Pokemon Masters Tier List

Originally named Pokémon Masters, it is a free-to-play mobile game with Android and iOS as its platforms. Pokémon Masters EX was developed and published by DeNA, and they based their game on the Pokémon media franchise. Pokémon Masters EX takes the player to the artificial island of Pasio. Pokémon and Trainers are called Sync Pairs, sharing a special bond. Many famous Trainers from all regions featured in the Pokémon video games have gathered on Pasio with their Pokémon to form their Sync Pairs. It allows players to battle and recruits the various Pokémon Trainers from the main game series and the anime.
Table of Contents
Pokémon Masters EX is a tournament of 3v3 battles on Pasio Island called the Pokémon Masters League. The goal is to become the champion of Pasio Island. Like other Pokémon games, players must collect the five Badges by defeating PML Leaders located at different areas of Pasio. Players must progress through a Sync Pair story to recruit a Sync Pair. There are limited-time events that players can participate in that are regularly added and updated. Each event features a single-player and cooperative multiplayer event, where the goal is to team up and defeat powerful enemies and Pokémon to receive event rewards and prizes.
Sync Pairs
They consist of a Pokémon Trainer who previously appeared in the core games or the anime and have been designed to take their most recent appearance and a single Pokémon. Trainers like the popular Ash Ketchum have donned the look he had in the latest Pokémon anime, Pokémon Journeys. Each pair has one of the three roles; strike, support, and tech pairs.
Pokémon Masters EX Tier List
For the different Sync Pairs, to build the ultimate team, we have categorized each Sync Pair with its corresponding role to help players build the best team possible. In the game, Sync Pairs are not up to fighting for the Pokémon Masters League. We will start with the highest to lowest, meaning Tier 1 is the best, and the following tiers mean they are lower on the list.
How Are The Sync Pairs Ranked?
We carefully selected the best Sync Pairs of Pokémon Masters EX and took points to consider to base this tier list on. There are four things we are looking for when listing each Sync Pair, and they are
- Flexibility: All of the sync pairs should work well with other pairs.
- Versatility: The Sync Pairs should be able to play in all game modes to allow players to stick with them instead of needing to change their team to adjust for a specific game mode.
- Self-Sufficiency: Other Sync Pairs should not need other Sync Pairs to reach their full potential, which adds to the idea of being versatile.
- Potential: Base stats should be able to tackle formidable enemies and continue to grow to prevent players from being hard-stuck and forced to use other Sync Pairs.
Strike Sync Pairs
These are the team’s damage dealers; the most noteworthy damage dealers are Sync Pairs like Red & Pikachu. Judging the pairs on this tier list focuses on their dealing-damage capabilities. Most of the Sync Pairs can strike with effective dealing damage. Although we do have some exceptions as a pair like Steven & Deoxys are a Sync Pair that can boost the critical hit rate of all their allies. However, that ability only provides an advantage to their high damage multipliers and the potential of their value.
