How Did Klee Get Her Vision?

Despite being a child, Klee got her Vision even earlier. Her mother, who once tried to launch Hilichurls into Celestia, taught Klee how to make explosives at a tender age (younger than her apparent looks). While trying to make a ‘bomb bigger than super big,’ she blew her small workshop sky-high.
Among the ashes of her failure, she found her Vision. Instead of being disappointed by the results, she was more than happy to find it. Since then, it has helped immensely in her bomb-making endeavors, which means she’ll never let it go.
Celestia’s criteria for a Pyro Vision favor characters with a burning passion, whether for music, adventure, or whatever they dream of. Clearly, Klee showed hers at a very young age, which they acknowledged with a Vision. Comparing all the Pyro Vision users will make this evident, except in Diluc, who is more of a smoldering ember than a blazing flame.
And that’s everything about the adorable Spark Knight of the Knights of Favonius. Her banner has been featured three times, so if you missed them, you could only wait until it comes by again. At any rate, she’s a great DPS character to play. Keep on enjoying and playing Genshin Impact!