list WoW Celestial Tournament: The Ultimate Guide - PlayerAuctions Blog

WoW Celestial Tournament: The Ultimate Guide

By | June 7th, 2018 | Categories: World of Warcraft

Let’s face it, in recent years pet battles have been an invaluable part of World of Warcraft’s vast universe. They’re rather fun, exciting and players love them – maybe that explains the high demand for the WoW Celestial Tournament.

The fact that this quest remains so popular among pet battle fans today speaks volumes about its appeal. And if you’re looking for relevant and super useful info that can help you master this tournament, then you’ve come to the right place!

What on Earth is the Celestial Tournament and How Do You Take Part in It?

This is a weekly pet battle quest that can be obtained from an NPC named Master Li, located in the Timeless Isle. It was added back in 2012 during early MoP and ever since it’s always been arguably one of the best quests in this category.

The idea is obviously to win the tournament, in which you’ll be facing a different team of pet masters (NPCs) each week – there are 3 groups of pet masters, each consisting of 3 separate battle pet masters. So overall there are 3 teams consisting of 9 pet battle masters in total and 4 celestials.

Here are some quick facts about this awesome quest:

  • It’s an account-wide, weekly quest (can’t complete it on more than one characters)
  • It requires lvl 90
  • You’ll need over 15 battle pets, all leveled to 25
  • You have an unlimited number of attempts (and time) per try
  • You’re not allowed to heal or revive your pets
  • The howl bomb-combo has been seriously nerfed in Legion

As you might imagine, this quest is far from a walk in the part and it’ll most definitely make you sweat. Nonetheless, the good news is that it’s just you against the NPCs, meaning that there are no other players around you who could make fun of you or something – and that’s always a good thing!

Celestial Tournament Rewards

By winning the tournament once every week, the quest giver (Master Li) will reward you with two unique coins:

The former can be exchanged for pet consumables and battle pets (the battle pets are sold by Master Li himself), while the latter is a currency that got introduced back in patch 5.4 and these Timeless coins are used on the Timeless Isle for different things, including gear item level 496.

But since we’re talking about the Celestial Tournament here, here’s what you can exchange your Celestial coins for:

As you can see, since you’ll only be able to acquire one Celestian coin per week (if you win the tournament that is), it’d take you three weeks if you want one of the unique pets sold by Master Li.

What Battle Pets and Abilities to Go for if You Want to Master the Celestial Tournament?

You require a well-thought battle pet setup if you’re to succeed, especially since you won’t be able to heal your pets. Sure, there’s always room for debate here, but this is a very sound alternative that you can use to great effect.

What to Use Against the Battle Pet Masters

These battle pet/abilities combos are quite effective versus each particular boss and they’d definitely help you get to the celestials.

First Wave:

(1) Sully “The Pickle” McLeary. You should kick things off with this fellow and here’s your pet battle setup should look like:

(2) Lorewalker Cho. This is your second pick and here’s what you’ll need:

(3) Dr. Ion Goldbloom – Your last one for this group and this is what you’ll need:

Second Wave:

(1) Taran Zhu. You’ll start with this boss and you’d require:

(2) Chen Stormstout – Next up we have Mr. Chen and in order to beat him you better get:

(3) Wrathion. Third and final pet master for this group – here’s the recommended approach:

Third Wave:

(1) Shademaster Kiryn. Kick off this third wave with this NPC and aim to have:

(2) Blingtron 4000 – The second boss here and this is what kind of pets and abilities you could use:

(3) Wise Mari – The last of the third and final group before the celestials, here’s what to get:

What to Do Against the Celestials

Now, this is where things get rather tricky, so here are some neat suggestions as to what battle pets to use with the associated abilities that will help you gain the upper hand.

(1) Xu-Fu, Cub of Xuen – The first celestial that you’d encounter and this your battle pet setup:

(2) Chi-Chi, Hatchling of Chi-Ji – The second celestial out of four. Your best bet would to be opt for:

(3) Zao, Calfling of Niuzao. This would be your third encounter and here’s what to prepare for this fight:

(4) Yu’La, Broodling of Yu’Lon – Fourth and final celestial that you’d have to kill. Here’s the plan:

Keep in mind that persistence is key here and if you log out or quit the tournament, you’ll start from scratch on your next attempt. Also, the aforementioned tactics are pretty good and custom tailored for each boss, feel free to play around with the awesome Xu-Fu’s tournament planner for the Celestial Tournament.


No one can deny the popularity of the superb Celestial Tournament and there’s a good reason for that. This has been the go-to event for players that can’t resist pet battles that go hand in hand with neat rewards.

Do you have any particular plan or bulletproof tactic for this tournament though? Let us know in the comment section below!

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