- Ash & Pikachu
- Sygna Suit Serena & Zygarde (Complete Form)
- Steven and Deoxys (Attack Form)
- Lucas & Dialga
- Sygna Suit Hilda & Victini
- Sygna Suit Lusamine & Necrozma (Ultra Form)
- Lear & Hoopa
- Sygna Suit Red & Mega Charizard X
- Sygna Suit Erika & Leafeon
- Sygna Suit Giovanni & Nidoking Sygna Suit Ethan & Lugia
- Sonia & Tsareena
- Korrina & Marshadow
- Diantha & Keldeo
- Emmet & Escavalier
- Leon & Eternatus
- Leon & Charizard
- Cyrus & Palkia
- N & Zoroark
- Blue & Mega Aerodactyl
- Archie & Kyogre Lillie & Lunala
- Emmet & Archeops
- Raihan & Duraludon
- Brendan & Sceptile
- Alder & Volcarona
- Silver & Ho-Oh
- Hugh & Bouffalant
- Cynthia & Mega Garchomp
- May & Mega Swampert
- Giovanni & Mega Mewtwo Y
- Steven & Mega Rayquaza
- Volkner & Electivire
- Leon & Calyrex
- Zinnia & Mega Rayquaza
- Marnie & Morpeko
- Lance & Dragonite
- Nessa & Drednaw
- Bea & Sirfetch’d
- Lance & Gyarados
- Hala & Crabominable
- Marnie & Grimmsnarl
- Guzma & Buzzwole
- Player & Gyarados (Strike) M
- N & Zekrom
- Hilbert & Mightyena
- Diantha & Mega Gardevoir
- Hilda & Mega Diancie
- Gloria & Zacian
- Blue & Mega Pidgeot
- Hilda & Emboar
- Sygna Suit Cynthia & Kommo-o
- Sygna Suit Grimsley & Mega Sharpedo
- Elesa & Zebstrika
- Allister & Gengar
- Selene & Decidueye
- Gloria & Inteleon
- Barry & Empoleon
- Blue & Arcanine Gladion & Silvally
- Steven & Sandslash (Alola Form)
- Olivia & Lycanroc (Midnight Form)
- Wally & Mega Gallade
- Kris & Feraligatr
- Player & Solgaleo
- Zinnia & Salamence
- Will & Xatu
- Burgh & Leavanny
- Hau & Raichu (Alola Form)
- Clair & Kingdra Gardenia & Roserade
- Siebold & Octillery
- Sophocles & Golem
- Fantina & Mismagius
- Morty & Drifblim
- Naomi & Sandslash
- Lusamine & Pheromosa
- Professor Sycamore & Bulbasaur
- Nate & Braviary Caitlin & Reuniclus
- Karen & Umbreon
- Guzma & Golisopod
- Iris & Haxorus
- Flint & Infernape
- Siebold & Clawitzer
- Korrina & Mega Lucario
- Bruno & Machamp
- Lyra & Jigglypuff
- Ethan & Typhlosion
- Candice & Froslass
- Mina & Granbull
- Molayne & Dugtrio
- Hapu & Mudsdale
- Pryce & Dewgong
- Looker & Croagunk
- May & Wailmer
- Marnie & Toxicroak
- Bugsy & Mega Beedrill
- Valerie & Sylveon
- Tate & Solrock
- Norman & Slaking
- Shauntal & Chandelure
- Roxie & Scolipede
- Marshal & Conkeldurr
- Sygna Suit Brock & Tyranitar
- Jessie & Arbok
- Roark & Rampardos
Tech Sync Pairs
Also known as Hybrid Sync Pairs, judging Tech Sync Pairs based on their ability to not only provide dealing damage but to support allies and debuff enemies. A Sync Pairs team needs a Tech to control the battlefield by stat manipulation, providing buffs and debuffs. Some of these characters can even excel at dealing damage, but not as effectively as Strike Sync Pairs.
- Sygna Suit Red (Thunderbolt) & Pikachu
- Gloria & Urshifu – Rapid Strike
- Steven and Deoxys (Attack Form)
- Sygna Suit Lyra & Celebi
- Maxie & Groudon
- Cyrus & Darkrai
- May & Mega Blaziken
- Sygna Suit Cynthia & Giratina
- Bianca & Musharna
- Sygna Suit Hilbert & Genesect
- Marnie & Mega Mawile
- May & Mega Latias
- Skyla & Tornadus
- Raihan & Flygon
- N & Reshiram
- Rosa (Special Costume) & Shaymin
- Elesa & Emolga
- Grimsley & Bisharp
- Ingo & Accelgor
- Lucian & Girafarig
- Bede & Hatterene
- The Masked Royal & Incineroar
- Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
- Serena & Delphox
- Courtney & Mega Camerupt
- Sygna Suit N & Kyurem
- Steven & Deoxys (Speed Forme)
- Sygna Suit Leaf & Mega Venusaur
