WoW Cataclysm Archeology Rewards Guide

Archeology has recently arrived in World of Warcraft: Classic, bringing back-breaking labor and great rewards along the way! Well, not quite. The process for surveying dig sites in WoW is quite a bit less strenuous on the joints compared to real life…
Regardless, seasoned archeologists of World of Warcraft will find themselves with many epic rewards for their hard work. These rewards include titles, achievements, toys, mounts, pets, and even solid endgame gear! Since these rewards are bound to your account, many players will desire them for alt gearing and completing collections.
Table of Contents
Artifact Rewards
Depending on your luck and archeology skill level, these rewards may take quite some time to get. This is made more cumbersome by the game selecting which artifact you pursue at random. Most of the time, you’ll be stuck solving common artifacts. These reward vendor trash items. Sometimes, though, you’ll get to solve a rare artifact—one that gives you something worth keeping! So long as you keep at it, you can eventually get all the following rewards, sorted by fragment/keystone type.
- The Last Relic of Argus
- A random teleporter, requiring 130 fragments
- Arrival of the Naaru
- A toy that briefly displays this crucial event, requiring 124 fragments
- The Innkeeper’s Daughter
- A toy that works as a spicier hearthstone, requiring 150 fragments
- Chalice of the Mountain Kings
- A toy that summons four dancing dwarves, requiring 100 fragments
- Clockwork Gnome
- A pet that appears to be a mechanical gnome, requiring 100 fragments
- Staff of Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan
- A staff with an item level of 359, requiring 150 fragments
- Ancient Amber
- A toy that imprisons you in amber, requiring 100 fragments
- Fossilized Hatchling
- A pet that’s all bones and no bite, requiring 100 fragments
- Pterrordax Hatchling
- A pet that’s ready to eat you alive (but in a cute way), requiring 120 fragments
- Fossilized Raptor
- A mount that shouldn’t still be moving after all this time, requiring 100 fragments
- Extinct Turtle Shell
- A shield with an item level of 359, requiring 150 fragments
- Blessing of the Old God
- A toy that turns you into a living weapon, requiring 140 fragments
- Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron
- A toy that whispers hints of insanity to you, requiring 140 fragments
Night Elf
- Bones of Transformation
- A toy that transforms you into a naga, requiring 150 fragments
- Druid and Priest Statue Set
- A toy that summons a beam of beauty at your location, requiring 100 fragments
- Highborne Soul Mirror
- A toy that mirrors your image, requiring 100 fragments
- Kaldorei Wind Chimes
- A toy that produces a nice sound which changes based on a few variables, requiring 98 fragments
- Wisp Amulet
- A toy that turns you into a wisp, requiring 150 fragments
- Tyrande’s Favorite Doll
- A trinket with an item level of 359, requiring 150 fragments
- Queen Azshara’s Dressing Gown
- A cloth chest piece with an item level of 78, requiring 100 fragments
- Headdress of the First Shaman
- A mail head piece with an item level of 105, requiring 130 fragments
- Pendant of the Scarab Storm
- A toy that summons a bunch of peaceful scarabs, requiring 150 fragments
- Crawling Claw
- A pet that appears to be the result of untreated carpal tunnel syndrome, requiring 150 fragments
- Scepter of Azj’Aqir
- A mount that’s actually called Ultramarine Qiraji Battle Tank, requiring 150 fragments
- Scimitar of the Sirocco
- A one-hand sword with an item level of 359, requiring 150 fragments
- Staff of Ammunae
- A staff with an item level of 359, requiring 150 fragments
- Ring of the Boy Emperor
- A ring with an item level of 359, requiring 150 fragments
- Haunted War Drum
- A toy that produces a haunted melody, requiring 100 fragments
- Voodoo Figurine
- A pet that doesn’t seem to mind being poked and prodded, requiring 100 fragments
- Zin’rokh, Destroyer of Worlds
- A two-hand sword with an item level of 359, requiring 150 fragments
- Vrykul Drinking Horn
- A toy that makes you and your mount larger and mightier, requiring 100 fragments
- Nifflevar Bearded Axe
- A one-hand axe with an item level of 226, requiring 130 fragments
Achievements and Titles
What’s the point in being a master archeologist if you don’t have anything to show for it? Of course, the previously mentioned rewards exist, but what about some achievement points or unique titles? Good news! With archeology, you can earn yourself up to 190 achievement points and three titles.
