How Did Yelan Get Her Vision?

Yelan once headed a team of investigators. All of them knew the risks and dangers of the job, but they gladly followed her lead. However, for all her clever schemes and tricks, there came a time when they encountered enemies who wouldn’t fall for their traps.
One by one, her allies fell, and after an investigation in the Abyss, Yelan was left alone. After years of chasing and moving around, she stopped for a long time. She stayed in her home, a small wooden hut outside the lively harbor.
Ningguang visited her eventually, intending to find out whether she would continue working or not. The answer came from bleeding fingers and an arrow representing Yelan’s breakthrough from her depressive state. Her Vision appeared in a pillar of light on her palm afterward.
To some extent, the ambitions of Hydro Vision wielders stem from concern for other people. Ayato wanted to protect his family. Kokomi wanted to safeguard her people. Yelan’s allies were long gone, but she decided to continue living when it was easier to give up. The game doesn’t explicitly state her ambition, but it’s likely to be in the same vein as the others.
Have fun using Yelan. She’s a strong unit despite her HP scaling and an absolute powerhouse. Keep on enjoying Genshin Impact!
Read more about Yelan’s build and lore.