list WoW 20th Anniversary: Dungeons, Raids, and Special Rewards

WoW’s 20th Anniversary Event: Deep Dive

WoW's 20th Anniversary Event: Deep Dive
By | September 18th, 2024 | Categories: World of Warcraft

And just like that, 20 years went by in a flash. It’s honestly hard to believe that World of Warcraft is celebrating its 20th birthday, but here it is. And Blizzard, just like the dutiful parent it is, is releasing an anniversary event to celebrate. Here’s everything you need to know about WoW’s 20th Anniversary event.

What Will WoW’s 20th Anniversary Event Have?

The whole theme of WoW’s 20th Anniversary event is reminiscence. To be more specific, Blizzard will be releasing classic dungeons and armor appearance sets (just with a polished new look).

That’s not all though. The event will also feature new questlines, mounts, pets, and world bosses. On top of that, there’ll be a special 20th-anniversary wallpaper. Let’s get into each of these.

The New Currency

WoW’s 20th Anniversary Event will have its very own currency called Bronze Celebration Tokens. BCTs will only be available throughout the event, and they can be used to purchase a number of different items as well as certain ones from previous events.

Blackrock Depths Raid is Back!

The Blackrock Depths Raid is coming back for the 20th anniversary (don’t tell Leeroy).
Blackrock Depths will be accessible through the Raid Finder and can be done by groups of 10 to 15 players.

Alternatively, you can also speak to Moira Bronzebeard to initiate the raid. You can also change the difficulty of the dungeon from Normal to Heroic and vice versa by speaking to her.

Tier 2 Sets but with a Modern Look

If you’ve been missing some of the classic Tier 2 armor sets, you’ll be happy to know that the 20th Anniversary event is bringing them back and then some! Each class is getting one of its iconic sets refurbished for the event (even the ones that weren’t present in Classic like the Monk, Evoker, and Demon Hunter). Here are all the Tier 2 sets that will be making a comeback:

  • Paladin: Judgement Armor
  • Death Knight: Pale Rider’s Eternal Armor
  • Hunter: Dragonstalker Armor
  • Mage: Netherwind Regalia
  • Warrior: Battlegreat of Wrath
  • Druid: Stormrage Raiment
  • Priest: Vestments of Transcendence
  •  Eternal Battlegear of the August Acolyte
  • Shaman: Then Ten Storms
  • Evoker: Earth-Warder’s Eternal Armor
  • Warlock: Nemesis Raiment
  • Demon Hunter: Netherwalker’s Eternal Armor
  • Rogue: Bloodfang Armor

Keep in mind that these will only be appearance sets and nothing more. Still, looking the part is half the fun of having an iconic armor set. All of these will be purchasable with Bronze Celebration Tokens during the event.

The Timewalking Event

The Timewalking event will be the focus point of the whole 20th Anniversary event. In essence, the Timewalking event will take you through the original versions of some of World of Warcraft’s most iconic dungeons.

You can initiate the event via the Adventure Journal or through the regular Group Finder. The interesting thing about the Timewalking event is that it’ll have its own vendors that will sell you classic mounts, pets, and even transmog sets for BCTs.

Regarding which dungeons will be available. So far, only the following dungeons have been confirmed:

  • Deadmines
  • Zul’Farrak
  • Dire Maul (east and west wing)
  • Stratholme (Living)
  • Stratholme (Undead)

And regarding the special mounts, here’s what’s been confirmed so far:

  • Frayfeather Hippogryph: Classic World of Warcraft
  • Amani Hunting Bear: The Burning Crusade
  • Enchanted Spellweave Carpet: Wrath of the Lich King

New Pets and Employee-Exclusive Items

Alongside the new pets, Blizzard employees will also get exclusive items depending on their years of service at the company. The most coveted of these items is the new Coldflame Tempest mount which is inspired by the classic Ashes of Al’ar mount.

Not everything will be about the developers though. Players will be able to earn item appearances modeled after the employee’s sword, shield, and crown to show off to their friends. The employee’s ring will also be unlockable as a toy for those willing to farm it.

