Complete Warframe Protea Prime Relics Farm Guide

Protea is one of the strongest Warframes available in the game because of her powerful technological enhancements and unique machinations. She can easily mow down enemies and use various resources and shield generators to ensure her victory. If you are planning to craft her, then you might have a challenging time farming her relics. However, all the hours of grinding are worth it because she is an absolute powerhouse with enjoyable gameplay. This guide will show you how to farm Protea Prime’s Relics.
Table of Contents
Protea Prime Relic Farm
Protea’s Prime version is relatively new since it was released on May 1, 2024. You need four Void Relics to craft this Warframe and there are several ways to obtain them. You can buy them via Relic Packs from Syndicate factions or Teshin’s Steel Path Shop. You can also trade them with other players if you don’t have enough Warframe currency. Here are all the Void Relics you need to craft Protea Prime:
- Main Blueprint: Meso W4
- 25,000 Credits
- 1 Protea Prime Neuroptics
- 1 Protea Prime Chassis
- 1 Protea Prime Systems
- 5 Orokin Cells
- 72 Hours Crafting Time
- Neuroptics Blueprint: Neo P6
- 15,000 Credits
- 8 Neural Sensors
- 10 Control Modules
- 250 Oxium
- 2,750 Salvage
- 12 Hours Crafting time
- Chassis Blueprint: Axi P7
- 15,000 Credits
- 2 Argon Crystals
- 8 Morphics
- 1,200 Rubedo
- 4,250 Ferrite
- 12 Hours Crafting Time
- Systems Blueprint: Lith P9
- 15,000 Credits
- 2 Nitain Extract
- 370 Oxium
- 875 Circuits
- 4,800 Nano Spores
- 12 Hours Crafting Time
If you choose to farm these Void Relics, you must grind them during different eras in the Void. You will be farming these items separately because they drop from various beginning missions, so collecting all of them might take you some time.
Meso W4 Farm
Protea’s Main Blueprint from the Meso Relic is a standard drop, so you shouldn’t have too much trouble farming this specific component. You can get the most from Disruption missions but still get them from other tasks. Here are the best farming spots for the Meso W4 Relic:
- Disruption Rotation C on Olympus, Mars – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Disruption Rotation A on Kappa, Sedna – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Disruption Rotation A on Ur, Uranus – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Defense Rotation A on Io, Jupiter – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Defense Rotation A on Paimon, Europa – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Defense Rotation A on Helene, Saturn – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Interception Rotation C on Gaia, Earth – 13.92% Drop Chance
- Interception Rotation C on Cytherean, Venus – 13.92% Drop Chance
- Interception Rotation C on Odin, Mercury – 13.92% Drop Chance
- Interception Rotation C on Alator, Mars – 13.92% Drop Chance
- Interception Rotation C on Cinxia, Ceres – 13.92% Drop Chance
These are the Star Charts with the highest drop chance for the Meso W4 Farm. However, we highly recommend players choose Disruption modes because they are faster to clear if they focus on the objectives. The Defense Rotation A on Io, Jupiter, is another viable choice, and you can extract it after wave 10 to maximize your time.
You can also choose to do Capture missions Ukko Void Rotation A, but this will only have a 6.67% Drop Chance. However, since it is a capture quest, you can quickly clear this one faster than most tasks, so it is an excellent way to farm Meso W4 Relic.
Neo P6 Farm
Neo P6 is an uncommon drop, so you might have a harder time getting this than Meso W4. However, it shouldn’t take that long since it’s not that rare. Several missions have high drop rates for the Neo P6 Relic, but you only have an 11% chance of getting the Protea Prime Neuroptics. Here are the best farming spots for Void items:
- Interception Rotation A on Mithra, Void – 18.18% Drop Chance
- Survival Rotation A on Mot, Void – 18.18% Drop Chance
- Sanctuary Onslaught Rotation C on Elite Sanctuary Onslaught – 15.18% Drop Chance
- Disruption Rotation A on Apollo, Lua – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Disruption Rotation B on Kappa, Sedna – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Interception Rotation C on Callisto, Jupiter – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Interception Rotation C on Ose, Europa – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Interception Rotation C on Rhea, Saturn – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Interception Rotation C on Umbriel, Uranus – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Survival Rotation B on Zabala, Eris – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Disruption Rotation B on Ur, Uranus – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Disruption Rotation C on Ur, Uranus – 13.56% Drop Chance
- Survival Rotation B on Terrorem, Deimos – 12.5% Drop Chance
- Interception Rotation B on Mithra, Void – 12.5% Drop Chance
Interception Rotation A on Mithra, Void has the highest drop chance and fastest apparent speed, but it isn’t easy to complete. Players consider the Disruption quests in Ur and Uranus the best farming spots, but you will still need to use well-equipped Warframes here due to how the difficulty spikes here. If you choose less stressful modes, the Capture quest in Ukko, Void is also a good alternative, but you are more likely to get a Meso Relic here than a Neo.