- Ghetsis & Kyurem
- Sidney & Mega Absol
- Nessa & Eiscue
- Serena & Whimsicott
- Karen & Mega Houndoom
- Volkner & Luxray
- Lysandre & Yveltal
- Iris & Hydreigon
- Bertha & Hippowdon
- Steven & Mega Metagross
- Rosa & Dewott
- Darach & Staraptor
- Player & Gyarados (Tech)
- Dawn & Torterra
- Silver & Feraligatr
- Misty & Starmie
- N & Sigilyph
- Mallow & Tsareena
- May & Mega Lopunny
- Skyla & Togekiss
- Nanu & Persian
- Koga & Crobat
- Candice & Abomasnow
- Professor Oak & Mew
- Plumeria & Salazzle
- Lisia & Mega Altaria
- Wikstrom & Aegislash (Shield Forme)
- Whitney & Miltank
- Winona & Pelipper
- Acerola & Mimikyu
- Brawly & Hariyama
- Sygna Suit Misty & Vaporeon
- Clemont & Heliolisk
- Brock & Onix
- Crasher Wake & Floatzel
- Kahili & Toucannon
- Sophocles & Togedemaru
- Noland & Mega Pinsir
- Morty & Mega Banette
- Wallace & Milotic
- Lorelei & Lapras
- Agatha & Mega Gengar
- Calem & Meowstic
- Clay & Seismitoad
- Flannery & Torkoal
- Grant & Aurorus
Support Sync Pairs
When judging the last role, Support Sync Pairs, it is essential to have a pair that can support and effectively use their utilities to provide for the team. In video games, the idea of a supporting character is to increase the survivability of their team; in this case, they will focus on preventing Strike and Tech Sync pairs from losing their health bar.
- Sonia & Yamper
- Aaron & Vespiquen
- Jasmine & Celesteela
- Hilbert & Samurott
- Burgh & Togepi
- Sygna Suit Blue & Mega Blastoise
- Lillie & Polteageist
- Falkner & Swellow
- Sabrina & Mega Alakazam
- Hop & Zamazenta
- Giovanni & Persian
- Lyra & Meganium
- Elio & Primarina
- Kiawe & Marowak
- Professor Sycamore & Xerneas
- Sygna Suit Elesa & Rotom
- Player & Cobalion
- Bugsy & Scyther
- Bea & Vanilluxe
- Leaf & Eevee
- Player & Mesprit
- Caitlin & Mega Sableye
- Dawn & Alcremie
- Lt. Surge & Raichu
- Phoebe & Dusknoir
- Skyla & Swanna
- Blue & Exeggutor
- Piers & Obstagoon
- Nita & Landorus
- Sabrina & Chingling
- Steven & Deoxys (Defense Forme)
- Hilda & Grapploct
- Cheryl & Blissey
- Lana & Araquanid
- Lillie & Ribombee
- Misty & Psyduck
- Player & Regirock
- Cynthia & Gastrodon
- Lillie & Clefairy
- Evelyn & Entei
- Sawyer & Honchkrow
- Morty & Mismagius
- Rosa & Delibird
- Rachel & Umbreon
- Player & Torchic
- Jasmine & Mega Steelix
- Marley & Arcanine
- Drake & Salamence
- Roxanne & Probopass
- Kukui & Lycanroc
- Rosa & Serperior
- Liza & Lunatone
- Erika & Comfey
- Player & Pikachu
- Acerola & Palossand
- Erika & Vileplume
- Ramos & Victreebel
- Viola & Masquerain
- Thorton & Bronzong
- Erika & Tangela
- Lucy & Seviper
- Blaine & Rapidash
- Glacia & Mega Glalie
- Grimsley & Liepard
- Wulfric & Avalugg
- Maylene & Medicham
- Sygna Suit Morty & Ho-Oh
- Red & Snorlax
- Dawn & Cresselia
- Sygna Suit Kris & Suicune
- Sygna Suit Brendan & Mega Latios
- Ingo & Excadrill
- Sygna Suit Cynthia (Aura) & Mega Lucario
- Brycen & Cryogonal
- James & Weezing
- Janine & Ariados
- Lt. Surge & Electrode
- Marlon & Carracosta
- Cheren & Stoutland
With over 200 collectible sync pairs in Pokémon Masters EX, it can confuse new and experienced players. This tier list aims to provide the best possible reference point for all who play the game and show which characters to obtain and void. Pokémon Masters EX consistently updates to add new Sync Pairs to the list. Feel free to return anytime and use this guide to help you in your Pokémon Masters EX journey to become the Pokémon Masters League Champion!