list How to Sell on PlayerAuctions - PlayerAuctions Blog

How to Sell on PlayerAuctions

By | July 24th, 2014 | Categories: Others

Have something people want.


[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end]Sounds silly…but not everything sells! The market for the games on our site is pretty dynamic. Prices rise and fall depending market fluctuations, the game and the number of players, new releases etc. [/ezcol_2third_end]

Create an offer.


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You will be guided through the fast, FREE, and easy PlayerAuctions Account Registration, Account Verification, and Seller Registration Processes as required.

Think about your seller delivery time; about what you can achieve and when. It is important to be realistic! If you set, but do not match, your own seller delivery guarantee then you may be given negative feedback by the community. This could damage the potential for your future sales.


Deliver your product


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We will notify you via email to deliver after a buyer creates an order and securely sends payment to PlayerAuctions that has been successfully verified.

You will deliver directly to the buyer.[/ezcol_2third_end]

Confirm delivery

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Buyer and confirm delivery to us when the orders is complete. For your own protection, be sure to follow the Secure Seller Delivery Agreement. With delivery confirmed, PlayerAuctions will promptly disburse payment according to your disbursement schedule.

[/ezcol_2third_end] Up next in this series  Stay tuned for more info!!


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