Complete Pokémon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown Card List

Pokémon TCG Pocket’s latest update includes a new trading system and pack! The Space-Time Smackdown Pack contains 207 cards that players can acquire through daily pack openings or Pack Hourglasses.
Table of Contents
Space-Time Smackdown Pack
The Space-Time Smackdown Pack has two variants: a Palkia variant and a Dialga variant. The pack focuses on Gen 4 Pokémon. To help you find the cards you want, here’s a complete list of all the Space-Time Smackdown Card List.
Grass Type
Here are all the Grass Type Pokémon in the pack and their rarity.
- Oddish: 1 Diamond
- Gloom: 1 Diamond
- Bellossom: 2 Diamonds
- Tangela: 1 Diamond
- Tangrowth: 2 Diamonds
- Yanma: 1 Diamond
- Yanmega EX: 4 Diamonds
- Roselia: 1 Diamond
- Roserade: 2 Diamonds
- Turtwig: 1 Diamond
- Grotle: 2 Diamonds
- Torterra: 3 Diamonds
- Kricketot: 1 Diamond
- Kricketune: 1 Diamond
- Burmy: 1 Diamond
- Wormadam: 1 Diamond
- Combee: 1 Diamond
- Vespiquen: 2 Diamond
- Carnivine: 2 Diamonds
- Leafeon: 3 Diamonds
- Mow Rotom: 1 Diamond
- Shaymin: 3 Diamonds
Fire Type
Here are all the Fire Type Pokémon in the pack and their rarity.
- Magmar: 1 Diamond
- Magmortar: 3 Diamonds
- Slugma: 1 Diamond
- Magcargo: 2 Diamonds
- Chimchar: 1 Diamond
- Monferno: 2 Diamonds
- Infernape EX: 4 Diamonds
- Heat Rotom: 1 Diamond
Water Type
Here are all the Water Type Pokémon in the pack and their rarity.
- Swinub: 1 Diamond
- Piloswine: 2 Diamonds
- Mamoswine: 3 Diamonds
- Regice: 2 Diamonds
- Piplup: 1 Diamond
- Prinplup: 2 Diamonds
- Empoleon: 3 Diamonds
- Buizel: 1 Diamond
- Floatzel: 2 Diamonds
- Shellos: 1 Diamond
- Gastrodon: 2 Diamonds
- Finneon: 1 Diamond
- Lumineon: 2 Diamonds
- Snover: 1 Diamond
- Abomasnow: 2 Diamonds
- Glaceon: 3 Diamonds
- Wash Rotom: 1 Diamond
- Frost Rotom: 1 Diamond
- Palkia EX: 4 Diamonds
- Manaphy: 2 Diamonds
Lightning Type
Here are all the Lightning Type Pokémon in the pack and their rarity.
- Magnemite: 1 Diamond
- Electrode: 2 Diamonds
- Electabuzz: 1 Diamond
- Electivire: 3 Diamonds
- Shinx: 1 Diamond
- Luxio: 2 Diamonds
- Luxray: 3 Diamonds
- Pachirisu EX: 4 Diamonds
- Rotom: 1 Diamond
Psychic Type
Here are all the Psychic Type Pokémon in the pack and their rarity.
- Togepi: 1 Diamond
- Togetic: 2 Diamonds
- Togekiss: 3 Diamonds
- Misdreavus: 1 Diamond
- Mismagius EX: 4 Diamonds
- Ralts: 1 Diamond
- Kirlia: 1 Diamond
- Duskull: 1 Diamond
- Dusclops: Diamonds
- Dusknoir: 3 Diamonds
- Drifloon: 1 Diamond
- Drifblim: 2 Diamonds
- Uxie: 2 Diamonds
- Mesprit: 3 Diamonds
- Azelf: 2 Diamonds
- Giratina: 3 Diamonds
- Cresselia: 3 Diamonds
Fighting Type
Here are all the Fighting Type Pokémon in the pack and their rarity.
- Rhyhorn: 1 Diamond
- Rhydon: 2 Diamonds
- Rhyperior: 3 Diamonds
- Gligar: 1 Diamond
- Gliscor: 2 Diamonds
- Hitmontop: 1 Diamond
- Nosepass: 1 Diamond
- Regirock: 2 Diamonds
- Cranidos: 2 Diamonds
- Rampardos: 3 Diamonds
- Wormadam: 1 Diamond
- Riolu: 1 Diamond
- Lucario: 3 Diamonds
- Hippopotas: 1 Diamond
- Hippowdon: 2 Diamonds
- Gallade EX: 4 Diamonds
Darkness Type
Here are all the Darkness Type Pokémon in the pack and their rarity.
