list The Best Light Bowgun Build in Monster Hunter World - PlayerAuctions Blog

The Best Light Bowgun Build in Monster Hunter World

Light Bowgun monster hunter world
By | August 3rd, 2022 | Categories: Monster Hunter

Bowguns are one of the very few ranged weapons available to Hunters in Monster Hunter World. While players prefer to use this item for its long-distance attacks, many things need to be covered to ensure its effectiveness in battle. Gamers must learn more about ammo type and placement, especially for the Light Bowgun. Fortunately for Hunters, this MHW Light Bowgun Build will help them learn how to use this weapon properly.

What is the Light Bowgun?

This weapon is a variation of a Bowgun that relies mainly on high mobility and a faster rate of fire. Compared to a Heavy Bowgun‘s use of explosive and powerful ammo, Light ones use a wide variety of ammo types, which they can take advantage of due to their fire rate. While using this weapon has its benefits, it also has some drawbacks. Here are the disadvantages of using a Light Bowgun:

  • Less Ammo Stats versus Heavy Bowgun when using non-Rapid ammos
  • Have fewer mods compared to Heavy
  • Only one type of special ammo
  • Needs to resupply ammo constantly

The main trick with Light Bowgun is to use the right ammo depending on the monster being hunted. At the same time, players must also ensure that their items are up to date. 

Ammo Types

Light Bowgun relies mainly on their use of various ammo. Knowing how many bullets can be used can help tremendously. Here is a list of all usable ammo types for Hunters:

  • Normal Ammo
  • Pierce Ammo
  • Spread Ammo
  • Sticky Ammo
  • Recover Ammo
  • Poison Ammo
  • Paralysis
  • Sleep Ammo
  • Exhaust Ammo
  • Elemental Ammo
  • Dragon Elemental Ammo
  • Slicing Ammo
  • Demon Ammo 
  • Armor Ammo
  •  Tranq Ammo
  • Wyvernblast (Special)
  • Wyvernblast Counter (Special)

Monster Hunter World: The Best Builds for Light Bowgun

Like any Monster Hunter game, players won’t have access to the best setups from the very start. Hunters will need to progress through the game and hunt various monsters before they can create the best-in-slot gear. Gamers should note that the base Monster Hunter World has different BiS sets from the Iceborne expansion; the rule of thumb is that expansion builds are always more potent than the base ones. Here is the best gear for the Light Bowgun build:

Recommended Armor Set for base MHW

Ideally, players should spend less time worrying or farming basic MHW builds if they have the Iceborn expansion. Focusing on the expansion set is the best path since items from that version will outscale base sets. However, players should consider one particular gear collection since it can help them take on Iceborne much easier. Here is the BiS for the base Monster Hunter World:

  • Headgear: Legiana Helm
  • Chest: Kaiser Mail
  • Gauntlets: Dodogama Vambraces
  • Coil: Kaiser Coil
  • Greaves: Anja Greaves
  • Charm: Normal Shots Charm

For weapons, there are three potential variations for Hunters to use. Each Bow gun has its perks, so it is up to the players which one they should use. Here are the best armaments for base MHW:

  • Garon Rifle: This weapon is a fan favorite because of its appearance and abilities. It uses the Rapid Fire Normal 2 Ammo ability, an excellent synergy with the Defender model. Though it doesn’t have that many ammo shots, it makes up for it with a 15% bonus Affinity, which can be upgraded to 35%.
  • Defender Light Bowgun: The Defender weapon is the best choice for players who want to do things easier and have faster clear times. Hardcore Hunters typically avoid the Defender line because it makes the game “too easy”. While this weapon has no unique gimmicks or abilities, it does deal insane amounts of raw damage. 
  • Chain Blitz: Ore-line weapons are some of the most recommended weapons. Though they are generally avoided before a certain point, the Chain Blitz is an excellent item due to its infinite Rapid Fire Normal Ammo 1 and auto-reload of Poison Ammo. The main appeal of this weapon is that it can be upgraded into the Cataclysm’s Trigger, which is a good Bowgun for early Master Rank (MR) hunts.

