list OSRS Bloodveld Slayer Guide - Best Locations, Gear, & Requirements - PlayerAuctions Blog

OSRS Bloodveld Slayer Guide – Best Locations, Gear, & Requirements

OSRS Bloodveld Slayer Guide
By | February 17th, 2021 | Categories: OSRS, RuneScape

If you have been looking to get started with Bloodvelds, then there are a few facts that you need to know about beforehand. In this Bloodveld OSRS guide, we are going to outline everything that you will want to know about to help you get started, including:

  • What is a Bloodveld in OSRS?
  • Requirements & Slayer Masters
  • Bloodveld Locations
  • Recommended Gear

Prior to starting on actually taking on these well-known Slayer monsters in combat, we want to go through a few facts about the monsters themselves, and what requirements we need to meet before we can locate them. Without further ado, here is what you need to know about Bloodvelds in OSRS.

What is a Bloodveld in OSRS?

The Bloodveld are a type of demon in Old School RuneScape that attack their foes with their long tongues. They are a Slayer monster, so you will have to reach a certain level to be able to damage them as a player. It is also worth noting that even though they are demons, you can’t affect them by using demonbane weapons against them.

OSRS Bloodveld Requirements & Slayer Masters

In Old School RuneScape, players are required to be at level 50 Slayer for Bloodvelds. They can be assigned be Chaeldar, Duradel, Nieve or Vannaka. If you want to finish the task in another way, then it is worth mentioning that you can kill mutated Bloodvelds courtesy of the Catacombs of Kourend being added to the game.

As for the Bloodvelds themselves, their offensive approach revolves around melee that is based on magic, so you can help prepare yourself by having some form of magic defence to take away some of the momentum of the magic attacks. If you prefer to use ranged attacks, then Bloodvelds can also be safespotted if that’s the method that you want to go for.

Bloodveld Locations

Standard Bloodvelds can be found in a few different locations. For starters, you will find that the easiest location if you are going for the safespotting method is the Strongheld Slayer Cave by Nieve (or Steve having completed Monkey Madness II). This is because the walls within this location allow you to stay hidden out of sight of the Bloodvelds.

Another location for you to face off with Bloodvelds is on the second level of the Slayer Tower. Here, you will find safespots in the top right corner of the main room where the chair is located, and the armour stands also come in very handy.

A third location for Bloodvelds is the God Wars Dungeon, where which area you choose depends on the approach of attack that you are looking to take. You can safespot them here too by going over to the piles of bricks that are located by the exit rope and to the north-east. By standing behind them, you will be able to safespot comfortably, though this technique will require you to have a Saradomin item and a Zamorak item to use. If you go even further northeast, you will find that there is another safespot that you can use. On the coast, there is a set of rocks that you can use, and you will only have to worry about having a Zamorak item in the safespot.

If you want to engage with mutated Bloodvelds, then you will need to head to the Catacombs of Kourend, as this is the only place that you can find them. The layout here works similarly to Nieve’s Slayer Cave in that it has narrow areas in which you can use to help you safespot your enemies. If you do choose to visit here, then you will find that the loot and experience that you receive is far superior, so its is well worth a visit at some point. You will need to have good defensive gear with you too, though if you are missing this you can take advantage of the safespots to guide you through the encounter.

Recommended Gear for Slayer

The gear that you should take depends on how you plan to approach the task itself. If you are going for melee, then you should make sure that you are equipped with some form of magic defence gear. If you are going for the safespot option, then its best for you to have ranged gear. Protect from melee prayer is also effective to use. See our OSRS gear progression guide for more useful information to help you decide what gear you should be using.

If you aren’t going to use protection prayers, then you should ensure that you have the best Dragonhide armour that you can find. However, prayer boosting gear is going to be effective if you do choose to use protection prayers. You can upgrade the gear that you have if required too.

If you want to speed up the task itself, then cannons are great for getting it done quickly. The downside to this is that the loot that you get from the Bloodveld makes this something that’s difficult to work with. If you are going to use this method, then you are going to need a fair amount of gold to take advantage of it. Should you go for the cannon technique, then make sure that you have a Warrior Ring equipped.

Both OSRS gold and items can be bought easily and safely at PlayerAuctions, so be sure to check them out if you need that extra injection of currency.

You can also purchase the Bigger and Badder slayer unlock with 150 points. By doing so, you will have a slim chance of spawning a superior monster whenever a normal monster has been killed. Moving onto the experience that you will earn, you can earn 2,900 Slayer experience by killing the Insatiable Bloodveld, as well as getting three rolls on the Bloodveld drop table to go with it. Meanwhile, 4,100 Slayer experience is up for grabs from an Insatiable Mutated Bloodveld.


Hopefully this Bloodveld OSRS guide has given you more of a clue of how you can find the Bloodveld and what the best methods are to use against them. Given their drops, you will find that they are worth your time taking on especially where the experience that you will earn is concerned. Once you are equipped to do so and have reached the relevant level, head to one of the few locations and get started on your journey to slaying as many Bloodveld as possible.  

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