The Best Classic WoW Server for You

Every WoW server has a distinct identity, being designated with specific roles by the game’s overall community. When starting as a new player, server choices are semi-permanent and may provide a completely different experience. Not only that, server populations can dictate how fast matchmaking and LFGs can be for you. We will provide you with a list of servers and what the community is like there.
When choosing a server, there are two factors to consider: The server population and faction balance. Servers with more people make for a better experience as these have the highest activity for all types of content. Faction balance dictates whether a server is dominated by Alliance or Horde players, which may impact your experience depending on your toon’s race.
Table of Contents
PvE Servers
Many PvE servers give a chill experience for new players still trying to figure out the game. Since PvP requires two players to be flagged, your leveling experience will remain unhindered by griefers or high-level players farming for Honor. LFG posts for dungeons and raids will be far more plentiful on these servers.
Ashkandi | Seasonal and Hardcore |
Atiesh | Seasonal and Hardcore |
Azuresong | Seasonal and Hardcore |
Mankrik | Seasonal and Hardcore |
Myzrael | Seasonal and Hardcore |
Old Blanchy | Seasonal and Hardcore |
Pagle | Seasonal and Hardcore |
Westfall | Seasonal and Hardcore |
Windseeker | Seasonal and Hardcore |
Obsidian Edge | Seasonal |
Shadowstrike | Seasonal |
Wild Growth | Seasonal |
Skull Rock | Hardcore |
Defias Pillager | Hardcore |
Mirage Raceway | Seasonal and Hardcore |
Nethergarde Keep | Seasonal and Hardcore |
Pyrewood Village | Seasonal and Hardcore |
Auberdine (French) | Seasonal and Hardcore |
Everlook (German) | Seasonal and Hardcore |
Lakeshire (German) | Seasonal and Hardcore |
Razorfen (German) | Seasonal and Hardcore |
Chromie (Russian) | Seasonal and Hardcore |
Kingsfall | Seasonal |
Nek’Rosh | Hardcore |
Stitches | Hardcore |
Shimmering Flats (Korea) | Seasonal and Hardcore |
Maraudon (China) | Seasonal and Hardcore |
Brightwater Lake (Korea) | Seasonal |
Quel’Serrar | Seasonal |
Remulos (Australia) | Seasonal and Hardcore |
Lionheart (Australia) | Seasonal |
Penance (Australia) | Seasonal |
PvP Servers
If you prefer a more tense experience when leveling out in the wild, these servers permanently enable PvP at all times, which runs the risk of you getting attacked by a player on the opposite faction. While these are not recommended for new players, experienced PvPers looking to start fresh can hop into these servers. Note that these servers are separated between Vanilla, Seasonal Vanilla, and Wrath of the Lich King Classic.
Anathema | Vanilla |
Bigglesworth | Vanilla |
Benediction | Vanilla and WotLK |
Blaumeux | Vanilla |
Ashbringer | Vanilla and WotLK |
Bloodfang | Vanilla |
Dreadmist | Vanilla |
Firemaw | Vanilla and WotLK |
Faerlina | Vanilla and WotLK |
Fairbanks | Vanilla |
Herod | Vanilla |
Incendius | Vanilla |
Kirtonos | Vanilla |
Heartseeker | Vanilla |
Kromcrush | Vanilla |
Kurinnaxx | Vanilla |
Loatheb | Vanilla |
Netherwind | Vanilla |
Rattlegore | Vanilla |
Skeram | Vanilla |
Smolderweb | Vanilla |
Stalagg | Vanilla |
Sulfuras | Vanilla and WotLK |
Thalnos | Vanilla |
Thunderfury | Vanilla |
Whitemane | Vanilla and WotLK |
Arcanite Reaper | Vanilla |
Earthfury | Vanilla and WotLK |
Barman Shanker | Seasonal Vanilla |
Nightfall | Seasonal Vanilla |
Jom Gabbar | Seasonal Vanilla |
Living Flame | Seasonal Vanilla |
Mutanus | Seasonal Vanilla |
Lone Wolf | Seasonal Vanilla |
Flamelash | Vanilla |
Gandling | Vanilla |
Gehennas | Both Vanilla and WotLK |
Golemagg | Both Vanilla and WotLK |
Judgement | Vanilla |
Mograine | Vanilla and WotLK |
Noggenfogger | Vanilla |
Sulfuras (Korean) | Seasonal Vanilla |
Jasperlode Mine (Chinese) | Seasonal |
Ivus (Chinese) | Vanilla and WotLK |
Ragnaros (Korean) | Vanilla and WotLK |
Lokholar (Korean) | Vanilla and WotLK |
Iceblood (Korean) | Vanilla and WotLK |
Hillsbrad (Korean) | Vanilla |
Razorgore | Vanilla |
Shazzrah | Vanilla |
Skullflame | Vanilla |
Stonespine | Vanilla |
Ten Storms | Vanilla |
Amnennar (French) | Both Vanilla and WotLK |
Sulfuron (French) | Both Vanilla and WotLK |
Finkle (French) | Vanilla |
Lucifron (German) | Vanilla |
Venoxis (German) | Vanilla and WotLK |
Patchwerk (German) | Vanilla and WotLK |
Dragon’s Call (German) | Vanilla |
Arugal (Australia) | Vanilla and WotLK |
Transcendence (German) | Vanilla and WotLK |
Harbinger of Doom (Russian) | Vanilla |
Flamegor (Russian) | Vanilla and WotLK |
Dragonfang | Vanilla |
Rhok’delar (Russian) | Vanilla |
Wyrmthalak (Russian) | Vanilla |
Mandokir (Spanish) | Vanilla and WotLK |
Heartstriker (German) | Vanilla |
Bonescythe | Seasonal Vanilla |
Swamp of Sorrows (Australia) | Seasonal Vanilla |
Shadowstrike (Australia) | Seasonal Vanilla |
Felstriker (Australia) | Vanilla |
Yojamba (Australia) | Vanilla and WotLK |
Ironfoe | Seasonal Vanilla |
Chaos Bolt | Seasonal Vanilla |
Dreadnaught | Seasonal Vanilla |
Living Flame | Seasonal Vanilla |
Lone Wolf | Seasonal Vanilla |
Roleplaying Servers
If you like to fully immerse yourself in Azeroth and interact with other players in character, these servers are great for trying out your acting chops.
Lava Lash | Seasonal Vanilla |
Crusader Strike (PvP) | Seasonal Vanilla |
Zandalar Tribe (PvP) | Vanilla |
Hydraxian Waterlords | Vanilla and WotLK |
Celebas (German) | Vanilla |
Bloodsail Buccaneers | Vanilla and WotLK |
Deviate Delight (PvP) | Vanilla |
Grobbulus (PvP) | Vanilla and WotLK |
Chaos Bolt (PvP) | Seasonal Vanilla |