BattleBit Remastered Beginner’s Guide

Move over, Battlefield and Call of Duty. BattleBit Remastered has taken the shooter genre by storm. Despite being developed by only four people, BattleBit Remastered is beloved by millions of players worldwide already—with some even declaring it to be superior to triple-A titles like Warzone or Battlefield 2042.
You might think that this Roblox-looking shooter doesn’t have much to offer due to its simple graphics, but BattleBit Remastered actually has tons of information you need to retain if you want to—as the kids say these days—”git gud.” In this BattleBit Remastered beginner’s guide, I’ll discuss the details you need to know to have an edge over less experienced players. You’ll become a capable member of your squad in no time!
Table of Contents
Getting to Know the Six Classes
You’ll first need to be familiar with the fundamentals to get up to speed with the game. BattleBit Remastered has a selection of six primary classes to choose from:
- Squad Leader
- Medic
- Engineer
- Assault
- Support
- Recon
All six classes have different strengths and weaknesses, thereby offering unique roles. I recommend trying out all the other classes except Squad Leader first. The main reason is that the Squad Leader acts as the team’s captain. Sure, you’re good at shooting, but bearing the responsibility of leading a squad into a battle is a whole other ballpark.
Communication is Key
BattleBit Remastered allows you to turn on voice chat, letting you talk to other users in the game regardless of whether they belong to your team or the enemy team. Communication is often the key to getting victories, so you must know that the voice chat has several categories.
- Squad Leader Chat (Orange) – This is only enabled if you’re the squad leader. You can communicate with your other fellow squad leaders through this VC to share vital intel or formate game-winning plans.
- Squad Chat (Green) – The green Squad Chat lets you talk to your squad members via radio. Use this function to deliver news or orders to your members.
- Local Chat (Blue) – This VC allows you to talk to any user near you—enemy and friend alike. Consider turning your local chat on if you’re down to do some friendly banter or trash talk with the enemy team.
Take Advantage of the Game’s Vehicles
From tanks to helicopters, APCs, and humvees, BattleBit Remastered has plenty of vehicles to choose from, so it would be a shame if you didn’t take advantage of it. Most vehicles in the game offer significant firepower (and lethality), but the mobility and speed you get alone already make them excellent assets.
For example, you can use a quad bike to get a better sniping position. You can use the Blackhawk helicopters to carry tons of teammates to the various capture zones on the map. Meanwhile, the APCs and tanks can power through the enemy’s protective fortifications and hammer dug-in enemies. It’s safe to say that there are plenty of options on how you want to get around.
Don’t Forget About Your Gadgets
It’s easy to get absorbed in the “run and gun” mentality with shooters like BattleBit Remastered, where you’d only worry about getting kills using your primary weapon. Don’t ignore the many useful gadgets you can utilize, lest you miss out on potentially tipping the tides of a match for your team.
You can slow down an enemy’s advance by spamming antipersonnel mines. If that’s not enough to deter them from crossing an area, double down by using a smoke grenade launcher to obscure their vision. But say you need to get to high ground. In that case, you can use a grappling hook. Always remember to be creative, resourceful, and tactful when playing shooters like this.
Save Knocked Players Whenever You Can
If an enemy takes you or a squad member out, don’t worry—you don’t die immediately. Instead, you just get knocked. A player can still be revived when they’re in this state, meaning if you have a teammate nearby, they can apply a bandage on you to bring you back from the jaws of death. However, should your allies be too far away from you, you can choose the “Give Up” option to send yourself back to the respawn screen. Keep in mind that this will cost you a ticket, though.
Stop the Bleeds
Once you get hit, you’ll begin to bleed to death. You can stop the bleeding by pressing the 3 key (default configuration) and the left-click button on your mouse to bandage yourself. If you need to bandage your teammate, use the right-click button. Since the healing process is slow in this game, it’s best to get to a safe location first before bandaging yourself/someone up. You can also drop bandages for a teammate by pressing the middle mouse button when they don’t have any.