- Murkrow: 1 Diamond
- Honchkrow: 2 Diamonds
- Sneasel: 1 Diamond
- Weavile EX: 4 Diamonds
- Poochyena: 1 Diamond
- Mightyena: 2 Diamonds
- Stunky: 1 Diamond
- Skuntank: 2 Diamonds
- Spiritomb: 2 Diamonds
- Skorupi: 1 Diamond
- Drapion: 2 Diamonds
- Croagunk: 1 Diamond
- Toxicroak: 2 Diamonds
- Darkrai: 3 Diamonds
- Darkrai EX: 4 Diamonds
Metal Type
Here are all the Metal Type Pokémon in the pack and their rarity.
- Skarmory: 2 Diamonds
- Registeel: 2 Diamonds
- Shieldon: 2 Diamonds
- Bastiodon: 3 Diamonds
- Wormadam: 1 Diamond
- Bronzor: 1 Diamond
- Bronzong: 2 Diamonds
- Probopass: 2 Diamonds
- Dialga EX: 4 Diamonds
- Heatran: 3 Diamonds
Normal Types
Here are all the Normal Type Pokémon in the pack and their rarity.
- Lickitung: 1 Diamond
- Lickilicky EX: 4 Diamonds
- Eevee: 1 Diamond
- Porygon: 1 Diamond
- Porygon2: 2 Diamond
- Porygon-Z: 3 Diamonds
- Aipom: 1 Diamond
- Ambipom: 1 Diamond
- Starly: 1 Diamond
- Staravia: 1 Diamond
- Staraptor: 2 Diamonds
- Bidoof: 1 Diamond
- Bibarel: 1 Diamond
- Buneary: 1 Diamond
- Lopunny: 1 Diamond
- Glameow: 1 Diamond
- Purugly: 2 Diamonds
- Chatot: 1 Diamond
- Fan Rotom: 1 Diamond
- Regigigas: 3 Diamonds
Dragon Types
Here are all the Dragon Type Pokémon in the pack and their rarity.
- Gible: 1 Diamond
- Gabite: 2 Diamonds
- Garchomp: 3 Diamonds
Pokémon Tool Cards
Here are all the Pokémon Tool Cards in the pack.
- Skull Fossil: 1 Diamond
- Armor Fossil: 1 Diamond
- Pokémon Communications: 2 Diamonds
- Giant Caps: 2 Diamonds
- Rocky Helmet: 2 Diamonds
- Lum Berry: 2 Diamonds
Supporter Cards
Here are all the Supporter Cards in the pack.
- Cyrus: 2 Diamonds
- Team Galactic Grunt: 2 Diamonds
- Cynthia: 2 Diamonds
- Volkner: 2 Diamonds
- Dawn: 2 Diamonds
- Mars: 2 Diamonds
1 Star Cards
Here are all the 1 Star Art Rare Full Art Cards in the pack.
- Tangrowth
- Combee
- Carnivine
- Shaymin
- Mamoswine
- Gastrodon
- Manaphy
- Shinx
- Rotom
- Drifloon
- Masprit
- Giratina
- Cresselia
- Rhyperior
- Lucario
- Hippopotas
- Spiritomb
- Croagunk
- Heatran
- Garchomp
- Staraptor
- Bidoof
- Glameow
- Regigigas
2 Star Cards
The 2 Star Cards consist of three different types of cards: the Super Rare – CGI Full Art, Super Rare – Illustrated Supporter Full Art, and the Special Art Rare – Rainbow Border Full Art. Here are all the 2 Star Cards in the pack.
Super Rare – CGI Full Art
- Yanmega EX
- Infernape EX
- Palkia EX
- Pachirisu EX
- Mismagius EX
- Gallade EX
- Weavile EX
- Darkrai EX
- Dialga EX
- Lickilicky EX
Super Rare – Illustrated Supporter Full Art
- Cyrus
- Team Galactic Grunt
- Cynthia
- Volkner
- Dawn
- Mars
Special Art Rare – Rainbow Border Full Art
- Yanmega EX
- Infernape EX
- Pachirisu EX
- Mismagius EX
- Gallade EX
- Weavile EX
- Darkrai EX
- Lickilicky EX
3 Star Cards
3 Star Cards are among the rarest because they have an exclusive immersive animation that brings the cards to life. Here are all the 3 Star Cards in the pack.
- Palkia EX
- Dialga EX
Crown Cards
Crown Rares are the CGI Full Art Cards of the Pokémon featured on the cover of the pack. Here are all the Crown cards in the pack.
- Palkia EX
- Dialga EX