Blizzard Is Now Banning People for Advertising Boosts/Summons Outside Dedicated Channels

Players are reportedly being banned from using dedicated text channels outside their intended purposes. While the ban is not permanent, the update means gamers should be more careful and wary about what they chat about on specific channels. Here’s everything we know about the situation.
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People Got Banned for Incorrect Dedicated Services Channels Usage
A Redditor posted how several of his friends were banned from the game for advertising boost runs in the /LFG and /Trade channels. These channels are mainly used for trading and forming parties, so Blizzard finally put out bans for not using these channels for their intended purposes. Players aren’t precisely angry about this development and welcome how Blizzard is finally moderating their text services. However, people are pissed that it took almost two decades for a multi-billion gaming company to do a very basic QoL moderation.
How to Properly Use Dedicated Services Channels
Generally, there should be a Dedicated Text Channel for specific functions. In this instance, LFG should only be used for players looking for raid groups (LFG), and Trade should only be used for trading. If you want to boost or look for boosts or summons, you must join the /Services channel. Layer swapping requires you to join /Layer. You can join these text services by typing “/service type” to find and use the appropriate groups. Using these channels for other purposes will land you in Blizzard’s ban crosshairs.
Blizzard Banning People Left and Right
While the improper use of the Dedicated Channels is seen as a win, players worry about Blizzard’s indiscriminate banning without any viable way to contest it. The community agrees that World of Warcraft has one of the worst customer services in the gaming industry. Many players have been banned over the months simply because others report them for hacking. However, these reports are vindictive because many reports are results of gamers losing loot rolls or trolling.
Appeal tickets are barely getting any response right now. Doing follow-up appeals can even get you banned for “spamming multiple tickets,” which is a bad move for customer service. Because of this, many players have since dropped the game because of their bad experience with the game.