Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: How to make a 4-star sandwich in The Indigo Disk DLC

Objectives can still be tedious to do in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s The Indigo Disk DLC, even if you’re with friends. Regarding the latest Pokemon title, sandwich-making isn’t just an activity—it’s an art form. SV’s culinary activity can be a bit messy; there’s no clear path to take on how you should improve the final product. You can try using the best ingredients with four other friends and still fail to craft a four-star sandwich.
Sandwiches in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are important items that boost your stats or chances to get your hands on Eggs and Shiny Pokemon. Creating a 4-star variant of this is a stumbling block for many trainers, which can become a culinary conundrum. In this guide, we’ll teach you how to make a 4-star sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s The Indigo Disk DLC.
Table of Contents
A Requirement for Blueberry Quests
Sandwiches are a must-eat treat to improve your catching odds or get a Shiny Pokemon through legitimate means. Now that we’re in the thick of Scarlet and Violet’s latest DLC, your sandwich-making skills serve a greater purpose: to collect Blueberry Points. Making a 4-star sandwich is one of the many Blueberry Quests (BBQs) that grant you Blueberry Points (BP). You can use your BP at the Blueberry Academy vendors or challenge the Elite Four.
This particular quest of whipping up a 4-star sandwich is extra challenging for two reasons. First, you must be with at least one more player to complete this. And second, you’ll have to get all five types of Herba Mystica, which is no easy feat.
How to Get All Herba Mystica Types in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Here are the following Herba Mystica you need to have to create a four-star sandwich:
- Sweet Herba Mystica
- Salty Herba Mystica
- Sour Herba Mystica
- Bitter Herba Mystica
- Spicy Herba Mystica
You may ask how you can get these Herba Mysticas. The only way to acquire them is by participating in 5-Star or 6-Star Raids, each with a 10% and 13% drop chance, respectively.
There are also Pokemon that drop a specific type of Herba Mystica. However, some of them can drop all types. Here are the Pokemon that can drop all types of Herba Mystica when doing 5-Star and 6-Star Raids:
6-Star Raids Pokemon (Multiple Types)
- Ceitan
- Farigiraf
- Vaporeon
- Amoonguss
- Dondozo
- Blissey
- Dragalge
5-Star Raids Pokemon (Multiple Types)
- Ceitan
- Dondozo
- Slowbro
- Amoonguss
- Palafin
- Gengar
- Glalie
- Blissey
- Eelektross
- Drifblim
How to Make A 4-Star Sandwich in Pokemon SV
When you see the Blueberry Quest to make a four-star sandwich pop up while playing The Indigo Disk DLC, you must have at least one other player in your Union Circle session to join the Picnic with you. Once two or more players are ready to make a sandwich at the picnic table, it’s sandwich time!
You need to be careful when picking your ingredients. Each player in the Union Circle helping with the process must bring at least one topping to put on the bread. You can bring meat or eggs, but condiments are the key to making a four-star sandwich—specifically, Herba Mystica.
If you want the result to be a guaranteed four-star sandwich, you must have all five kinds of Herba Mystica. You and your friends need the Sweet, Spicy, Salty, Sour, and Bitter Herba Mystica. Since a player can only bring a maximum of four Herba Mysticas at a time for any recipe, clearly communicate with other trainers to ensure that you have all five condiments selected between your group before you begin cooking.
What’s the Reward for Making A 4-Star Sandwich?
The reward for clearing the BBQ quest to create a 4-star sandwich is 500 BP. Moreover, this accomplishment can aid your progress with quests involving riddles and Legendary Pokemon encounters available to take on in the Blueberry Academy.
Whether or not you think it’s worth using your hard-earned Herba Mystica to make a four-star sandwich in The Indigo Disk DLC depends on your plans to use those items elsewhere. But if you ask us, it’s incredibly worth it—especially if the sandwich you’re making boosts your chances of encountering a Shiny Pokemon.
The 500 BP you’ve earned can also be used to upgrade the different biomes in the Blueberry Academy Terrarium and other valuable things. One of the most coveted items to get using your BP is the Item Printer, which you can use to convert Pokemon materials into rare items.
If you’d like to know the ins and outs of sandwich-making for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, you can look at our in-depth Pokemon SV Sandwich Guide.