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WoW Cata Classic Crucible of Carnage Bugs Fixes and How to Get Rewards

By | May 29th, 2024 | Categories: World of Warcraft

Players have found that the Crucible of Carnage is not your typical quest chain that can be done solo. The quest is hard to complete due to many factors. The whole quest line requires you to fight a challenging series of six mini-bosses. Each one presents unique mechanics and will require a team effort. This guide will help players learn how to complete the quest. If you are also having trouble progressing in the pursuit, we may have the solution you are looking for. 

Table of Content

  • WoW Cata Classic Crucible of Carnage Requirements
  • Need to Know for the Crucible of Carnage
  • Crucible of Carnage Quest Chains
  • Crucible of Carnage Quest Completion Bugs and Problems

WoW Cata Classic Crucible of Carnage Requirements

Before you can start the quest, you need to hit level 82. After the increased level cap from 80 to 85, players should be able to reach the new max rank by grinding certain end-game content like Mount Hyjal, Deepholm, Uldum, and Tol Barad Peninsula. Once you’ve hit level 82, you can accept the first quest in the line from Gurgthock. You can find the arena master at 50, 82 in the Twilight Highlands.

Need to Know for the Crucible of Carnage

The whole questline will need about a party of five people to beat each boss round. It’s not a dungeon, so you’ll have to manually find players willing to join you in this quest. Alternatively, you can head to the arena and hope others are already there waiting for people to arrive.

Players should remember to turn in each quest after defeating each boss. Afterward, they must accept the next mission to start the subsequent boss fights. If you are in a party, ensure you have completed the quest after beating the objective. Everyone needs to have the same task set before you can move onto the next boss. If not, some of your members might be locked out and need help progressing. 

Crucible of Carnage Quest Chains

The Crucible of Carnage requires six challenges, each with a different target and its own mechanics. Going solo will be challenging, so it’s advised to go in a party. Here are all the bosses for WoW Cata Classic Crucible of Carnage:

  • The Crucible of Carnage: The Bloodeye Bruiser!
  • The Crucible of Carnage: The Wayward Wildhammer!
  • The Crucible of Carnage: The Deadly Dragonmaw!
  • The Crucible of Carnage: Calder’s Creation!
  • The Crucible of Carnage: The Earl of Evisceration!
  • The Crucible of Carnage: The Twilight Terror!

It’s easy to tell when to dodge each boss’s attack. The general rule of thumb is if you see a red telegraph, then run away from it. While you may have difficulty doing each boss solo, the more players in your party, the faster  each encounter will end. The most important thing to know is how to finish all the quests. 

Crucible of Carnage Quest Completion Bugs and Problems

Players have been having trouble progressing in the Crucible of Carnage for multiple reasons. Even if a party kills a boss, some group members won’t see that their quest has been completed, which prompts them to wait for the next respawn. If you don’t see your mission progressing, then here are some problems that might be causing the issue:

  • Quest Is Not Active Yet When the Boss Spawns: This problem occurs when a party mate pre-emptively starts the quest or attacks the boss while one member hasn’t started the quest yet. For most instances, you must have the quest active before the encounter spawns, or your mission doesn’t progress even if you hit or tag the enemy. In addition, there are instances where trolls tag the boss before a player can start the quest just to sabotage them. If this happens, we advise you to do the quest chain during off hours. 
  • Did Not Tag or Hit the Boss Before It Dies: The most common reason players can’t progress their Crucible of Carnage is that they could not hit the boss before it died, or their attacks didn’t register. The problem lies with too many people hitting the boss immediately, and it gets defeated too quickly. Lag can also affect whether your hits will register, so make sure you’re not lagging to ensure your attacks will connect. The best advice we can give is to stay close to the spawn point so that you are more likely to hit it. 
  • Quest is Not Registering: Unfortunately, we don’t have a fix for this problem, but we can advise you on how to avoid it. Some players have difficulty turning in quests and accepting new ones because too many people are spam-clicking the goblin. The problem lies in both the NPC script and people being too impatient. This issue is more prominent in populated servers where gamers don’t wait in turns. The best way to avoid this problem is to do the quest chain during off-hours or when the server population is low to prevent people from spam-clicking the NPC.

These are the commonly experienced issues in The Crucible of Carnage, and it is unknown if Blizzard will ever fix these glitches. If you are experiencing these problems, follow the solutions mentioned above. 

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