Helldivers 2 trophy guide list

There are 38 trophies you can collect in Helldivers 2 as you work to spread democracy. The achievements range from the mundane to activities that require a bit more work to get. Unsurprisingly, you’ll earn many as you accomplish multiple missions and spread Liberty across the galaxy. However, for the more complicated trophies, you may need the help of your teammates or a group willing to complete them with you. Here’s a list of all the trophies you can get in Helldivers 2.
Table of Contents
Helldivers 2 Trophy List: How to Complete
All achievements here are listed from the most to least acquired by players. This way, you know what you must do to earn them all.
Bronze Trophies
- The Real Deal – Complete the basic training provided in the game’s prologue.
- Bug Stomper – Play 1 Bug mission. You can obtain this trophy by playing a mission against the Terminid faction. You can choose any difficulty, so getting this trophy is pretty easy.
- Bot Scrapper – Play 1 Bot mission. Much like Bug Stomper, you’ll have to play a mission against the Automatons, which are robotic abominations dead set on wiping out Super Earth. Again, you’re free to choose any difficulty.
- They mostly come at night… – You must extract after completing a mission during nighttime. The time can be seen on the map while selecting a mission and setting your drop location.
- Spread Managed Democracy – Kill 150 enemies during the same mission. We recommend doing a Blitz mission by yourself to get this achievement or complete a mission with a higher difficulty than usual (Extreme, Suicide, etc.).
- Cool guys don’t loo- AAAH! – You must fly at least 25 meters from the shockwave of an explosion. You’ll likely get this naturally, but you can try doing it yourself by setting an Eagle 500KG or Hellbomb Stratagem near you. Once it explodes, you’ll be rag-dolled into the air. You’ll probably die from it, but your teammates can always call reinforcements.
- Job’s done! – Complete a mission but fail to extract. A mission is considered finished once you’ve finished all the Primary Objectives, but it’s not over until you can extract via Pelican-1. You can exhaust all your reinforcements and die or wait until the extraction shuttle leaves without you to get this trophy. Note that all the Samples you picked up won’t be collected.
- Science is done by quantity – Extract with at least 15 Common Samples. Samples can be picked up during missions and come in many forms, such as flowers or boxes. You can usually find them in Enemy Outposts or POIs.
- Stalking is illegal – Complete a Stalker Hive tactical objective. These can be found in Terminid-controlled planets, specifically in Challenging difficulty missions. If you run into a Stalker, there’s most likely a Stalker Lair to purge.
- The long arm of Justice – You must kill a target of over 100m. This sounds like a job for the Anti-Materiel Rifle, but you can also use a Mortar Sentry. The achievement checks the distance between the player and the enemy, even when a nearby sentry kills the enemy.
- In the nick of time – Extract after the timer reaches zero. Every mission has a time limit, and once the timer runs out, the extraction will be called automatically, and you’ll no longer be able to call reinforcements or use Strategems. Enter the shuttle after the time’s up.
- Strapping young lad – Customize your Helldiver with new armor, cape, and helmet. You can do this by going to your ship’s armory. To get more equipment options, you must spend Medals in the Warbonds.
- Democracy ain’t done with you yet – Heal another player using Stims.
- Promote Synergy – Provided assisted reload for a teammate. Certain weapons like the AC-8 Autocannon and the GR-8 Recoilless Rifle include a backpack required for reloading. Equip the backpack and walk up to the player carrying the weapon. Then, press the button prompt required to reload their weapon for them automatically.
- Eat This! – Kill a bug warrior with a shotgun within 1 meter. Warriors are small enemies that can be encountered even on Trivial difficulty missions, so you should have no problems completing this.
- Hot Potato! – Throw back a live grenade. Certain Automaton enemies throw live grenades; simply run up into one and throw it back using your designated button prompt.
- Holy My Liber-tea! – Knock yourself into a ragdoll state while using a Jump Pack. The LIFT-850 Jump Pack is a Strategem you can unlock for 6,000 Requisition Slips via Ship Management. We recommend flying upwards using a grenade or explosive weapon to get the trophy before hitting the ground. The blast may kill you, but it’s a small price to pay for ticking another achievement off your list.
