Where and How to Farm WoW TWW Enchanted Weathered Crest

Heroic and Mythic raids are just around the corner, and it’s high time that players start gearing up to increase their Item Level. Ideally, we want to hit gear scores between 580 and 590 to be M+ viable. You might have trouble getting into parties or clearing the raids if you aren’t in this range. Fortunately, one particular reagent can easily bridge the gap between your current and recommended item levels. If you can farm Enchanted Weathered Harbinger Crest, you won’t have problems with your gear.
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Mythic Raiding on September 10
We’ve had access to Normal Dungeons since August 22, and Heroics was finally available on August 26. By September 10 or 11, TWW will open its doors for Mythic 0 Dungeons and Heroic Seasonal Dungeons. This is a preparation for the opening of Mythic+ raiding by September 18. Fortunately, we can use Raid Finder Wings for Nerub-ar Palace by the 10th. Here are the currently known dungeon item rewards for Season 1:
- Normal: 554 Item Level
- Heroic: 580 Item Level and 593 Item Level from Great Vault
- Mythic 0: 593 Item Level and 603 Item Level from Great Vault
- Mythic +2: 597 Item Level and 606 Item Level from Great Vault
- Mythic +3: 597 Item Level and 610 Item Level from Great Vault
- Mythic +4: 600 Item Level and 610 Item Level from Great Vault
- Mythic +5: 603 Item Level and 613 Item Level from Great Vault
- Mythic +6: 606 Item Level and 613 Item Level from Great Vault
- Mythic +7: 610 Item Level and 616 Item Level from Great Vault
- Mythic +8: 610 Item Level ad 619 Item Level from Great Vault
- Mythic +9: 613 Item Level and 619 Item Level from Great Vault
- Mythic +10: 613 Item Level and 623 Item Level from Great Vault
You’ll need to prepare your gear to meet the required item level for efficient Mythic+ runs. Ideally, you should be within the 15 Item level range of the current drop per difficulty. If you’re running Mythic +7, your gear should be at least Item Level 595, or else people won’t accept you to their parties. The easiest way to reach the recommended ILvls would be to use Enchanted Weathered Crest to increase your current gear by 6. However, you’ll need to be cautious when spending this material to be more efficient.
How to Farm Enchanted Weathered Harbinger Crest
The Enchanted Weather Harbinger Crest is an enchanting product you can make if you’e learned its recipe. The formula can be obtained a number of ways, but the most common is by doing dungeons and looting chests from Bountiful Delves. You need to be level 80 for this item to drop for you.
You can create an Enchanted Weathered Harbinger if you have specialized in Khaz Algar Enchanting. Otherwise, you can get one by commissioning someone via Job Orders and providing artisans with suitable materials. Here are all the components for producing this reagent:
- Nascent Weathered Harbinger Crest
- 30 Storm Dust
- 5 Gleaming Dust
The real grind here would be for Weathered Harbinger Crest because you’ll need 30 of them to buy one Nascent version from Llande in Dornogal. Fortunately, these things are easier to get now than in Dragonflight, as you can quickly obtain one to two via Hallowfall Orbs and ten via Heroics.
Which Items Should You Use Enchanted Weathered Harbinger Crests On
Ideally, it would help if you focused on dumping crests on weapons, trinkets, and reputation helmets. However, it would also help if you only did this once all your items were at Item Level 580. This ILvl should be decent for up to Mythic +3. Since you’ll also get better sets via M+ raids, you can be a bit conservative in using crests once Season 1 rolls in. However, you should use it on your best-in-slot items if you want to min-max. Otherwise, you shouldn’t randomly use it on any high-level drops you get.
Enchanted Weathered Harbinger Crests won’t be that valuable once Season 1 rolls in because higher-level Mythic+ drops will quickly outpace most things you craft with the crests. However, there are instances wherein using this reagent on specific BiS items can maximize your total DPS, making a difference in higher M+ raids. It’s best to check out which drops are worth putting Enchanted Weather Harbinger Crests on, so you only spend a little gold crafting or ordering them.