Tree Depth on Engineering II5Allows River Crossing without Embarking
BazaarExploration175 Production3 HappinessAge Start31 Resource Slot
GuildhallExploration200 Production3 Happiness5 Tech Tree Depth on Guilds4+2 Influence
BankExploration250 Production3 Happiness5 Tech Tree Depth on Urban Planning5
Medieval BridgeExploration200 Production3 Happiness2 Tech Tree Depth on Feudalism II4Allows River Crossing without Embarking
PortModern550 Production4 Happiness1 Tech Tree Depth on Steam Engine51 Resource Slot
Stock ExchangeModern650 Production4 Happiness2 Tech Tree Depth on Electricity6
Rail StationModern650 Production4 Happiness2 Tech Tree Depth on Industrialization810% Production to Land Buildings
Modern BridgeModern550 Production4 Happiness2 Tech Tree Depth on Urbanization II6Allows River Crossing without Embarking

Happiness Buildings

BuildingsAgeProduction CostMaintenance CostUnlocks WithBase YieldExtra
AltarAntiquity90 Production2 Gold2 Civic Tree Depth on MysticismReceive/Allow bonus based on Pantheon following
VillaAntiquity120 Production2 Gold4 Tech Tree Depth on The Wheel3+2 Influence
ArenaAntiquity195 Production2 Gold5 Tech Tree Depth on Military Training6
TempleExploration200 Production3 Gold1 Civic Tree Depth on Piety41 Relic Slot and allows recruitment of Missionaries
MenagerieExploration250 Production3 Gold4 Tech Tree Depth on Exploration5+1 Happiness on Camps and Pastures
City ParkModern500 Production4 GoldAge Start4+1 Happiness on Vegetations
Department StoreModern600 Production4 Gold2 Tech Tree Depth on Urbanization51 Resource Slot
Radio StationModern700 Production4 Gold3 Tech Tree Depth on Radio6+4 Influence

Military and Production Buildings

BuildingsAgeProduction CostMaintenance CostUnlocks WithBase YieldExtra
BarracksAntiquity90 Production2 Happiness and 2 Gold4 Tech Tree Depth on Bronze Working210% Production to Land Units (Military Building)
EngineeringAntiquity130 Production2 Happiness and 2 Gold5 Tech Tree Depth on Engineering3
ArmorerExploration200 Production3 Happiness and 3 Gold3 Tech Tree Depth on Metallurgy410% Production to Land Units (Military Building)
ShipyardExploration200 Production3 Happiness and 3 Gold3 Tech Tree Depth on Shipbuilding510% Production to Naval Units (Military Building)
DungeonExploration200 Production3 Happiness and 3 Gold2 Tech Tree Depth on Castles5+2 Influence (Production Building)
Military AcademyModern550 Production4 Happiness and 4 Gold1 Tech Tree Depth on Military Science5Free level to new Commanders (Military Buildings)
AerodromeModern700 Production4 Happiness and 4 Gold3 Tech Tree Depth on Flight8Allows training of Air Units but Occupies Full tile (Military Building)
FactoryModern600 Production4 Happiness and 4 Gold3 Tech Tree Depth on Mass Production61 Resource Slot and can slot one type of factory resource (Production Building)

Science Buildings

BuildingsAgeProduction CostMaintenance CostUnlocks WithBase YieldExtra
LibraryAntiquity90 Production2 Happiness and 2 Gold3 Tech Tree Depth on Writing22 Codex Slots
AcademyAntiquity195 Production2 Happiness and 2 Gold6 Tech Tree Depth on Mathematics43 Codex Slots and keeps yield in Exploration with the Golden Age Academy legacy path
ObservatoryExploration200 Production3 Happiness and 3 Gold1 Tech Tree Depth on Astronomy4
UniversityExploration200 Production3 Happiness and 3 Gold3 Tech Tree Depth on Education5Keeps yield in Exploration with Golden Age University legacy path
SchoolhouseModern550 Production4 Happiness and 4 Gold1 Tech Tree Depth on Academics5
LaboratoryModern650 Production4 Happiness and 4 Gold2 Tech Tree Depth on Electricity6

Warehouse Buildings

BuildingsAgeProduction CostMaintenance CostUnlocks WithBase YieldAdd Yields to
GranaryAntiquity55 Production1 Tech Tree Depth on Agriculture1 Food1 Food (Farms, Pastures, and Plantations)
Fishing QuayAntiquity55 Production2 Tech Tree Depth on Sailing1 Food1 Food (Fishing Boats)
Saw PitAntiquity55 Production2 Tech Tree Depth on Animal Husbandry1 Production1 Production (Camps and Woodcutters)
BrickyardAntiquity55 Production2 Tech Tree Depth on Pottery1 Production1 Production (Mines, Quarries, and Clay Pits)
StonecutterExploration175 ProductionAge Start3 Production1 Production (Mines and Quarries)
GristmillExploration175 Production1 Tech Tree Depth on Machinery3 Food1 Food (Farms, Pastures, and Plantations)
SawmillExploration175 Production1 Tech Tree Depth on Machinery3 Production1 Production (Camps and Woodcutters)
GrocerModern500 ProductionAge Start4 Food1 Food (Farms, Pastures, Plantations, Camps, Fishing Boats, and uncultivated ruralties)
IronworksModern500 Production1 Tech Tree Depth on Steam Engine4 Production1 Production (Mines, Quarries, Clay Pits, and Woodcutters)

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