- Patriot – Play at least 50 missions. Missions that weren’t completed also count.
- Extractinating the Countryside – Play a planet defense mission. Planet defense missions are limited-time events where hostile forces attack Super Earth-controlled territories. They can be identified with the “DEFEND” text and a countdown timer.
- The taller they are… – Defeat a Bile Titan. Bile Titans are huge, heavily armored bugs requiring heavy weapons and Strategems to kill, so prepare accordingly. They usually spawn in Hard difficulty or higher missions.
- Let’s call it a draw – Shoot off both arms on a Hulk, then extract while it’s still alive. The arms can easily be destroyed with a GR-8 Recoilless Rifle or EAT-17 Expendable Anti-Tank. You can encounter Hulks on Hard difficulty and above missions.
- They don’t call it Tacticool for nothin’ – Complete 10 tactical objectives. You can do these optional missions while you accomplish your primary objectives. They’re often displayed with a blue marker on your map.
- Ship it! – Upgrade all ship modules to at least 1 level. The Ship Modules can be upgraded in the Ship Module tab of Ship Management.
- Nothing is bigger than Freedom – Defeat a Hulk.
Silver Trophies
- Kill it with fire! – Kill over 100 enemies using fire damage during the same mission. The easiest way to get this trophy is using the FLAME-40 Flamethrower Strategem, which can be bought for 6,000 Requisition Slips at level 10.
- Fully operational – Reach the max rank on one ship module. You’ll need to spend an assortment of Common, Rare, and Super Rare Samples to fully upgrade a Ship Module. It’s worth noting that Super Samples can only be obtained on Suicide to Helldive difficulty missions.
- Get some! – Fire at least 150 rounds in one burst, killing 10 enemies (at least). You can call down an HMG Emplacement in Eradicate missions to achieve this, but you can also use the M-1055 Stalwart.
- The power of Democracy – Kill 25 enemies with one Stratagem. Alongside your grenades and weapons, Stratagems are an integral part of your kit for killing mobs. We advise using an Eagle Cluster Bomb, Eagle Airstrike, or Orbital Airburst Strike to wipe out many enemies in one swoop.
- That which does not kill you… – Be injured in all limbs at the same time. Taking damage in certain parts of your body can cause limb damage, resulting in adverse effects such as being unable to run, aiming down your sights, and more. You need to be alive with all your four limbs damaged for this.
- For the greater good! – Kill 5,000 enemies. You can check your progress via the Career tab in your Armory.
- Doing your part – Complete at least 100 missions.
- It’s the only way to be sure… – Have 6 Orbital Barrage Stratagems in the same place at the same time. The following Orbital Stratagems apply: Orbital Walking Barrage, Orbital Gatling Barrage, Orbital 120MM HE Barrage, and Orbital 380MM HE Barrage.
- Samples are a diver’s best friend – Extract with at least Rare Samples from a mission as a team. Rare Samples can be found on Challenging difficulty missions or higher.
- Extractamundo! – Extract with a full squad on a Hard difficulty mission or higher.
- Caught them by Supplies! – Kill a Charger using a Resupply Pod. Chargers like to run at you every chance they get, so you’ll need to immobilize them first. You can use an EMD Mortar Sentry or Orbital EMS Strike before calling the Resupply Pod. This ensures that the Charger won’t be able to dodge it.
Gold Trophies
- Gone in 360 seconds! – Complete an Extreme difficulty Blitz mission and extract in under 6 minutes.
- Hell Dive – Complete an Extreme difficulty mission or higher without anyone dying. Dying is a main part of the game, so not using reinforcements for the entire time can be challenging. The easiest mission type to get this trophy is by doing Eradicate or Blitz-type missions.
- Hold my primary, I’m going in! – Complete a Hard difficulty mission or higher without anyone firing their primary or support weapon. You can only use your secondary weapon for this one, but at least you can still throw your Orbitals and Eagles.
Platinum Trophy
- The Epitome of Super Earth – Obtain all trophies in Helldivers 2.