All Upcoming Path of Exile 2 Patch 0.1.1 Changes

Grinding Gear Games has released a video talking about Path of Exile 2’s Patch 0.1.1 and its features like revamped map rewards, map changes, and some much-needed QoL changes. Players are greatly anticipating the update, which is why we’ll summarize each change and what you can expect.
Table of Contents
Mapping Updates
- The game will significantly increase the spawns of monsters and chests of Magic and Rare quality, as well as Strongbox, Essence, and Precursor artifact spawns.
- Part of this change includes increased boss monster node spawns on the map since these appear less often on certain tilesets.
- Precursor Towers will soon come with new tilesets such as Mesa, Alpine Reach, Sinking Spire, and Bluff, while the Lost Towers tileset will be getting an update on its layout.
- A new Precursor Tablet that adds Boss monsters to nearby nodes will be added to the loot pool.
- The Citadel map will have a pillar of light when inside the fog of war so that players can start charting a course toward it.
- Strongbox monster spawns will occur faster.
- Certain map terrain and Rare monster modifier effects will be changed to be more visually telegraphed.
- The Atlas overworld screen will be optimized for faster loading times.
- Map biomes will be displayed when hovering the cursor on a node.
Delirium, Ritual, and Expedition League Changes
- Expedition shop items will have far improved rarity for more rewarding payouts.
- Delirium will be getting a fix for Delirium monsters not spawning upon starting the event.
- Simulacrum drop rates will be increased by around 20%.
- Omens appearing in Ritual shops are 60% more likely.
Pinnacle Boss Changes
- The Arbiter of Ash boss will give players 6 attempts, which lowers as the difficulty increases. This boss will also be forfeited if the player leaves the map via portal.
All Unique Item Rebalancing
Many low-level Uniques are considered to be too underpowered to justify using, which is why GGG will be giving certain items a much-needed buff and change to feel more build-enabling:
- Blackbraid: Armor and Elemental Resistance modifier added
- Doedre’s Tenure: Maximum Energy Shield modifier added
- Bramblejack: Cannot Evade and Life Regeneration When Surrounded added
- Edyrn’s Tusks: All modifier values buffed
- Brynhand’s Mark: Reduced Attack Speed modifier added, all other modifiers buffed
- Frostbreath: Critical Hit Chance added
- Gamblesprint: Increased Rarit of Items Found modifier added.
- Mist Whisper: Increased Chill Duration added
- Matsya: Cold and Lightning Damage added
- Painter’s Servant: Elemental Damage Resistances removed, Elemental Damage converted to Extra Fire, Ice, and Lightning Damage added.
- Titanrot Cataphract: All modifier values buffed.
- Wylund’s Stake: Fire Resistance and +Strength modifiers added.
Item Crafting Changes
- Runes can now be replaced on sockets with an existing Rune.
- High-tier Rare items will have more valuable modifiers.
Monster Nerfs
GGG currently has a massive laundry list nerfing certain monsters, but here are the highlighted nerfs mentioned during the podcast:
- The Mighty Silverfist’s roll deals significantly less damage.
- Plague Bearer explosions will no longer occur off-screen.
- Miners throw grenades less frequently and have better visual clarity.
- Lost-Men Zealots will no longer cast Meteor off-screen.
Console Loot Filters
Console players for Path of Exile 2 will soon be able to simply follow loot filters of their choice through the official PoE 1 website. These changes will also be implemented on the PoE 2 site along with an improved user experience.
Miscellaneous Changes
- The number of Charm charges will be displayed on the UI
- Armor damage reduction and the Scavenged Plating skill will be buffed.