Best ADC in League of Legends

The ADC is considered one of the most mechanically challenging roles in League of Legends. Those who excel in this lane can land their skills appropriately shot, have good positioning, and have great kiting and movement abilities. There are many champions to choose from if you decide to main this role. Each gameplay will vary depending on their kit, from skill-shot heavy characters to auto-attack-reliant shooters. If you want to dedicate your time and effort to becoming a great ADC, then knowing which of the best ones to master is a great thing to consider.
Table of Contents
The Best ADC Based on their Kit
The debate on who the best ADCs are can be quite a subjective topic. However, there are several parameters that we can use to get an objective list of great AD characters. We can check tons of statistics to see how well certain champions fare in Summoner’s Rift. However, some units dominate the current meta solely because of their kit and adjustments from patches.
In recent patches, we have seen an increase in win rates of champions utilizing crit-based items. Others that dominate this season are those with high range, self-sustaining skills, or good utility abilities. Here are some of the best ADCs based on their kit and the current item adjustments:
The Sheriff of Piltover has consistently maintained her status as one of the best ADCs in League of Legends. Her overwhelming range, paired with her high-damage skill shots, can bully enemy bot lanes during the laning phase, which helps in deterring them from farming creeps efficiently. Due to her kit, she has a solid early game since she can deal reliable damage due to her Headshot ability.
Caitlyn relies mainly on her auto attacks and Headshots to deal damage, as her other abilities are primarily used for pokes. She is straightforward to learn but hard to master. This ADC requires good positioning skills and proper placement of traps. Our only issue with her is that her damage tends to fall if a game drags out for too long.
After the recent buffs to crit-based items, the Desert Rose has become one of the most potent ADCs this season. The champion has a very early power spike, as she can become a menace if you rush Infinity Edge as your second item. While she may be hard to learn, mastering this character is a great way to rank up in League.
Samira may have a slow start as she gets her power spike once she gets her first two items. However, if you can trade safely and farm efficiently, you can start farming kills after getting Infinity Edge. While very self-sufficient, she needs to work around her partner and team to avoid getting pinned down due to her dives and short range.
The Virtuoso always stayed on the S-tier list of the best ADCs in the game. He has become even more potent after the recent crit-based item adjustments. His safe playstyle and extraordinary damage abilities make him extremely fun to use.
Jhin has a lot of outlets for dealing with damage. His auto-attacks, fourth bullet, fundamental skills, and long-range ultimate make him a threat from any distance. The only way to deal with this champion is to shut him down quickly, which is challenging due to his movement speed and utility skills.
The Rebel is a hidden gem among the lists of ADCs that are the best. However, this Vastayan champion proves time and time again how she can easily be outside most characters. Her ability to peel for herself while also shredding opponents secures her spot at the top.
Xayah is a mechanically heavy champion, which means players need to be skilled in positioning and kiting to excel in using her. She mainly shines during the mid to late stages of the game as many characters are stronger than her during the laning phase. The main issue with Xayah is that she has a high ban rate in Draft Picks, so you should consider yourself lucky if she is available to use.
The Plague Rat is undeniably one of the strongest ADC this season. With the current meta dominated by tanks and beefy champions, Twitch’s actual damage makes him a great late-game player. Whether players run on AD or AP build, this champion brings a lot to team fights.
Twitch is particularly weak during the early stages and will only start showing potential during the mid-game. However, he becomes mighty in the latter phases because of his high DPS capabilities and long-range. This champion’s only weakness is his lack of mobility and utility skills.
The Star-eyed Songstress is a strange pick as an ADC, considering she is mainly an AP champion and is designated as support. However, the role is primarily a label that is attached to the carrier at the bot lane, so turning this Zaunite character into a damage-dealing pop star is something many people have done. Surprisingly, this champion does a tremendous job as a bot carry that earned a spot at the top.
Seraphine already does decent damage as a support, so making her a dedicated carry increases her DPS output even further. She has excellent damage potential and reliable crowd control. The only reason not to pick this champion is if your team already has too many AP carries.
The Joy Unbound didn’t get a grand debut in League of Legends, as many struggled to win using this champion. However, as more players start to figure out how to play her, the win rate starts ramping up. While she is still widely considered a niche ADC, she works well in synergy with many other champions, making her highly viable.