Hunters should note that these recommendations are strictly considered for end-game High Rank (HR) and early stages of Master Rank (MR). These builds should eventually be replaced by higher-quality gear in Iceborne. Here are all the recommended builds for this MR:

Iceborne Starter Build

  • Weapon: Anja Buster IV
  • Headgear: Anja Helm Alpha +
  • Chest: Bone Mail Alpha +
  • Gauntlets: Pukei Vambraces Alpha +
  • Coil: Lumu Coil Alpha + 
  • Greaves: Viper Kadachi Greaves Alpha +
  • Charm: Blaze Charm III
  • Decorations: Tenderizer Jewel 2 x3, Blaze Jewel 1 x1, and Vitality Jewel 1 x2

Best Midgame Set

  • Weapon: Azure Soulscorcher 
  • Headgear: Acidic Glavenus Helm Alpha +
  • Chest: Lavasioth Mail Alpha +
  • Gauntlets: Kaiser Vambraces Alpha +
  • Coil: Shara Ishvalda Coil Alpha +
  • Greaves: Kirin Leg Guards Alpha +
  • Charm: Attack Charm III
  • Decorations: Vitality 1 x1, Attack Jewel 1 x3, Tenderizer Jewel 2 x1, Release Jewel 3 x1, and Mighty Jewel 2 x1

Master Rank 70

  • Weapons: Brachydios Shot II w/ Evading Reload x3 and Wyvernblast Type 2 x1
  • Headgear: Zorah Headgear α +
  • Chest: Zorah Hide α +
  • Gauntlets: Artian Vambraces α +
  • Coil: Zorah Spine α +
  • Greaves: Artian Greaves α +
  • Charm: Razor Sharp Charm III
  • Decorations: KO Jewel 2 x3, Vitality Jewel x3, Maintenance Jewel x2, Release Jewel 3, and Flawless Jewel 2

Best Iceborne Meta Build

  • Weapon: Ten Thousands Volts
  • Headgear: Brachydium Helm Beta +
  • Chest: Brachydium Mail Beta +
  • Gauntlets: Brachydium Braces Beta +
  • Coil: Brachydium Faulds Beta +
  • Greaves: Golden Hakama Beta +
  • Charm: Razor Sharp Charm
  • Decorations: Release Jewel 4 x3, Maintenance 1 x3, Protection Jewel 4 x1, KO Jewel 2 x3, Flawless Jewel 4 x2, and Artillery Jewel 4 x1,

Best Endgame Set 1

  • Weapon: Alatreon Dominator
  • Headgear: Dragonhead Beta +
  • Chest: Dragonhide Beta +
  • Gauntlets: Brachydios Braces Beta +
  • Coil: Dragonbarbs Beta +
  • Greaves: Dragonfeet Beta +
  • Charm: Challenger Charm V
  • Decorations: Critical Jewel 2 x1, Expert Jewel 1 x1, Blaze Jewel 4 x3, Critical Jewel 4 x2, Expert Jewel 4 x2, Evasion 4 x1, Shaver Jewel 3 x1, Tenderizer Jewel 4 x2, and Protection Jewel 4 x3

Best Endgame Set 2

  • Weapon: Diregun Dementia w/ Evading Reload x3 and Wyvernblast Type 2 x1
  • Headgear: Zorah Headgear Alpha +
  • Chest: Zorah Hide Alpha +
  • Gauntlets: Rex Roar Braces Alpha +
  • Coil: Zora Spine Alpha +
  • Greaves: Shara Ishvalda Greaves Beta +
  • Charm: Razor Sharp Charm
  • Decorations: Attack Jewel 1 x2, Attack Jewel 2 x1, Attack Jewel 4 x1, KO Jewel 2 x2, Release Jewel 3 x2, and Special Shot Jewel x1

These item-builds the general gear progression that players should consider following. The meta build is interchangeable with the end-game set, so Hunters can choose which ones they will use. However, there are more builds that gamers can consider. Here are the alternatives to the commonly recommended sets:

