list Genshin Impact Xiangling Build and Guide - PlayerAuctions Blog

Genshin Impact Xiangling Build and Guide

By | September 27th, 2022 | Categories: Genshin Impact

Name: Mao Xiangling

Vision: Pyro

Birthday: 2 November

Constellation: Trulla

Titles: Exquisite Delicacy, Chef de Cuisine

Xiangling’s primary skills may lie in her cooking, but she’s no slouch in battles in Genshin Impact. She’s a great support DPS unit with Guoba and the Pyronado.

Her Elemental Skill, Guoba Attack, summons Guoba, who will spit fire in a cone in front of him four times. Under the Elemental Gauge theory, this applies two units of Pyro, instantly setting the grass on fire. In other applications, Guoba breaks shields very easily. Especially since Xiangling’s Ascension Stat is Elemental Mastery.

Her Burst, Pyronado, sets a fiery spear spinning around the active character. The fiery spear deals Pyro DMG as it hits enemies for as long as it’s in effect. It’s a consistent application of Pyro and instantly sets up reactions. It can also be ‘snapshotted.’ That means all the buffs applied upon activation will persist throughout its duration. Even if the boosts have run their duration, it stays as long as it was active when you used the ability.

These skills continue their effects even when she’s switched out for another character. Again, this sets up elemental reactions and increases the damage output of the active DPS. They may be simple, but it’s a great way to Overload enemies with the Raiden Shogun’s E skill or through Oz. It’s also possible to Vaporize targets with Tartaglia, any Hydro catalyst user, or Xingqiu’s Rain Swords.

Genshin Impact Xiangling Builds

Xiangling excels at being a sub-DPS to apply Pyro and set up reactions. Just leave her skills and switch her out. Her multipliers for normal and charged attacks aren’t too good, so the alternate DPS role is perfect for her. She’s even part of one of the best team compositions in the game, along with Xingqiu and Bennet.

Possible Sets: Emblem of Severed Fate, Crimson Witch of Flames, Noblesse Oblige, or a combination of the former two and an ATK +18% set

Main Stats: ATK%/Energy Recharge, Pyro DMG Bonus, Crit Rate/DMG

Substats: Crit DMG/Rate, ATK, Energy Recharge, Elemental Mastery


Official art usually depicts Xiangling with the Dragon’s Bane spear. However, there are far better options for her. Players love using Engulfing Lightning or The Catch on her. These two spears mitigate so much of her high energy cost letting you use her Burst more. Other alternatives are:

  • Staff of Homa
  • Primordial Jade Winged-Spear
  • Calamity Queller
  • Skyward Spine
  • Favonius Lance
  • Wavebreaker’s Fin
  • Lithic Spear
  • Prototype Starglitter
  • Royal Spear
  • Deathmatch

Genshin Impact Xiangling’s Story

As the only child of the chef and owner of the Wanmin Restaurant, it’s no wonder Xiangling is so good at cooking. While the rest of Liyue might fight over which cooking style (Li or Yue style) is best, Xiangling never followed either. She believes that good food, however they are made, is good food. There’s no right or wrong or better way to cook good food.

That said, Xiangling uses rather unusual ingredients for the sake of experimentation. From Slime Condensate to the hilichurls’ wooden clubs, there’s almost nothing she wouldn’t try as an ingredient. Sure, she comes upon an excellent component every once in a while, but the majority would be questionable. Still, she wouldn’t discover that ingredient if she didn’t experiment so much.

Yet, most of her experiments turn out to be unappetizing or have some interesting effects on other people. She does taste her own dishes, but it doesn’t affect her the same way. Maybe she got used to all her experiments and built up immunity?

When Xiangling isn’t out and about gathering ingredients and experimenting on them, she’s a chef and waitress at the Wanmin Restaurant. Despite not using any of the two most popular cooking styles, many customers love the food in Wanmin. It’s also easy to see who are regular customers or not.

New customers will ask for menus, as they’re unused to the ordering style in Wanmin. Those who have visited infrequently will be confident enough to order without one. However, regulars would ask, “Is Xiangling the chef today?”.

Due to all her experimentation, she regularly destroys woks to her father’s grudging acceptance. It does increase their expenses, but her father doesn’t mind as long as she has fun and follows her passion.

Their restaurant sits in the middle of the fierce fight between cooking styles. Yet, they survive because of Xiangling’s passion for cooking good food. She was the one to make the restaurant’s specialty, the Wanmin Black-Back Perch Stew. She became passionate about making good food from all ingredients since the two most renowned restaurants in Liyue hoarded all the ‘good’ ones.

That sparked all her experiments and travels. She has a map of Teyvat, marking all kinds of ingredients and their sources. If you look at it, there would be notes on all sorts of specialties and recipe ideas.

She is sometimes invited to Beidou’s ship, where she finds even more unusual ingredients. Beidou is also glad to have her on board since they get better food than the usual sailor rations. The captain is a willing test subject for her more experimental dishes. Xiangling loves accompanying the Traveler for this reason as well.

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