How Yun Jin Got Her Vision

Yun Jin
By | October 24th, 2022 | Categories: Genshin Impact

As young as Yun Jin is, she started performing even younger in Genshin Impact. That also meant getting burned out at a young age. She started being dissatisfied with the operas she was performing. Every role she played seemed to blur into one another, indistinguishable from each other. She no longer felt the joy of performing well and hearing the applause.

She questioned if all it takes to move people with a story is singing and dancing well.

As mentioned above, her breakthrough was the opera ‘Snow Treading.’ Performing the play while it snowed gave her that feeling she was looking for. It was being one with the character she was playing, to be in their shoes exactly. That was the opera she wanted to write and perform, about the emotions and feelings of human beings living their lives.

Yun Jin could not recall how she was able to return backstage after her internal revelation. All she remembers is finding a Vision in her sleeve.

It has been mentioned in other character bios that Geo Visions are given to those who seek knowledge or, in a way, enter into a contract. Itto is an exception as oni might have different criteria. Yun Jin received a Geo Vision because she sought a way to connect with her audience more. She’s passionate about performing but is not as fired up as a Pyro user.

These things could be the reasons for Celestia to grant her this favor. Yun Jin attributes it to Morax liking the opera, though. Interestingly enough, if you carefully watch her character demo video, for a split second, you can see Zhongli watching one of her performances. He’s sitting alone in a corner, so he can be hard to spot.

If Ei had not confirmed that Archons do not have any control over who gets a Vision, this could be a compelling reason for Yun Jin receiving a Geo Vision over any other element. Unfortunately, she did, and the current working theory is that Celestia is the one who decides everything. Still, some patterns can be seen in their decisions.

That’s all for Yun Jin, the opera star in Genshin Impact’s roster. Have fun during the events!

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