list Best League of Legends Korean Builds for Patch 13.7 - PlayerAuctions Blog

Best League of Legends Korean Builds for Patch 13.7

LoL Korean Builds
By | April 16th, 2023 | Categories: League of Legends

League of Legends is a highly competitive game played worldwide, it is not simply a game, it is the largest online game right now and has tons of tournaments either held at small regional competitions or at the grandest stage of them all at the Worlds championship. Like all other competitive sports, there are dominating regions or players that compete and belong to Korea when it comes to League of Legends. Koreans play the game passionately all thanks to the one who made it worthwhile to practice, Faker.
With Koreans being the world’s top players, it also means Korean players play the game differently than the world. They have their own unique builds that do not follow the standards of the world and we will take a look at some of the best picks for all lanes based on Korean standards to try on your account.

Best League of Legends Korean Builds for Patch 13.7

With the release of the latest patch for League of Legends, here are some of the best picks by Koreans to rank up with. Starting off with the top lane, we will go down until we reach the support role. 

Best Toplane Korean builds

  1. Gwen

Gwen has been one of the strongest picks in the top lane for a long time and sure, building her the normal way would still give you a positively high win rate, but this Korean build outperforms almost all matchups in the top lane. The itemization is quite the same as Gwen’s Normal build, where it differs comes from her summoner spells. Instead of taking flash + ignite, Gwen instead takes Teleport + ignite. Gwen has a relatively weak early game so taking ignite evens that out and taking teleport acts as a failsafe if she ever dies early. But taking teleport also allows her to snowball even harder and take control of the lane if she manages to take a lead early on. 

  • Runes
    • Conqueror
    • Presence of Mind
    • Legend: Alacrity
    • Last Stand
    • Second Wind
    • Unflinching
  • Items
    • Nashor’s Tooth
    • Ionian Boots
    • Divine Sunderer
    • Demonic Embrace
    • Rabadon’s Deathcap
    • Zhonya’s Hourglass
  1. Mordekaiser

Everybody knows that once you lose your lane being a bruiser in the top lane, you basically can’t play that lane anymore. Nobody owns that kind of play more than Mordekaiser/ He is the type of champion that when he gets a lead against his opponent, no amount of ganks can stop his snowball. Mordekaiser can simply ult one enemy when multiple people try to gank him, and when he finishes them within his ult, he comes out stronger with the stolen stats of his ulted enemy, along with the full stack of his passive and Conqueror’s so basically if you lose the lane against Mordekaiser, just kiss your lane goodbye. 

We usually see Mordekaiser with AP bruiser items like Riftmaker, this Korean build tones his damage down a bit and make him tankier thanks to a certain Item. Iceborn Gauntlet and Force of Nature might seem like it brings Mordekaiser’s damage down, but building these two will only make Mordekaiser last longer in fights, he even speeds up and slows you down at the same time. Talk about a tank with an insane amount of damage output. 

  • Runes
    • Conqueror
    • Triumph
    • Legend: Alacrity
    • Last Stand
    • Second Wind
    • Revitalize
  • Items
    • Nashor’s Tooth
    • Sorcerer’s Shoes
    • Iceborn Gauntlet
    • Demonic Embrace
    • Force of Nature
    • Rabadon’s Deathcap

Best Jungle Korean builds

  1. Ekko

Ekko has always been a bruiser with the amounts of burst damage he can dish out within a few seconds, this korean build makes him an interesting assassin/AP bruiser. Ekko drops his commonly built Lichbane and switches it out to an early Nashor’s tooth. This allows him to proc his passive faster and he can get value out of the item with each hit, unlike Lichbane that only procs after using a spell and then goes on cooldown.
Ekko instead builds Iceborn Gauntlet for his mythic item which makes him tanky and keeps the spell blade passive. 

  • Runes
    • Conqueror
    • Triumph
    • Legend: Tenacity
    • Last Stand
    • Magical Footwear
    • Cosmic Insight
  • Items
    • Nashor’s Tooth
    • Sorcerer’s Shoes
    • Iceborn Gauntlet
    • Demonic Embrace
    • Rabadon’s Deathcap
    • Zhonya’s Hourglass
  1. Nidalee

Nidalee is a well-known assassin that can one-shot enemies with her spear especially when she has the Dark Harvest rune. But this Korean build changes her normal build from top to bottom. Instead of picking dark harvest, Koreans pick Conqueror instead and this makes her incredibly strong at trading. Normally, Nidalee throws her spear and changes to her cougar form to deal a bit more damage in melee form. With Conqueror, she can not only burst into her human form, but she can also act as a bruiser while in her cougar form. The divine sunderer gives her sustain and damage while in her melee form along with the Demonic Embrace that gives her periodic damage while fighting. Death’s dance is also built on her to prevent bursts from assassins and mitigate damage before she can transform back into human form and heal herself.