Axi P7 Farm
Protea Prime Chassis doesn’t often drop from Axi P7 Relics since it only has a 2% chance of appearing, so you must farm this container for many hours. To make it even more complicated, this Void Relic doesn’t have that many options on where you can farm them. Here are the most efficient farming spots for Axi P7:
- Disruption Rotation B on Apollo, Lua – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Interception Rotation B on Berehyynia, Sedna – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Interception Rotation B on Cerberus, Pluto – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Interception Rotation B on Xini, Eris – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Interception Rotation C on Berehyynia, Sedna – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Interception Rotation C on Cerberus, Pluto – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Interception Rotation C on Xini, Eris – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Survival Rotation C on Zabala, Eris – 12.5% Drop Chance
- Disruption Rotation C on Apollo, Lua – 12.42% Drop Chance
- Conjunction Survival Rotation C on Yuvarium, Lua – 11.34% Drop Chance
- Interception Rotation C on Mithra, Void – 11.13% Drop Chance
- Survival Rotation C on Mot, Void – 11.13% Drop Chance
Since we want to open as many Axis P7s as possible, we want to do farming spots that offer the highest drop chance with the fastest clear speed, even if they are difficult. The best way to farm this Void Relic is via the Disruption Rotations in Apollo, Lua. B and C are excellent sources for the item, so doing both should guarantee at least one Axi drop per run. Try doing Omni Fissures in Apollo and Lua also to crack the Void Relics you have.
Lith P9 Farm
The Protea Prime Systems Blueprint has the same drop chance as the Chassis from their respective relics. This component only has a 2% chance of appearing from Lith P9, so we need to farm this one as often as possible to maximize our chances of getting the necessary reward. Here are the best farming spots for this Void Relic:
- Profit-Taker Bounty Rotation A on Fortuna (Requires Rank 5: Old Mate with Solaris United) – 15% Drop Chance
- Disruption Rotation A on Olympus, Mars – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Disruption Rotation B on Olympus, Mars – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Spy Rotation B on Cambria, Earth – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Spy Rotation B on Unda, Venus – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Spy Rotation B on Suisei, Mercury – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Spy Rotation B on Arval, Mars – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Spy Rotation B on Shklovsky, Phobos – 14.29% Drop Chance
- Capture Rotation A on Hepit, Void – 13.33% Drop Chance
- Defense Rotation A on Taranis, Void – 13.33% Drop Chance
- Exterminate Rotation A on Teshub, Void – 13.33% Drop Chance
- Defense Rotation A on Hyf, Deimos – 11.11% Drop Chance
We have two reliable sources for the Lith P9 Relic: the Disruptions in Olympus, Mars, and the Capture in Hepit, Void. The Disruption is an endless mission where you can continuously farm Lith Relic in Rotation A. You can do three of them per run until round three. However, we consider the Capture in Hepit, Void, the best farming spot since it is the fastest to complete. You are almost guaranteed to get a Lith P9 for every run, so you can continuously spam this repeatedly to get multiple pieces.
Why You Should Farm for Protea Prime Relics
Upgrading a Warframe to its Prime version significantly boosts its stats and abilities. For Protea, you gain more Armor and Energy, plus improved skills. Here is the difference between the two versions:
- Armor: 135
- Energy: 175
- Health: 270
- Shields: 455
- Sprint Speed: 1.2
Protea Prime
- Armor: 185
- Energy: 200
- Health: 270
- Shields: 455
- Sprint Speed: 1.2
With the improved Armor and Energy, Protea Prime becomes more durable and can use more abilities without resting.