Overwatch 2 PvE is Not Worth $15

Apex Legends Packs
By | August 16th, 2023 | Categories: Uncategorized

One of the main things that Blizzard promised players when they released Overwatch 2 was that the game will have a PvE campaign, which will be added as a DLC. While it did take a while before this update went live, the OW2 PvE Missions are finally available after the most recent major patch. However, fans are still determining whether spending $15 on Overwatch 2’s new content is worth its salt. 

Overwatch 2 PvE Campaign

Overwatch 2: Invasion is the promised PvE content for the game that has been one of Blizzard’s main selling points for the sequel of the original OW game. It is the first major player-versus-environment content update, which features new co-op missions, a new Overwatch agent, and an additional PvP game mode. The whole campaign revolves around the OW heroes and the Null Sector battle. 

PvE Modes were previously only available during specific periods and occasions, so Overwatch 2: Invasion will introduce a game mode available all year round. The PvE Story Missions occur in Rio de Janeiro, Toronto, and Gothenburg. These missions offer gameplay and cinematics that drive the game’s narrative and characters. Players can also explore additional story elements by visiting Winston’s Lab before or after a mission.

These missions follow a timeline shortly after Winston’s recall, creating opportunities for new hero interactions. For instance, Lucio’s inaugural meeting with Reinhardt forms part of this narrative. The heroes themselves have distinct dynamics, such as Lucio’s fan-favorite status. Specific past short stories, like Cassidy’s, can acquaint players with the PvE experience. If players want to delve into the perspective of Null Sector leader Ramattra, they can uncover insights through the PvE Story Missions, cinematics, and Winston’s Lab.

The Overwatch 2 Invasion Story Missions can be replayed across varying difficulties, each offering a fresh and tailored experience. A team’s hero composition influences the available voice lines. In Winston’s Lab, players access character and mission files that provide unique insights. Devs emphasized the effort to ensure the experience aligns with each difficulty level. Legendary difficulty presents a formidable challenge. The available difficulty levels include Normal, Hard, Expert, and Legendary. Here are the things you can expect from the new mode:

  • Engaging Story: Experience captivating PvE missions that delve into the Overwatch universe, showcasing the team’s fight against Null Sector and their quest to safeguard the world. The current campaign might feel short, but it will likely be expanded.
  • New Enemies: Encounter upgraded Null Sector forces in the Invasion PvE Mode, armed with advanced abilities and weapons, demanding enhanced skills and teamwork for victory.
  • New Maps: Explore fresh terrain across Rio de Janeiro, Toronto, and Gothenburg in the Invasion PvE Mode, each offering unique challenges requiring adaptability and coordinated efforts. Additional maps might be added later on. 
  • Co-operative Matches: Each mission requires players to form 4-man teams, which are composed of two damage dealers, one healer, and one tank. If you cannot queue up with friends or other players, your party will be filled with bots.  

The Price to Pay

Unfortunately for gamers, the new PvE content is not accessible without spending much money. Overwatch 2: Invasion is offered in two bundles, which you can buy in the Blizzard Store, Epic Games Shop, or Steam. Here are all the packages for the PvE update:

Overwatch 2: Invasion Bundle ($14.99)

  • Access to Invasion story missions
  • 1,000 Overwatch Coins for Premium Battle Pass
  • Legendary Sojourn skin
  • Permanent access to Sojourn as a playable hero for new players

Overwatch 2: Ultimate Invasion Bundle ($39.99)

  • Includes everything in the Invasion Bundle
  • Null Sector Premium Battle Pass with 20 Battle Pass skips
  • Additional 1,000 Overwatch Coins
  • Two extra Legendary skins for Cassidy and Kiriko

There Are Too Many Downsides

Players are already hesitant to get the update because of its paywall, but some hardcore fans have bought the bundles to try out the PvE missions. While it has some upsides, the downsides are too numerous to ignore. After all, it’s hard to enjoy a supposedly fun game mode if the amount you spend doesn’t match it. 

The positive side of the Overwatch 2 PvE story is that it is hall fun. The missions that take you to four different maps offer fun mindless run-and-gun gameplay as you try to clear objectives. The tasks for these modes are straightforward because they are like how Overwatch PvP modes are played. 

The story is probably the best thing about the paywalled content because it expands on the lore of Overwatch even further. OW2’s storytelling provides us with thrilling and fun cutscenes and shorts. If you don’t consider the $15, playing the game is engaging and immersive because of the game’s rich lore. In addition, there are also hidden codices and documents that can be found in Winston’s office that provide more details about the story.

From what most players are experiencing, Invasion provides a challenge to players, not your mindless run-and-gun. You have to do objectives and be tactical on how to clear them. You can fail your missions if you go in willy-nilly guns blazing. The challenge will keep players entertained while they do their missions.

There are multiple reasons why people will hate the new PvE content, but the main one is how it is hidden behind a paywall. Blizzard has advertised this game mode as the critical difference between the sequel and the original Overwatch game. However, being required to buy the DLC makes it feel like an expansion and not part of the main game. For something highlighted as a prominent feature of Overwatch 2, you would expect it to be free enjoyable content accessible to everyone. 

One of the biggest reasons that some people don’t like PVe Content is the scale of the paid feature. The update would like you to believe that the main highlight of the update is Overwatch 2 Invasion. However, when you compare the PvE patch to Season 6 features, the latter has more to offer despite being free. The introduction of the Flashpoint game mode also overshadows the player-versus-environment because of its relevance to the game. 

To make matters worse, the next set of updates for this type of content is months away. If you combine the long intervals between updates and the size of the available content, there is little to enjoy after buying the bundles. If you are going to pay for a game mode, the most you expect is that there are hours of content for you to enjoy that you can grind for weeks or even months.

If you have tried out Invasion, then there is no doubt that you have found it fun and engaging. However, it needs replayability once you have finished everything you can engage in. Unlike most PvE games, nothing encourages you to keep replaying the paid content until a new update comes along. Once you have finished the campaign at any difficulty, you will likely stop doing PvE and return to PvP.


While the new PvE mode is fun, it is unfortunately not worth its current price because you can do many better things with $15 than spending it on a small-scale unfinished product. Blizzard can improve many aspects, but it’s only worth using money on if you are invested in the game’s lore. You can find more enjoyment in the new updates on the PvP.

The only reasons you would want to get Overwatch 2 Invasion are that you are a hardcore fan of OW, actively trying to learn more of the game, and want to get the freebie skins included in the bundle. Otherwise, you are better off using your $15 on something else, like buying new games or getting skins from the Overwatch in-game shop. However, this might change when further updates come along, but until then, it is better to enjoy the free content in OW.

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