Destiny 2 Zero Hour and Whisper missions are returning for Into the Light

Bungie just wrapped up its third and final livestream for its upcoming Into the Light update, and we’re happy to report that it’s looking in great shape ahead of The Final Shape expansion, which is set to release in June 2024. The company revealed on March 26 that beloved weapons like the Recluse and Forbearance are coming back in Destiny 2, but it seems like they’re pulling out all the stops. Fans will be delighted to hear that The Whisper and Zero Hour exotic missions will be part of the content returning to Into the Light.
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D2 Zero Hour is Making A Comeback
D2 Zero Hour missions are returning for Outbreak Prime, scheduled for May 2024. However, Bungie tweaked them here and there due to the Guardian’s current strength. New enemies like Brigs are expected to pop up in the missions. Along with that, the number of combatants in encounters will be increased. The timer is still like the original one, but it’ll be set to 40 minutes on Normal difficulty, while for Legend, it’s 20 minutes.
Zero Hour and Whisper Missions Destiny 2: What to Expect
The Whisper and Zero Hour are Exotic missions widely considered some of the best in the series’ history. The community mourned the loss when both were removed from Destiny in 2020 with the Beyond Light expansion. Thankfully, these missions will be accessible in the game again because of Into the Light, with developers promising that they’ve made some QoL changes and added new secrets to keep things fresh for players.
The Whisper is a secret Exotic mission found only in Io. As one of the Guardians, you must investigate a Taken anomaly hidden beneath the planet’s surface. You can trigger this quest during any Public Event in the Lost Oasis. When a Public Event is active, you must kill one of the three bosses: Urzok, Aspect of Hate, Ta’aurc, Aspect of War, and Drevis, Aspect of Darkness. Doing so will open a portal in the Grove of Ulan-Tan that automatically starts the quest. Upon completion, you’ll be rewarded with the Whisper of the Worm—an Exotic sniper rifle touted among the best weapons in Destiny 2.
Meanwhile, Zero Hour is found on Earth or by interacting with Mithrax, The Forsaken in The Farm, after you’ve acquired the Fallen Transponder and activated all its 6 nodes. Since the content for The Farm got vaulted, the quest wasn’t available in the game anymore before Bungie’s recent announcement. Completing this quest awards you the Outbreak Perfected Exotic pulse rifle, which can now be obtained through the Monument of Lost Sights.
Less Restrictive Timers
Based on the gameplay showcased during the livestream, both missions feature the same mixture of platforming, combat, and a timer. However, the developers have made some minor adjustments. The timer will be less restrictive for the missions’ Normal difficulty modes. Still, if you’re looking for a challenge, you can dive into their higher-difficulty versions for a tighter timeframe.
More Enemies
The missions will have more enemies to keep up with the increased power Guardians have experienced recently. Destiny 2 has received multiple expansions since 2020, so it’s no surprise that Bungie increased the damage you can do.
Craftable Rewards
The Exotic missions will have craftable versions of Outbreak Prime and Whisper of the Worm in the update. Once you complete them, you can earn their blueprints, allowing you to customize your Exotics. You can keep the catalysts if you have them already. To unlock new perk options and improve the power of your weapons, you must do the missions week after week.
Will the Zero Hour Ship and Whisper Ship Destiny 2 Make An Appearance?
As for the special ships that came with these Exotic missions, unfortunately, neither will return in the reprisal. Bungie stated that this decision was made to maintain the achievement of veteran players who’ve been playing the game for years and pave the way for new cosmetics. As such, the revamped versions of The Whisper and Zero Hour will have completely new cosmetic ships to earn. The Zero Hour ship, in particular, is set to undergo a significant overhaul.
New PvP Maps Are Also Coming to Destiny 2
Bungie also previewed three new PvP maps coming alongside Into the Light. These are set to release in May 2024.
- Cirrus Plaza (Neomuna) – The entertainment/shopping sector for the exos of Neomuna. It’s based around a large, central atrium.
- Essence (Pyramid Ship) – The Essence is a ship being terraformed by the Traveler. You can usually find a collection of mysterious artifacts around it.
- Eventide Labs (Europa) – The Eventide Labs is a long-forgotten research outpost, which Eramis chose as a refueling station for her ketch. It’s full of ice tunnels.