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Diablo Immortal Best Class PvP


Generally speaking, for Player versus Player, the ultimate question for those new to the game when jumping into Diablo Immortal is which class they should pick. Honestly, there is no such thing as the best class in PvP. It all depends on your skill set and build. Participating in fighting against another player will depend on your playstyle. With every class’s advantages and disadvantages, we can say that some classes are more effective than others. If you plan to play solo Diablo Immortal, you can read through this guide to help you out. The guide will not touch on the game’s PvE aspect as their skills differ from PvP.

What are the Best Classes for PvP in Diablo Immortal?

1. Barbarian

Barbarian is the most versatile type of character in Diablo Immortal. There are multiple ways of maximizing the potential of a Barbarian, but solo playing in this class, it would be best to go for a Barbarian Whirlwind Build. The Barbarian class can deal much damage with their melee and Area of Effects.

  • Skills: Here are the top three Skills you should use when playing against another player.
    • Hammer of the Ancients: Summon a hammer that will smash enemies in front of you to deal damage so consequential that it shakes the earth for two seconds; additional damage shall also be dealt when using the Hammer of the Ancients.
  • Undying Rage: Enhances the free attack while preventing you from dying for four seconds while increasing the heal for 30% of each damage.
  • Sprint: Movement speed will be increased by 50% for 4.5 seconds while immune to any movement debuff effects.
  • Legendary Items:
    • Head: Second Breath
    • Shoulders: The Coming Storm
    • Chest: The Gathering
    • Legs: Screaming Fury
    • Primary Hand Weapon: The Tempest
    • Off-Hand Weapon: The Remembered
  • Normal Gems:
    • Red Gems: Tourmaline is a damage buff which is better than getting a Ruby.
  • Blue Gems: Sapphires is an armor penetration buff which is better than getting an Aquamarine gem that is an armor buff.
  • Yellow Gems: Get either Citrine or Topaz gems that have the highest level, although this does not matter as potency and resistance are not helpful for a Barbarian.
  • Legendary Gems:
    • Blessing of the Worthy
    • Blood Soaked Jade
    • Chip of Stone Flesh
    • Frozen Heart
    • Phoenix Ashes
    • Sleeping Bile

2. Crusader

Crusaders are similar to Barbarians with melee attacks but with a combination of more extensive Area of Effect attacks. Although they cannot deal as much damage, they can absorb more damage with their beefed-up shields.

  • Skills:
    • Spinning Shield: A spin attack that inflicts damage on enemies will pull enemies towards you to deal additional damage. The maximum use of this weapon is three uses.
  • Draw and Quarter: Summon and mount a Celestial War Horse for six seconds and increase your movement speed by 65%. Draw and Quarter will replace your primary attack with a Holy Chain to bind eight nearby enemies to drag them as you ride this horse.
  • Condemn: A build-up to create a massive explosive to enemies within its range for three seconds, you can press the same skill to detonate it early, but it shall deal less damage with a smaller radius.
  • Legendary Items:
    • Head: Many-Eyed Aegis
    • Shoulders: Sivket’s Advantage
    • Chest: Besieger
    • Legs: Bladed Jambeau
    • Primary Hand Weapon: Little Lance
    • Off-Hand Weapon: Pavise of Ten Wings
  • Normal Gems:
    • Red Gems: Tourmaline is a damage buff which is better than getting a Ruby.
  • Blue Gems: Sapphires is an armor penetration buff which is better than getting an Aquamarine gem that is an armor buff.
  • Yellow Gems: Get either Citrine or Topaz gems that have the highest level, although this does not matter as potency and resistance are not helpful for a Crusader.
  • Legendary Gems:
    • Blessing of the Worthy
    • Blood Soaked Jade
    • Chip of Stone Flesh
    • Frozen Heart
    • Phoenix Ashes
    • Sleeping Bile

3. Necromancer

As a Necromancer class, their attacks are from short to mid-range. You would maintain a short distance from your opponents but can summon undead minions to do your work instead.

  • Skills:
    • Bone Wall: A line of Skeletal soldiers will charge in a line formation to damage and knock back enemies while adding a slow debuff
  • Bone Spikes: Spikes made of bone will erupt from the ground, stunning enemies for two seconds before dealing 139 damage. The longer it is charged, the greater the distance and damage, which can go up to 175 points.
  • Dark Curse: An area-of-effect attack that deals damage in the form of a curse. For over six seconds, Dark Curse will inflict damage while reducing all enemy vision within its radius.
  • Legendary Items:
    • Head: Visitant’s Sign
    • Shoulders: Linger-Mantle
    • Chest: Exhumant’s Back Bone
    • Legs: Guided by Maggots
    • Primary Hand Weapon: Desolatoria
    • Off-Hand Weapon: Baleful Trinity
  • Normal Gems:
    • Red Gems: Tourmaline is a damage buff which is better than getting a Ruby.
  • Blue Gems: Sapphires is an armor penetration buff which is better than getting an Aquamarine gem that is an armor buff.
  • Yellow Gems: Get either Citrine or Topaz gems that have the highest level, although this does not matter as potency and resistance are not helpful for a Necromancer.
  • Legendary Gems:
    • Blessing of the Worthy
    • Blood Soaked Jade
    • Chip of Stone Flesh
    • Frozen Heart
    • Phoenix Ashes
    • Sleeping Bile

Wizard: A class focused on ranged attacks, but unlike a Demon Hunter, Wizards can get closer to an enemy to use elemental magic to get up close and personal. A Wizard is perfect for crowd control with its high Area of Effect damage.