Speaking about toys. The unique toy for this event is the inflatable 20-year balloon toy. And for pets, it’s the two doomfiends: Lil’Kaz and Lil’Doomy, who look absolutely adorable.

If you go to Storekeeper Reginald with your Bronze Celebration Tokens you can also unlock:

  • Core Hound Chain: Unlocks the Core Hounds mount.
  • Lil’Nefarian: Unlocks the Lil’Nefarian pet.
  • Molten Corgi: Unlock the Molten Corgi pet.
  • Onyxian Whelpling: Unlocks the Onyxian Whelpling pet.
  • Hatespark the Tiny: Unlocks the Hatespark the Tiny pet.
  • Baby Blizzard Bear: Unlocks the Baby Blizzard Bear pet.

The Big Party at the Caverns of Time

The Caverns of Time in Tanaris is where the main party will be held for the 20th-anniversary event. Overnight, the Caverns will be transformed into the biggest party on Azeroth, hosting the following events:

  • Fashion Frenzy (Althaea): An event where you can show off your latest transmog sets to the gathered crowd.
  • Mount Mania (Abigail Cyrildotr): A similar event as the previous one, just instead of showcasing armor sets, people will be able to showcase their unique mounts.
  • Storyteller Stage (Lorewalker Cho): A social event where players will be able to discuss their favorite moments playing WoW over the years.

Besides those main events, the following games and activities will also be available:

  • Photoshoots with guildmates.
  • New sceneries for exploration and discovery.
  • Balloon lazy rides around the event.
  • The ability to disguise as your pets as well as notable heroes or villains from WoW’s lore.
  • Skating on the rink.

One thing worth mentioning about this specific part of the event is that you’ll have to be at least Level 15 to access it.

Old Faces – New World Bosses

In case you missed beating up on them, the following bosses will be making an appearance again as world bosses throughout Azeroth.

  • The Doomwalker
  • Azuregos
  • Lord Kazzak
  • The Dragons of the Nightmare
  • The Sha of Anger
  • Archavon the Stonewatcher

The Codes of Chromie

Chromie is a gnomish NPC that will be making her appearance in WoW’s 20th Anniversary event as a unique quest-giver at the Ahn’Qiraj gate. Her questline will revolve around collecting the missing pages of her codex, and coincidentally, she’ll send you back in time to do it.

The contents of her quests aren’t clear yet, but they’re likely to be quite a blast from the past considering the other activities in the anniversary event.

The Other New Questline

Aside from Chromie’s Codex, there’ll also be Alyx’s guests to deal with. Who’s Alyx you might ask? Alyx is the new organizer/host of the celebrations. Being new at her job, her questline will have you aiding her in satisfying certain customers’ needs by procuring specific items for them. This quest will refresh each week and will have new challenges each time.

Korrak’s Revenge

Korrak’s Revenge will be the new battlegrounds-focused questline. An interesting characteristic about this battleground is that it’s inspired by the early days of Alterac Valley, something lots of PvP fans have been begging for a long time.

By completing the quest you’ll be awarded with one of two mounts based on your faction. If you’re Alliance you’ll get the Stormpike Battle Ram, for Horde, the Frostwolf Snarler.

If you really want to feel nostalgic you may also don your preferred faction’s colors by interacting with either the Alliance Armory or Horde War Supplies in the starting areas of each battleground.

20 Years of WoW and 30 Years of Warcraft

November isn’t just a significant month for World of Warcraft but for Warcraft in general. This November will also be Warcraft’s 30th anniversary. To commemorate it, Blizzard will be releasing some of Warcraft’s oldest faction symbols as appearance shields.

To be more specific, the four factions that were present in Warcraft III will be getting their own back appearance shields: The Orcs, The Humans, The Night Elves, and The Scourge. To get these, you’ll have to acquire them via the Trading Post.

Important Dates for WoW’s 20th Anniversary Event

Here are all the important dates regarding WoW’s 20th Anniversary event.

  • 1st of November: Start of the event.
  • 16th of December: Likely end of the events.
  • 31st of December: Speculated end of the event.
  • Each week: New activities are unlocked for Alyx’s questline.

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