list Rainbow Six Siege Skopós Guide: Loadout, Abilities & Counters

What To Expect With Rainbow Six Siege’s Skopós

What To Expect With Rainbow Six Siege's Skopós
By | August 30th, 2024 | Categories: Others

Ubisoft has announced Rainbow Six Siege’s new season, Operation Twin Shells. The game will deploy a new operator, Skopós, along with new fixes and patches. Skopós is a Defending Operator with a new mechanic that will change the game. Here’s everything you need to know about Rainbow Six Siege’s Skopós. 

Skopós’ Loadout 

Skopós’ loadout is simple but will pack a punch during matches. She will use the PCX-33 assault rifle as her primary weapon and the P229 as her secondary. Skopós also has access to two gadget items, the Impact Grenades and Proximity Alarms.

Skopós’ Unique Ability: V10 Pantheon Shells 

Skopós’ unique ability is her two V10 Pantheon Shells, Talos and Colossus. They are humanoid robots called Shells that Skopós can control in the game and swap between. Skopós can only activate one Shell at a time. To remember how the two Shells work, the active Shell functions like an operator, and the inactive Shell functions like a gadget.

The active Shell can use weapons to get kills, share with, and use the Impact Grenades and Proximity Alarms that Skopós has. It can roam around the map and give the team info when Skopós controls it. When in use, the active Shell can’t be detected using IQ’s scanner, and EMPs won’t affect it. On the other hand, the inactive Shell will be in a crouched-down position and deploy a bulletproof barrier with a strength similar to a deployable shield. The barriers from the inactive Shell are bulletproof, but they are not explosion-proof. So, items such as Ash Charge, Flores Drone, and Frag Grenade can break the Shell’s barrier, which can make the Shell vulnerable and make it easy for the enemy team to kill. 

Aside from its bulletproof barrier, the inactive Shell can be used as a camera to see what’s happening in the area the Shell was positioned in and can switch from being inactive to active, making Skopós the fastest operator since she can use her Shells to teleport from different locations in the map. Since the Shells are mechanical, Doc or Thunderbird cannot heal them; they can also not wear Rook’s vest. These Shells are immune to gas, such as Fenrir’s harmful effects and Smoke’s Toxic Babes.

How To Use Skopós

Skopós is a versatile operator that can be used in different situations. With her V10 Pantheon Shells, she can be used to roam the map and look for enemies or become an anchor with the inactive Shell’s barriers. Utilizing Skopós in your games has unlimited possibilities. 

If you use Skopós’ as an anchor, her inactive Shell can block off entrances and see where the enemies are on the map using the Shell’s camera. The only caveat is that if the inactive Shell is killed, Skopós becomes gadgetless. Still, you can avoid this situation by placing Proximity Alarms near your Shell to notify you about nearby enemies so you can pull back your Shell. Another way you can utilize Skopós’ Shells is by using her active Shell as a roamer to scope the map and see where they are. The active Shell can flank the enemy if Skopós is pinched between them. 

Which Operators Can Counter Skopós

Skopós may seem overpowered on paper, but her two Shells can be eliminated easily if you have the right tools and operators. Here are some operators that can counter Skopós’ unique ability. 


IQ can utilize her Electronics Detector to find Skopós when switching between Shells. As mentioned, IQ’s scanner can’t detect the active Shell, so the only way to counter this is to eliminate Skopós herself. 


EMPs will not affect the Shells, but if Thatcher uses the EMP on Skopós, she won’t be able to switch to her Shell since Thatcher’s EMPs will disable any electronic devices, including Skopós’ controller for her Shells. 


Dokkaebi can use her ability to disconnect Skopós from her inactive Shell. In the game’s HUD, when using Skopós, it will tell you if Dokkaebi is trying to sever your connection to your inactive Shell. You can prevent this by swapping to the inactive Shell, preventing Dokkaebi from disconnecting you from your Shell. If you can’t prevent the disconnection, you will see Dokkaebi’s logo on the screen.


Brava can use her drone to overheat the inactive Shell. Skopós will have 8 seconds to swap to prevent the hack, but you will be disconnected from your Shell if you fail. 


Nomad’s Airjabs won’t trigger if placed next to the inactive Shell but will trigger once Skopós switches to activate it. Using Skopós’ unique ability, strategy and creativity is essential for this operator. Players can technically switch from three locations on the map when utilizing Skopós and her two Shells. Skopós will bring new play styles and tactics to the game when the season launches. Operation Twin Shells will be released on September 10. 

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