Many players are uncomfortable using Nilah because of her short range and tendency to play at melee range. However, her kit gives her enough survivability, especially with her W shield. If paired with the proper support and team, she becomes unstoppable as an ADC.
ADCs Based on Pick Rate and Win Rate
The easiest way to determine which champions dominate the fields of Runeterra right now is to look at statistics. The pick Rate would determine how famous a specific champion is, reflecting how many people find them viable in the lane. Most of the time, their pick percentage also shows how well the champion performs in the current meta, which is why many summoners prefer using them. Here are the top 20 most popular ADC in the current season:
- Caitlyn – 23.18% Pick Rate
- Jhin – 20.59% Pick Rate
- Kai’Sa – 18.34% Pick Rate
- Ezreal – 48.17% Pick Rate
- Samira – 12.23% Pick Rate
- Miss Fortune – 11.75% Pick Rate
- Varus – 10.28% Pick Rate
- Tristana – 9.44% Pick Rate
- Lucian – 9.31% Pick Rate
- Xayah – 8.92% Pick Rate
- Jinx – 8.6% Pick Rate
- Ashe – 6.72% Pick Rate
- Vayne – 5.82% Pick Rate
- Draven – 5.6% Pick Rate
- Sivir – 5.48% Pick Rate
- Twitch – 5% Pick Rate
- Zeri – 4.63% Pick Rate
- Aphelios – 2.44% Pick Rate
- Nilah – 2.15% Pick Rate
- Kalista – 1.6% Pick Rate
While the pick rate shows a hero’s popularity, their win rate reflects how many players succeed in using them. These numbers give gamers an idea of how likely they are to win using a specific champion for the current meta. However, players should note that the win rate is influenced by the number of summoners playing each respective character, so you should not base your decision on who to use solely based on this. Here is the bottom carries with the highest win rates:
- Seraphine – 53.96% Win Rate
- Nilah – 53.16% Win Rate
- Ziggs – 52.53% Win Rate
- Samira – 51.85% Win Rate
- Jhin – 51.78% Win Rate
- Miss Fortune – 51.14% Win Rate
- Xayah – 51.04% Win Rate
- Twitch – 50.95% Win Rate
- Tristana – 50.93% Win Rate
- Kog’Maw – 50.9% Win Rate
- Jinx – 50.28% Win Rate
- Sivir – 50.17% Win Rate
- Ashe – 50.02% Win Rate
- Caitlyn – 49.88% Win Rate
- Kai’Sa – 49.85% Win Rate
- Varus – 49.64% Win Rate
- Yasuo – 49.26% Win Rate
- Vayne – 49.04% Win Rate
- Zeri – 48.47% Win Rate
LCK Top Picks
If you want to know the best ADCs based on esports players, then the LCK stats is the best one to look at. The Korean tourney features some of the best of the best players in the whole world, and the pros in this scene are usually the trendsetters for meta compositions in League of Legends. Here are the highest pick and win rates from the LCK:
Pick Rate
- Zeri – 50.5%
- Varus – 39.4%
- Lucian – 38.5%
- Sivir – 12.8%
- Caitlyn – 11.9%
- Ezreal – 11.0%
- Jhin – 11.0%
- Draven – 9.2%
- Aphelios – 5.5%
- Ashe – 5.5%
- Ziggs – 2.8%
- Jinx – 0.9%
- Xayah – 0.9%
Win Rate
- Draven – 70%
- Caitlyn – 69%
- Lucian – 60%
- Ezreal – 58%
- Sivir – 50%
- Varus – 49%
- Zeri – 45%
- Jhin – 33%
- Ashe – 33%
- Ziggs – 33%
- Aphelios – 17%
- Jinx – 0%
- Xayah – 0%
Players should remember that these statistics change along with shifts in the meta. If you are looking for factors that will help you decide on who to main, there are other things you should look into, like playstyle and cosmetics.
Always Have More Than Two Champions Per Role
The best way to optimize your chances of winning is to have multiple champions on your roster. While being a one-trick might have its advantages, there will be many instances where you will face a counter-pick. Having numerous options you know you are great at will give you the flexibility to react to the enemy team.