Skill Points
- Journeyman in Archeology
- Obtain 150 skill points in archeology to get this achievement, rewarding 10 achievement points
- Expert in Archeology
- Obtain 225 skill points in archeology to get this achievement, rewarding 10 achievement points
- Artisan in Archeology
- Obtain 300 skill points in archeology to get this achievement, rewarding 10 achievement points
- Master in Archeology
- Obtain 375 skill points in archeology to get this achievement, rewarding 10 achievement points
- Grand Master in Archeology
- Obtain 450 skill points in archeology to get this achievement, rewarding 10 achievement points
- Illustrious Grand Master in Archeology
- Obtain 525 skill points in archeology to get this achievement, rewarding 10 achievement points
General Artifacts
- Digger
- Discover 10 unique common artifacts to get this achievement, rewarding 10 achievement points
- Diggerer
- Discover 50 unique common artifacts to get this achievement, rewarding 10 achievement points
- Diggerest
- Discover 100 unique common artifacts to get this achievement, rewarding 10 achievement points
- I Had It in My Hand
- Discover a rare artifact to get this achievement, rewarding 10 achievement points and the “Assistant Professor” title
- What was Briefly Yours is Now Mine
- Discover 10 rare artifacts to get this achievement, rewarding 10 achievement points and the “Associate Professor” title
- It Belongs in a Museum!
- Discover 20 rare artifacts to get this achievement, rewarding 10 achievement points and the “Professor” title
- It’s Always in the Last Place You Look
- Discover an artifact from each of the 9 categories to get this achievement, rewarding 10 achievement points
Specific Artifacts
- Blue Streak
- Recover the Silver Kris of Korl, Dented Shield of Horuz Killcrow, Scorched Staff of Shadow Priest Anund, and the Notched Sword of Tunadil the Redeemer to get this achievement, rewarding 10 achievement points
- The Boy Who Would be King
- Recover the Soapstone Scarab Necklace, Cat Statue with Emerald Eyes, Sketch of a Desert Palace, Engraved Scimitar Hilt, Canopic Jar, and the Tiny Oasis Mosaic to get this achievement, rewarding 10 achievement points
- The Harder they Fall
- Recover the Tiny Bronze Scorpion, Gray Candle Stub, Rusted Steak Knife, and the Maul of Stone Guard Mur’og to get this achievement, rewarding 10 achievement points
- Kings Under the Mountain
- Recover the Mithril Chain of Angerforge, Moltenfist’s Jeweled Goblet, Spiked Gauntlets of Anvilrage, Ironstar’s Petrified Shield, Winged Helm of Corehammer, Skull Staff of Shadowforge, and the Warmaul of Burningeye to get this achievement, rewarding 10 achievement points
- Seven Scepters
- Recover the scepters of Atal’ai, Bronzebeard, Charlga Razorflank, Nathrezim, Nekros Skullcrusher, Nezar’Azret, and Xavius to get this achievement, rewarding 10 achievement points
- Tragedy in Three Acts
- Recover the Chest of Tiny Glass Animals, Cloak Clasp with Antlers, Cracked Crystal Vial, Delicate Music Box, Hairpin of Silver and Malachite, and the Silver Scroll Case to get this achievement, rewarding 10 achievement points
Dungeon Keystone Quests
Archeology is a versatile profession that can fit any playstyle. It isn’t just for achievement hoarders or mount collectors! For archeologists with a taste for combat, keystones serve two purposes. They can be used to speed up the research process, yes, but they can also give your group a powerful buff in dungeons! The buffs, their respective dungeons, and information on how to activate them can be found below.
Dark Iron Contingency Plan
- Location: Blackrock Caverns
- Requires a Dwarf Rune Stone
- Reduces elemental damage done to you by 5%
Vengeance of the Wildhammer
- Location: Grim Batol
- Requires a Dwarf Rune Stone
- Increases your critical strike chance by 5%
Map of the Architects
- Location: Halls of Origination
- Requires a Tol’vir Hieroglyphic
- Increases your movement speed
Tol’Vir Hieroglyphics
- Location: Lost City of the Tol’vir
- Requires a Tol’vir Hieroglyphic
- Reward: Tol’vir Secrets
- Increases damage against the Neferset by 10%
Might of the Earthen
- Location: The Stonecore
- Requires a Dwarf Rune Stone
- Reduces physical damage done to you by 5%
Waters of Elune
- Location: Throne of the Tides
- Requires a Highborne Scroll
- Increases damage against the naga by 10%
Zul’Aman Voodoo
- Location: Zul’Aman
- Requires a Troll Tablet
- Reward: Amani Power
- Causes a bear cub to sometimes aid you in combat
Zul’Gurub Voodoo
- Location: Zul’Gurub
- Requires a Troll Tablet
- Reward: Call o’ da Raptor
- Causes a young raptor to sometimes aid you in combat
Closing Thoughts
Archeology isn’t all about wanting to punch your monitor after not getting the reward you wanted. It’s also the sweet joy of finally getting that rare reward! With archeology, you can help your group in dungeons, add to your collections, hoard achievements, and more. There’s no player out there who wouldn’t benefit from this secondary profession, so get digging!