AFK Journey Skyclops Guide: Best Team Comps to Use

Skyclops can be a royal pain in AFK Journey Dream Team. Embodying the power of light and darkness, you’ll need to invest heavily in units that can debuff the boss and buff your team. The hassle about fighting Skyclops is that they can summon winged creatures to aid them in battle. You’re not just fighting the boss—you’ll also have to deal with the smaller (arguably more annoying) critter
In our AFK Journey Skyclops guides, we’ll run you through all the team compositions that would ensure your survival until the end of the fight. This way, you’ll get the best percentage score possible with what you have or kill the boss to unlock its next difficulty level. Your heroes’ equipment, levels, and tier carry over to the Dream Realm, meaning leveling them up and upgrading them will yield better results.
Table of Contents
Skyclops AFK Journey Moveset
Skyclops is one of the four Dream Realm bosses you’ll encounter in the game. At the start of the battle, the boss will automatically designate your closest character as the Tank and keep attacking that character. They’ll pause to use a laser attack that sweeps the entire area or summon a couple of minions from time to time, but for the most part, we recommend using any traditional frontline tank you have.
Since Skyclops is a Mage-type boss that primarily deals Magic damage, here are the four skills you can expect to see:
Skills | Description |
Skill 1 | Summons 4 Wings of Light. Skyclops cannot be targeted and gain damage immunity while Wings of Light are active. Moreover, its physical damage is reduced. Once all Wings of Light are defeated, Skyclops will then cast Doomed Shield for 10 seconds. This can be alternated with Enlightenment Shield. |
Skill 2 | Summons 4 Wings of Darkness. Skyclops cannot be targeted and gain magic damage immunity while this skill is active. After all Wings of Darkness are defeated, the boss will cast an Enlightenment Shield for 10 seconds. This can be alternated with Doomed Shield. |
Skill 3 (Passive) | Skyclops deals equal amounts of magic and physical damage. When Wings of Darkness are on the field, Skyclops get a 15% magic damage increase. When Wings of Light is the active one instead, they will get a 15% physical damage increase. |
Ultimate | Skyclops charges his ultimate skill briefly, then shoots a laser beam that slowly sweeps over the 10-tile arc. This skill deals 260% damage to all allies touched by the laser. |
Note that the skills that summon the Wings of Light and Darkness increase Skyclop’s damage reduction, depending on the level you’re doing. Here’s how much damage reduction the boss receives per level:
Wings of Light
- Level 1: Physical damage Skyclops receives is reduced by 40%
- Level 2: Physical damage Skyclops receives is reduced by 50%
- Level 3: Physical damage Skyclops receives is reduced by 60%
- Level 4: Physical damage Skyclops receives is reduced by 70%
- Level 5: Physical damage Skyclops receives is reduced by 80%
- Level 6: Physical damage Skyclops received is reduced by 90%
Wings of Darkness
- Level 1: Magic damage Skyclops received is reduced by 40%
- Level 2: Magic damage Skyclops received is reduced by 50%
- Level 3: Magic damage Skyclops received is reduced by 60%
- Level 4: Magic damage Skyclops received is reduced by 70%
- Level 5: Magic damage Skyclops received is reduced by 80%
- Level 6: Magic damage Skyclops received is reduced by 90%
Best Team Compositions for Skyclops
When facing Skyclops, you’ll need a tank, buffer, debuffer, DPS carry, and healer. Here are the team compositions we recommend you try:
Team | Hero 1 | Hero 2 | Hero 3 | Hero 4 | Hero 5 |
Most Optimal | Smokey & Meerky (doubles as a tank and buffer) | Reinier | Smokey & Meerkey (doubles as a tank and buffer) | Koko | Odie |
Life Drain Composition | Kruger | Cecia | Vala | Koko | Antrandra |
Mage Composition | Lucius | Mirael | Vala | Smokey | Antrandra |
Attack Speed Composition | Kruger | Cecia | Koko | Vala | Antrandra |
Triple Carry Composition | Smokey & Meerky | Reinier | Marilee | Scarlita | Cassadee |
When choosing a tank, having a ranged character capable of keeping themselves alive throughout the fight is more than enough. As for the debuffer role, you must pick a character that increases damage taken by enemies or decreases defenses. While other debuffs are available, focusing on those contributing to the overall team damage output is best. Meanwhile, the buffs are responsible for dishing out offensive buffs; defensive buffs are less important in this case since it’s vital that you stay alive.
Let’s not forget about the healer who keeps the whole team alive. You can choose any healer who can provide heals while increasing your team’s damage output. Smokey & Meerky is the most optimal choice for this one since he doesn’t get interrupted by Skyclop’s skills, but Koko is another viable alternative. Finally, anyone who can do sustained single-target damage is fine for the DPS.