What’s the Deal with Valorant Currency? – Valorant Points and Radianite Points

Valorant. It’s becoming remarkably famous in a very short period of time. Like many games with a very large pool of interest, many people are desperately trying to become the next big name with what could be, if it lives up to the hype, the next big game. Is that you? Maybe. I don’t know. Maybe you’re just curious about Valorant. Maybe you got lost trying to find articles on DOOM. Maybe you’re bored. Regardless of why you’re here, I got you covered! I’m going to take you through everything you need to know about Valorant Points and Radianite Points, from how to get them to what they’re used for. And, bonus points, I’ll be giving you a reason that you should care and try to get as many of them as you can. Sound good? Let’s roll right into the action.
- Learn about two forms of Valorant Currency: Valorant Points and Radianite Points
- Learn What Each Can Buy in the Game as Well as How They Are Different
- Learn How to Get Them
- Learn Why You Should Care About Getting as Many Points as Possible
Table of Contents
What are Valorant Points and How do I get them?
Valorant Points are in game currency for the game Valorant. Complex, I know. If you want to buy anything in the Valorant store, you’re going to need to use Valorant Points. Like a lot of other games, Valorant uses this little sneaky system to keep people on their toes and confused about how much money they’re actually spending. 5350 Valorant Points? That means nothing. But, when you learn that it costs 49.99$, you might be less tempted. Anyway, as you probably guessed from that little personal blurb, you buy Valorant Points with real currency. Moolah. Cash. Money. Whatever you want to call it, if you want Valorant Points, you’re going to need to fork over some form of payment. They come in bundles with varying prices. Here’s the different denominations that Valorant Points can be bought for:
- 475 VP for $4.99
- 1000 VP for $9.99
- 2050 VP for $19.99
- 3650 VP for $34.99
- 5350 VP for $49.99
- 11000 VP for $99.99
Why do I want Valorant Points?
What’s so great about these things that you’d actually want to pay for them? Because you buy stuff from the Valorant in-game store with them. Everything from cool weapon skins to skipping tiers that otherwise would need XP to unlock can be bought with ‘em. Want to have access to every single Valorant Agent the first time you boot up the game? You can! If you’re willing to pay…
What are Radianite Points and How do I get them?
Ah, so you understand Valorant Points, but what about Radianite Points? It’s essentially Valorant Points, but are used to level up weapon skins and “other content types.” As far as how to get them, there are two ways!
The first way you’re going to try is the battle pass. Just play and earn. Boom. Easy. You’re going to need about 10 points to get a skin to the highest level, and in the battle pass, the first week has tier four and nine that each offer 20 points each. So, you’re going to be able to get them pretty quickly this way, plus, it’s just through playing.
The other way is to buy with Valorant Points. Now, obviously, this is faster, but more expensive. If you go this route, here’s a basic idea of what we’re talking, price-wise: 20 Radianite Points are going to set you back about 1,600-2,000 Valorant Points, while 2,000 Valorant Points equates to 20 bucks.
Why Do I want Radianite Points?
Valid question. Here’s your answer: because it makes stuff look really, really cool. If you level up a skin, you’re going to start seeing cooler looks on your weapons. Like, the Reaver skin gets special sights at Level 2. Level 3 will get you a cool reload, and level four a dark death animation. Sound like something you want? It should, because it’s actually awesome! As any gamer knows, it matters what your gear looks like. The cooler it is, the better. And Radianite Points help get you where you want to be in terms of appearance. Fortunately, there are no gameplay advantages to upgrades. They look awesome, but they aren’t going to give you an unfair advantage, which is terrific to see a game moving away from Pay-to-Win mentality.
The Valorant In-game Store
The in-game store is where the magic happens, this is where you get to spend your hard-earned (or rather, bought) Valorant Points. With items and skins on a rotation, if you see something you like you better snatch it up fast, before it goes out of rotation until who-knows-when. Thankfully, Riot Games are not going to include lootboxes in Valorant, so everything you buy will be from the store. Available in the store are skins, content bundles (such as skin bundles for multiple weapons), agents, and more. Radianite Points are also bought at the store. We’re looking forward to seeing what else gets added in the future!
There you have it, gang. Your in-depth explanation of everything you need to know about Valorant Points and Radianite Points. I hope you learned a little something about it, but if you didn’t, I hope you at least enjoyed reading the article. When you get your chance to play, now you’ll know what to expect and how to get the best start possible in the game.
Until next time, get out there and have some fun!
Want more? Check out our article on Valorant vs. CSGO!