  • Runes
    • Conqueror
    • Triumph
    • Legend: Tenacity
    • Last Stand
    • Eyeball Collection
    • Treasure Hunter
  • Items
    • Divine Sunderer
    • Sorcerer’s Shoes
    • Demonic Embrace
    • Zhonya’s Hourglass
    • Death’s Dance 
    • Abyssal Mask

Best Midlane Korean builds

  1. Riven

Now we all know way back when Faker used to play the most uncommon champions in the mid-lane, and now Riven mid makes a comeback thanks to the Koreans making it popular again. Riven has one of the strongest laning phases as she has lots of gap closers and high damage output that can bully most mages in the mid-lane during the early game. She is also incredibly difficult to gank as she can easily get out of fights with her Q and E, this also means that she can quickly gank other lanes with her mobility spells making her a great mid-lane pick. For her build, the only thing you might want to change is her mythic item. Prowler’s claw is the way to go in this pick as it gives you an extra gap closer to easily deal with mages with flash or mobility abilities. 

  • Runes
    • Conqueror
    • Triumph
    • Legend: Alacrity
    • Last Stand
    • Second Wind
    • Unflinching
  • Items
    • Prowler’s Claw
    • Ionian Boots
    • Ravenous Hydra
    • Black Cleaver
    • Death’s Dance
    • Maw of Malmortius
  1. Pantheon

Just like with Riven, Pantheon has an excellent gap closer that initiates his combo. He can easily bully mages out of lane and he can also easily deal with their pokes thanks to his E that blocks all damage in front of him. But what makes this pick incredibly strong is that it can gank any lane at a moment’s notice with his ultimate, talk about a twisted fate gank but with physical damage. 

  • Runes
    • Press The Attack 
    • Presence of Mind
    • Legend: Tenacity
    • Cutdown
    • Manaflow band
    • Scorch
  • Items
    • Blade of the ruined King
    • Ionian Boots
    • Iceborn Gauntlet
    • Black Cleaver
    • Death’s Dance
    • Force of Nature

Best Botlane Korean build

  1. Sivir

Sivir used to be played as a poke ADC thanks to the insane damage output of her Q and dark harvest, but with the recent tank meta, this playstyle faded. But with the latest patch notes, squishy champions are back in play and Lethality Sivir is making a comeback. She has a really strong wave clear thanks to her Q and W that damages all minions forcing her enemies to farm under the tower. With this build, Sivir can simply poke enemies under the tower making farming extremely hard for them. You will be empowering your Q with this build so lethality and armor-reducing items are the best, top it all off with a muramana, then she won’t even run out of mana anymore. 

  • Runes
    • Dark Harvset
    • Taste of Blood
    • Eyeball Collection
    • Treasure Hunter
    • Manaflow Band
    • Scorch
  • Items
    • Ravenous Hydra
    • Ionian Boots
    • Muramana
    • Serylda’s Grudge
    • Black Cleaver
    • Duskblade

Best Support Korean build

  1. Morgana

Morgana is a top-tier support that has it all, she can deal tons of damage if she builds as a pseudo mage or she can enchant and initiate fights when she builds utility. She is a highly versatile pick. This Korean build focuses on her strengths as a utility support champion. Glacial Augment makes her Q even more annoying, as she can root enemies for extended periods. The slow from Glacial augment allows her to trap the enemies in place for a long time and take the full damage of her W. The slow from Glacial Augment also makes her Flash ultimate engage incredibly strong as she can slow the entire enemy team right after stunning them all. 

  • Runes
    • Glacial Augment
    • Perfect Timing
    • Biscuit Delivery
    • Cosmic Insight
    • Manaflow Band
    • Transcendence
  • Items
    • Spellthief
    • Zhonya’s Hourglass
    • Ionian Boots
    • Evenshroud
    • Abyssal Mask
    • Morellonomicon

Final Thoughts

Now it doesn’t mean that these builds are provided for you, you can just go out there and play to win. These builds take practice as it takes you out of the comforts of your common build and you should adjust your playstyle as well, especially in the laning phase. A great tip for you is to watch Korean players in their live streams, especially pro players that explain their builds and playstyle as they play. Once you manage to learn the playstyle, only then should you decide to play these builds. 

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