  • Skills:
    • Teleport: The essential skill on this list, you can teleport forward with up to three uses.
  • Black Hole: Cast a black hole at a target location for three seconds to pull nearby enemies and deal damage.
  • Ice Armor: A ice barrier will surround your character for eight seconds to absorb damage. When the timer ends, it will shatter to deal damage to nearby enemies while inflicting a chill debuff of 40% for six seconds. You can activate Ice Armor again after casting to shatter the barrier immediately.
  • Legendary Items:
    • Head: Lyan’s Resonant Wisdom
    • Shoulders: Shoulders of the Cataclysm
    • Chest: Starcaller’s Drapery
    • Legs: Riftdancer’s Stride
    • Primary Hand Weapon: Windshaper
    • Off-Hand Weapon: The Siphon
  • Normal Gems:
    • Red Gems: Tourmaline is a damage buff which is better than getting a Ruby.
  • Blue Gems: Sapphires is an armor penetration buff which is better than getting an Aquamarine gem that is an armor buff.
  • Yellow Gems: Get either Citrine or Topaz gems that have the highest level, although this does not matter as potency and resistance are not helpful for a Wizard.
  • Legendary Gems:
    • Blessing of the Worthy
    • Blood Soaked Jade
    • Chip of Stone Flesh
    • Frozen Heart
    • Phoenix Ashes
    • Sleeping Bile

4. Monk

Monks are a class that focuses on melee combat, similar to Barbarians and Crusaders, and like a Wizard, instead of using magic for crowd control, they would use melee instead. These crowd control abilities are best used when grouping enemies together.

  • Skills:
    • Flying Kick: A series of kicks attack enemies in a single direction; the final kick will knock back enemies. All damage you deal will also be increased by 10%.
  • Mystic Strike: Another dash that will throw you forwards up to 4.5 yards to leave a spirit behind to pull enemies toward you and deal damage. You can use this ability up to three times.
  • Flying Dragon: The monk will fly to the sky while dragging enemies into the air, and upon landing, they will deal fall damage of 1008 while being stunned for two seconds.
  • Legendary Items:
    • Head: Crippling Insight
    • Shoulders: Discipline’s Weight
    • Chest: Breath of Incense
    • Legs: Path of the Storm
    • Primary Hand Weapon: Dragon’s Indignation
    • Off-Hand Weapon: Eye of the Storm
  • Normal Gems:
    • Red Gems: Tourmaline is a damage buff which is better than getting a Ruby.
  • Blue Gems: Sapphires is an armor penetration buff which is better than getting an Aquamarine gem that is an armor buff.
  • Yellow Gems: Get either Citrine or Topaz gems that have the highest level, although this does not matter as potency and resistance are not helpful for a Monk.
  • Legendary Gems:
    • Blessing of the Worthy
    • Blood Soaked Jade
    • Chip of Stone Flesh
    • Frozen Heart
    • Phoenix Ashes
    • Sleeping Bile

5. Demon Hunter

Demon Hunter deals massive damage but can also take a lot of damage from enemies. In Diablo Immortal, even though they are the squishiest class in the game, their dealing damage makes up for it, and with a ranged dual crossbow, they can keep their distance from enemies if you are into ranged attacks rather than melee. Their single target damage makes it practical to go against bosses but lacks crowd control.

  • Skills:
    • Sentry: A skill that will summon a turret for 30 seconds; each arrow that has been shot will deal 205 damage per shot.
  • Multishot: Fires multiple crossbow bolts in all directions for crowd control. This ability has a maximum of three uses.
  • Daring Swing: Daring Swing acts as a grapple that pulls you away to a nearby location while also dealing damage to enemies in the way. This ability has a maximum of two uses.
  • Legendary Items:
    • Head: Vision of the Lost
    • Shoulders: Hailstone Shoulders
    • Chest: Heart of Vengeance
    • Legs: Coff’s Unrelenting Fury
    • Primary Hand Weapons: Flamespite
    • Off-Hand Weapon: The Hungerer
  • Normal Gems:
    • Red Gems: Tourmaline is a damage buff which is better than getting a Ruby.
  • Blue Gems: Sapphires is an armor penetration buff which is better than getting an Aquamarine gem that is an armor buff.
  • Yellow Gems: Get either Citrine or Topaz gems that have the highest level, although this does not matter as potency and resistance are not helpful for a Demon Hunter.
  • Legendary Gems:
    • Blood-Soaked Jade
    • Chip of Stone Flesh
    • Echoing Shade
    • Frozen Heart
    • Howler’s Call
    • Seeping Bile

Dominate PvP in Diablo Immortal With These Classes

Hopefully, this tier list can help you decide which class you would like to select when battling against another player. However, you should feel free to try other classes to suit your playstyle better or experiment to check out the other classes for the experience. The road to becoming an Immortal is yours to forge.

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