Runescape Summer Beach Party 2020 – Activities, Rewards and More

There’s nothing like a seasonal event in gaming. No matter what time of the year we are in, there is usually something just around the corner to help us celebrate our love for our chosen game with a number of event and rewards to commemorate the season. RuneScape is no stranger to this, with the popular MMO title running a Summer Beach Party for players to bask in the sun with some new activities. So what is the RuneScape Beach Party all about?
This article will answer the following questions you might have about the beach party:
- What is the RuneScape Summer Beach Party?
- When does the event begin?
- What activities can I take part in?
- What rewards will I receive?
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Table of Contents
What is the RuneScape Summer Beach Party?
The Summer Beach Party takes place once a year in the summer, in which players flock to Lumbridge Crater, which is transformed for this period of time into a beach. Reyna, a survivor of the Battle of Lumbridge, acts as the host of the event.
Players who do engage with the event can expect to unlock titles, emotes, cosmetic overrides and more when taking part. Each year boasts new rewards and activities to do, and you can unlock rewards from the previous years. It dates back to 2015, and followed each year except for 2019. Last year, we saw the party replaced by not one event but two, which included Breaking the Storm and the Summer Skill Off. Thankfully we are heading back to the beach this year, so lets continue and take a look at when you can get started.
When does the RuneScape Beach Party Begin?
This is probably the first question on your mind. In case you are wondering how you will be able to participate in the RuneScape Beach Party, then you can do so from July 20th. That’s right, you don’t have to wait to start the event, and you will have three weeks to enjoy it. The end of the event will be on August 10th, so you have more than enough time to get involved with everything the seasonal feature has to offer you. It is also a decent time period for you to work on your skills, all the while having fun with the tasks that are presented to you.
What Activities Can I Take Part in?
If you want to get into the mood for summer, then this is the perfect place for RuneScape players to do so! There is a wealth of activities to participate in during the RuneScape Summer Beach Party 2020. Given the title, you are probably expecting to be engaging in all things that you would be doing when enjoying the sunshine out on the sands. If this is what you have been looking forward to, then you are in luck, as activities include beach ball rolling, barbeques, having Happy Hour, coconut shy and even building sandcastles.
You are able to earn even more XP every 15 minutes when there is a new activity being put into the spotlight. There will be portals around too which will be revolving around the Distractions and Diversions, with additional ones for Anachronia, plus there is a new one for those interested in the Archaelogy dig sites if you choose to.
As you would at any other time visiting the beach, you do need to take precautions. As to be expected, given that this is a summer event, you are going to want to keep an eye on your temperature. You don’t want to be suffering from heat exhaustion at any point, after all! So in order to avoid this, make sure you cool off with an ice cream or two before delving back into all the action at the RuneScape Summer Beach Party. Once the heatwave does hit, you will be able to carry on raising your skill levels from Friday through to Monday, and you won’t have to be stress about your temperature gauge during this period either, so have at it.
What Rewards Will I Receive?
So if you have decided to get into the summer mood, then you can reap a bunch of neat rewards. During the period of the Summer Beach Party, you could get yourself a crustaceous costume with a pet to match. What more could you possibly ask for!?
In case you do want more however, you can also get a Classic Leveler Wand and Bucket Orb, a Caller of the Sea Trident, or a Shark Bait Spear. Not enough? You can also earn a new Selfie! Emote, new board designs, and Yak Track Skip tokens if you need that little bit more.
What’s more, if you want to purchase rewards from beach parties of past years, then you can do so. You can get these from the Oddments Store, which will include rewards such as the Banana Boat mount and the Pufferfish Launcher.
So needless to say, there is plenty for you to be looking forward to when the RuneScape Beach Party starts. Thankfully, having taken a break last year with the two replacement events, Breaking the Storm and Summer Skill Off, we will once again be heading down to the beach in this year’s seasonal event. The beauty of seasonal events such as these is that we get the opportunity to celebrate a specific time of the year.
As we are in the summer period, its great to see that we are going to be able to engage in tasks such as building sandcastles, beach ball rolling, and more that we may have missed out on this year. After all, just because some of us may be stuck indoors with the current pandemic that is ensuing our real world, doesn’t mean that we can’t take a virtual break once in a while and participate in some outdoor activities, courtesy of Jagex’s RuneScape Summer beach party. So with that in mind, its time to grab your towel, you protective cream, and head on down to RuneScape’s biggest event of the summer. Just don’t forget to eat an ice cream now and again, because we don’t want you overheating!