How to raise your Island Evaluation rating in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

The Island Evaluation feature was present in previous Animal Crossing titles, and New Horizons is no different as it carries on this tradition. Once you’ve upgraded the Resident Services building on your island, then improving the rating of your island is perhaps next on your to-do list. Working your way up isn’t exactly a cakewalk; there are a lot of factors that go into a 5-star island evaluation rating. But don’t worry, we’re here to help! We’ll be showing you how to plant, build, and spend your way into nabbing that ever-elusive 5-star island rating. Heck, even a 3-star rating is an accomplishment in itself—just so you can finally get K. K. Slider to visit your island!
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What is the Island Evaluation?
The island evaluation is a service that’s offered by the Resident Services building. This is handled specifically by Isabelle, the secretary of Tom Nook. The rating starts from 1-star, with 5-star being the maximum you can attain. If you want to find out the current rating of your island, simply talk to Isabelle by sitting on the chair near her cubicle to get the ball rolling. When asked what you need help with, select “Island Evaluation” to know what star your island is currently in, what you can do to improve it, and what the other villagers think about the state of the island as well.
How do you unlock the Island Evaluation?
To unlock the island evaluation rating from Isabelle, you will need to have at least six houses built on the island along with residents/villagers to reside in them (not including your house). If you’re playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons in real-time, you’ll most probably unlock this after a week of playing once your Resident Services have been upgraded and the construction of the campsite grounds are finished.
How can you improve your rating in the Island Evaluation?
There are specific requirements that you need to keep in mind when trying to improve your island evaluation rating. From 1-star to 5-star, here’s a list that you need to follow in order to get certain ratings:
Rating | Requirement |
1-Star | This is the starting point for all players in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. There’s still much to be developed on your island and you need to have more villagers in order to get to the next rating. |
2-star | To get a 2-star rating, you need to have at least 8 resident villagers on your island. To do so, you can either visit mystery islands and hope that you find someone willing to move into your island or just bide your time and wait for potential residents to visit your island using the campsite instead. |
3-star | This is probably the most important rating to attain since having a 3-star still rating will finally let you invite the famous singer, K. K. Slider, to come to your island to perform. You need to have the Museum, Nook’s Cranny, and the Able Sister’s Shop. Furthermore, you’ll have to build at least 50 fences, craft at least 50 furniture to be placed outdoors, plant 200 flowers, and remove all of the weeds on your island. |
4-star | The requirement to have a 4-star rating is to have at least 9 residents/villagers, have even more fences, 150 furniture outdoors, and 200 flowers planted. You also need to construct more bridges and ramps with the help of Tom Nook. |
5-star | Getting a 5-star rating is the most difficult hurdle of all. Not only you will have to equally distribute fences, flowers, trees, and furniture across your island, but you will have to maintain it for 16 days as well if you want to get the rewards. |
What rewards are earned when you get a 5-Star Island Evaluation rating?
Should you be able to maintain your 5-star rating for well over 16 days, then you’ll be rewarded handsomely with a DIY recipe for the golden watering can. While it doesn’t look much, the golden watering can is actually is sturdiest type of watering can in the game. There are gold variations for the ax, shovel, net, slingshot, and fishing rod as well. Lilies of the valley will also grow on your island afterward. These flowers are rare as they are only exclusive to 5-star islands.
Conclusion: Island Evaluation in a nutshell
While it’ll take a lot of time and effort to get the rating that you want, at the very end, you’ll be able to see not only the progress that you’ve made but also how the ambiance and overall look of your island has changed for the better. More flora and fauna means a happier island for everyone to live in. So don’t worry about taking days or even months to achieve your goal since Animal Crossing is a game that doesn’t need to be rushed—just enjoy everything at your own pace!