Option 1

  • Weapon: Safi’s Aquashot
  • Headgear: Zorah Headgear Alpha +
  • Chest: Frostfang Mail Beta +
  • Gauntlets: Frostfang Braces Beta +
  • Coil: Zorah Spine Alpha +
  • Greaves: Frostfang Greaves Alpha +
  • Charm: Razor Sharp Charm
  • Decorations: Artillery Jewel 4 x1, Flawless Jewel 2 x5, KO Jewel 4 x1, KO Jewel 2 x1, Vitality Jewel 4 x2, and Release Jewel 3 x1

Option 2

  • Weapon: Alatreon Dominator
  • Headgear: Safi Crested Crown Beta +
  • Chest: Safi Crested Chest Beta +
  • Gauntlets: Safi Crested Vambraces Beta +
  • Coil: Safi Crested Belt Beta +
  • Greaves: Safi Crested Boots Beta +
  • Charm: Razor Sharp Charm
  • Decorations: Tenderizer Jewel 2 x 3, Blaze Jewel 4 x1, Blaze Jewel 1 x4, Furor Jewel 4 x1, Furor Jewel 2 x3, Release Jewel 4 x2, and Vitality Jewel 4 x1

Option 3

  • Weapon: Alatreon Dominator
  • Headgear: Safi Crested Crown Beta +
  • Chest: Safi Crested Chest Beta +
  • Gauntlets: Escadora Armguards Beta +
  • Coil: Escadora Might Beta +
  • Greaves: Safi Crested Boots Beta +
  • Charm: Razor Sharp Charm
  • Decorations: Frost Jewel 1 x2, Frost Jewel 4 x2, Blaze Jewel 4 x2, Blaze Jewel 1 x2, Resistor Jewel 1 x1, Mind’s Eye Jewel 2 x1, Vitality Jewel 1 x3, and Resistor Jewel 4 x1

Option 4

  • Weapon: Adept Stormslinger
  • Headgear: Safi Crested Crown Beta +
  • Chest: Safi Crested Chesta Beta +
  • Gauntlets: Safi Crested Vambraces Beta +
  • Coil: Safi Crested Belt Beta +
  • Greaves: Safi Crested Boots Beta +
  • Charm: Shock Charm V
  • Decorations: Attack Jewel 4 x1, Furor Jewel 4 x2, Release Jewel 4 x2, Charger Jewel 2 x3, Vitality Jewel 4 x1, Furor Jewel 2 x1, and Attack Jewel 1 x1

Option 5

  • Weapon: Safi’s Aquashot
  • Headgear: Brachydium Helm Beta +
  • Chest: Brachydium Mail Beta +
  • Gauntlets: Brachydium Braces Alpha +
  • Coil: Brachydium Faulds Beta +
  • Greaves: Golden Hakama Beta +
  • Charm: Razor Sharp Charm
  • Decorations: Release Jewel 4 x 1, Release Jewel 4 x1, Protection Jewel 4 x1, Maintenance Jewel 1 x3, Flawless Jewel 4 x3, KO Jewel 2 x3, and Artillery Jewel 4

Option 6

  • Weapon: Safi’s Aquashot 
  • Headgear: Safi Crested Crown Beta +
  • Chest: Safi Crested Chest Beta +
  • Gauntlets: Safo Crested Vambraces Beta +
  • Coil: Safi Crested Belt Beta +
  • Greaves: Safi Crested Boots Beta +
  • Charm: Razor Sharp Charm
  • Decorations: Furor Jewel 4 x2, Stream Jewel 1 x3, Vitality Jewel 4 x2, Release Jewel 4 x1, Tenderizer Jewel 2 x3, Stream Jewel 4 x1, and Furor Jewel 2 x1

While Hunters can experiment on their own, these builds are the most recommended for them to try out. These sets are already tried and tested, so players don’t need to do much theory crafting. Try out as much gear as possible to see which is better.

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