Fast WoW Profaned Tinderbox Farming Guide: Where to Get It

The War Within is well underway, and with the pending introduction of Mythic+ raids for Season 1, almost everyone is trying to equip their characters with decent gear for their M+ runs. Aside from raising Item Levels, adventurers are scrambling to obtain strong enchantments to increase their DPS, healing, or tanking for Season 1 raids. Unfortunately, gamers found that one of the reagents, Profaned Tinderbox, for crafting many enchantments has a meager drop rate and is very expensive in the Auction House. This guide will help players maximize their time farming this highly coveted material.
Table of Contents
What is the Profaned Tinderbox
This reagent is used for many recipes, primarily enchantments, but it can also be used to create some of the most fantastic gear in the game. Profaned Tinderboxes are very useful and profitable because you can craft many things with this material. Here’s everything you can make using this reagent:
- Sanctified Alloy
- Oil of Beledar’s Grace
- Defender’s March
- Scout’s March
- Blessed Weapon Grip
- Defender’s Armor Kit
- Radiant Critical Strike
- Radiant Haste
- Radiant Mastery
- Radiant Versatility
- Arathi Leatherworker’s Smock
- Authority of Air
- Authority of Fiery Resolve
- Authority of Radiant Power
- Sanctified Steps
- Sanctified Torchbearer’s Grips
- Scepter of Radiant Magics
- Waders of the Unifying Flame
Most of these enchantments strongly affect the gear slot they augment, while the craftable items are some of the best pre-Season 1. Our only issue with this is that the primary material used to create them is rare. Profaned Tinderbox has a meager drop chance from most available sources, so it’ll take quite some time for players to farm a hefty amount of it.
Profaned Tinderbox Drop Rates
This reagent is currently priced for at least 7k WoW Gold in the Auction House because of how rare it is due to the low drop rates. Despite having multiple node sources, players still need help farming it, and it can take hours to gather at least two of them. Here are the drop rates for this material.
Mob Drops
- Enraged Chicken: 0.08%
- Ambushing Swarmer: 0.08%
- Lashroom: 0.5%
- Pupating Stinger: 0.5%
- Waxen Bones: 0.6%
- Ambushing Swarmer: 0.7%
- Understalker Tunneler: 0.7%
- Encroaching Fungarian: 0.7%
- Nerubian Ambusher: 0.7%
- Enraged Snuffler: 0.8%
- Burrowing Jawcrawler: 0.8%
- Raging Roots: 0.8%
- Crushing Waxthief: 0.8%
- Warbling Mudskip: 0.9%
- Kobold Wax-Thief: 1%
- Burrowing Stoneswarmer: 1%
- Disturbed Krolusk: 1.1%
- Crystal Clacker: 1.2%
- Wandering Scuttleshell: 1.3%
- Raging Rock: 1.3%
- Nerubian Venomweb: 1.5%
- Waxy Blob: 1.8%
Chest Drops
- Bountiful Heavy Trunk: 0.5%
- Fisherman’s Pouch: 0.5%
- Captain Lancekat’s Discretionary: 0.6%
- Heavy Trunk: 0.6%
- Crabber Supplies: 0.7%
- Fieldhand Stash: 0.7%
- Heavy Trunk: 0.7%
- Keeper’s Vault: 0.7%
- Ladened Earthen Coffer: 0.7%
- Pilfered Loot: 0.7%
- Arathi Treasure Hoard: 0.8%
- Bountiful Heavy Trunk: 0.8%
- Earthen Coffer: 0.8%
- Harvest Box: 0.8%
- Hillhelm Lunchbox: 0.8%
- Kobyss Ritual Cache: 0.8%
- Machine Speaker’s Reliquary: 0.8%
- Pile of Refuse: 0.8%
- Stashed Loot: 0.8%
- Waxy Lump: 0.8%
- Concentrated Shadow: 0.9%
- Deep-Lost Satchel: 0.9%
- Elemental Geode: 0.9%
- Sureki Strongbox: 0.9%
- Keeper’s Stash: 1%
- Threadspun Cache: 1%
- Brimming Deep-Lost Satchel: 1.1%
- Hunters Threadspun Cache: 1.1%
- Brimming Arathi Treasure Hoard: 1.2%
- Potent Concentrated Shadow: 1.2%
- Enormous Pile of Refuse: 1.3%
- Etched Machine: 1.3%
- Overflowing Kobyss Ritual Cache: 1.3%
- Coral-Fused Clam: 1.4%
- Royal Sureki Strongbox: 1.4%
- Surveyor’s Box: 1.4%
- Farm Satchel: 1.5%
- Earthbound Geode: 1.7%
- Misplaced Supplies: 2%
- Sturdy Chest: 100%
As we can see, most drop rates are less than 2%, and only Sturdy Chests have a guaranteed drop. We also have no information on whether future raids will contain a drop chance for this, but it’s better to assume that these will be the only sources for Profaned Tinderbox.
Best Profaned Tinderbox Farm
There have been many tips on how to farm this reagent, but the best we found so far is to farm the Nightfall Sanctum Delve. While most people associate delves as short dungeons and PvE combat content, some players found that you can obtain Profaned Tinderbox by doing gathering activities inside these instances, which include fishing. Brann can throw this reagent to you whenever you engage in any gathering or professional activity. We don’t have info on the drop rate for this, but it has a better frequency than most.
Players can fish in the pools inside the delves, which doesn’t seem like common knowledge to people. The Profaned Tinderbox appears to have the same drop rate in any delves. We advise players to run the ones with the most gathering points to increase their chances of getting the reagent.
Outside delves, Disturbed Earth, and Waxy Lumps might be the best sources for this material in the open world. These nodes are abundant all over the new zones, so while the drop rate is meager, the number of times we gather these points means we have more frequent rolls for Profaned Tinderbox. However, farming these nodes is all RNG-based, so you can go for several hours without getting one or multiple in a row.